
The Self-Repairment


### Chapter 6: The Self-Repairment

As Adam walked home, filled with positivity, a storm awaited him. When he entered his home, his father's scoldings poured down on him.

**Robert**: "Have a look! The boss has come."

**Adam**: "Dad!"

**Robert**: "No, no, don't say that! Call me 'bank,' as that's what I am to you... right!"

**Adam**: "What's wrong with you?"

**Robert**: "Oh, ho... the boss doesn't know what's wrong...?"

**Adam**: "After many days, I am in a good mood, please don't spoil it!"

**Robert**: "I will... because you are spoiling my life! I am sending you to the best school, and what are you doing?"

**Adam**: "What am I doing?"

**Robert**: "That's what I am asking. You are scoring low marks regularly, so what are you doing?"

**Adam**: "I was... ah..."

**Robert**: "Say... you were busy with friends! You were wasting your time! Yes, and why not? Your father is a rich person, and you will enjoy his money! Right!"

**Adam**: "No! That's not the case."

**Robert**: "It takes hard work to earn money, and don't think my money will last forever."

**Adam**: "I know that!"

**Robert**: "Then why aren't you studying, idiot! You donkey!"

**Adam**: "Dad! Stop insulting me!"

**Robert**: "Why would I? You insulted me by not studying well, and now you are arguing with me!"

**Adam**: "You do your work, and let me do mine!"

**Robert**: "ANI... tell your son to shut his mouth, or I will..."

**Ani**: "Adam! How are you talking to your dad?"

**Adam**: "If he talks to me like that, I will also reply in the same way."

Robert slapped Adam with full force, and Adam stormed into his room, slamming the door shut.

Robert also went to his room, and Ani stood there in shock for some time.

Adam, filled with regret, lay on his bed and rethought the things he said to his dad. He was overwhelmed with remorse.

**Adam** *(to himself)*: "Man, why can't I apply the same wisdom to myself that I give others? I treated my dad too harshly today. He was right; I am continuously falling in studies. Where did it all start? That one wrong decision... a wrong decision, and I corrupted myself with sins."

Adam closed his eyes and imagined Rose's face.

**Adam** *(to himself)*: "That beautiful face, the whole world would engage in war for her! The best combination of beauty, and she is near me. What am I doing? Just wasting myself for nothing. A few months ago, I started a failed venture into love but made wrong decisions as I wasn't experienced and because of the teenage abnormal hormone secretion. But now it's the right time to change. I will be 18 in 2 years, still a young teen, but this time, every decision will be a mature one."


What will Adam's plan be this time? Will he be able to control himself from going back to the sinful world? What problems will make him return to the sinful world? Will he ever be able to live a peaceful life with Rose? Find out in the next chapter, "The Ultimate Plan!"