
The Journey

Aria lead the way, Killian close behind her as they flew over the tree tops, keeping a close eye out for trolls or predators. After flying for awhile, Aria landed on a branch and stretched, "Ow!" She exclaimed, wincing and touching her back muscles, which were sore from constant, non-stop flying. Killian landed next to her on Ebony, "wing cramps are definitely something I don't miss." He commented with a grin, hopping off of Ebony. Aria looked back at him and frowned, "So how did you survive?" She inquired, sitting down on the branch with one leg hanging over the side. Killian shifted uncomfortably, "It's a long story for another time." He stated, avoiding her eyes as he sat down next to Ebony, who was preening her jet black feathers. Aria remembered growing up with Killian, he had always been such a nerd, and clingy. Wherever Aria had went, he would follow telling her facts about the flower's they passed. Then one day he had left somewhere without her. He had never come back, she looked over at his mangled wings and had to keep from flinching. The wings were the most sensitive part of a fairy, they held the most nerve endings, the amount of damage caused to them must have been excruciatingly painful, not just at the time of the damage, but even during the healing process. Most fairies wouldn't have survived that kind of trauma. Killian caught her staring so she quickly looked away. That was when she caught sight of smoke rising in the distance. "Someone's made a fire, there must be a camp ahead. We should check it out." Aria said, standing up and stretching a bit more. Killian cleared his throat, "Yeah, they could know something about the trolls." He said, hopping up on Ebony. Aria nodded and flew off, swerving between the tree branches for cover. She saw the fire flickering up ahead and landed lightly on a branch. Killian and Ebony landed with a muffled thump next to her. Loud men's voices could be heard ahead, laughing and cursing amongst themselves. Aria flew closer for a better look and gasped. There, hanging from the tree was a human girl. She was tangled in hunter's net, eyes wild with fear. She had long electric blue hair and eyes to match, she had cuts and bruises scattered across her arms, face and legs. Her hair was a tangled mess full of twigs, greenery and the like. She looked at the men, each one huge, burly and armed with a deadly weapon. "Bounty hunters.." she breathed with wide eyes as Killian caught up with her, "They must have caught her for some kind of slave trade." He whispered, surveying the situation. Aria looked over at him with determination, "We need to set her free."