
An Ode To Fang

Fang has always wanted to be a butterfly, ever since he emerged from his egg and his eyes adjusted to the bright lights of the world, he wanted to fly on his own wings. Only a few weeks into his life, Fang quickly realized how dangerous the world could be. He escaped death no more than seventeen times during his first two weeks of life. After realizing how delicious predators found him, Fang devoted his life to studying. Studying the art of napping! It was during one of these vigorous study sessions that he was found by a pixie girl and dragged from his warm comfortable hole. Fang put up quite a fight at first, trying to wriggle free, ignoring her, he even tried to stab her with his poison barb a few times. Still, the girl kept coming back for more. One day, he was eating a particularly juicy leaf the girl had brought him when he realized, he was living the life! Free food, napping in a warm bed, protection from predators! From that day on Fang was the ideal pet, besides the fact that he slept through most of the big life moments.