
The Tale of the Outcast Warrior

After being transported to another world with his class to fight waves of monsters that attack every three months, an out-of-shape teenager must keep his friend Kaori alive long enough to get there. And in the process discovers where they BOTH truly belong.

Goreleech · Fantasia
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69 Chs

Tale of the Outcast Warrior: Battle of the Liches.

Tyler was looking at the ground and shook his head.

"Dragons and their toys."

Tyler watched as Tempesta knocked the ground in, revealing a new entrance entirely Tyler walked down whistling insolently as he did. He smiled once in position,


The dragon came racing out in a fury as Tyler just laughed.

"Bring it BITCH!"

The dragon lunged at Tyler, only for Tempesta to slam into it from the side and pin the 175 foot long dragon to the ground. Tyler walked over and looked into his eye.

"Wow, you suck. Oh, and by the way? Gotchya."

The dragon died as Tempesta twisted his head and snapped it's neck. Tyler patiently waited until he finished his victory bellow before speaking.

"This one was the one that helped him escape the LAST time the dragons went after him."

Tempesta blinked.

"Are you serious?"

"Completely. Sadly, he got his reward and has had no other contact with him. That said, I'm betting another lab of his down there."

Tempesta blinked and Tyler got his eyes.


Tyler pulled a few potions from his pouch and chugged them all.

"I needed the hardcore workout anyway."

He then dropped into the tunnel and walked along it whistling happily as he went. He found the trove and whistled in awe.

"Damn. That thing is at LEAST 15 feet tall."

The dragon laughed.

"Your friends will join you in a few moments."

"Teleport or dragon wing?"

"Teleport. Once we're done here, you'll be teleported back. So long as you NEVER tell we have this ability."

"Sure, Tempesta. Neat trick though."

Tyler used prospect on the wall with a hand running over the wall, until.

"Bingo. Keep em out, Tempesta. This is gonna be bad."

"I will."

Tyler just kicked the rock hard and it shattered as he jumped back to avoid a sucker punch. A rattling skeleton came out with a sword and Tyler sighed.

"FUCK. A grand Lich King. This is gonna SUCK."

Tyler pulled his blue double bladed staff sword out and drank another round of booster potions as two more such creatures walked out. Tempesta saw them and groaned in despair.

"The Roar, Tyler. It's your only hope."

Tyler smiled.

"Sacred Fire. Holy Pure, Hallowed Ground, Holy smite, Holy Fire."

The three creatures rattled as they slammed into his barrier spell, screaming as it burned them as Tyler drank more mana potions.

"Ice wall."

The things were then sandwiched in between walls of ice, and were unable to move until they formed a single file line. Tempesta just watched as Tyler played the fight in a multi step process as his friends watched outside the barrier as the teleport had dropped them just outside it. Tyler drank more mana potions as The clicking things shattered his ice and were forcing their way through his barrier.

"Holy Purge. Tranquil Waters."

The water spell slowed the movements of the enemies caught within it. Holy purge inflicted extreme pain upon the things as Tyler drank more mana potions.

"Divine retribution. Holy Wrath. Water Wall."

His anti magic spell took effect as two more creatures walked out with staves. At the appearance of the things, his friends dropped in despair.

"Not even a god can fight FIVE Lich kings alone."

Kaori and Kazuma still stood however.

"Tyler's got a plan."

"The way he's playing this? Oh hell yeah."

Tyler had the creatures pinned between his walls of ice and water as the Lich King mages cast extremely powerful spells at him that were merely absorbed by his retribution spell. Tyler smiled as he used another spell.

"Frigid breath. Ice dragon!"

The spells froze the Liches' bones solid, and weakened them. They threw it off, but Tyler used another trick.

"Ocean dragon roar!"

He breathed his flames and it super heated the frozen bones of the Liches, and two shattered entirely, killing them outright. Their mental attacks came at him now, but Tyler had the torture chamber ready and waiting for them. They were shoved inside and it locked as he used another spell.

"Waterfall! Frigid breath!"

The water encased liches were frozen solid with this combo attack.

"Ocean dragon roar!"

Tyler's flames made two more shatter, and only one remained. His divine retribution spell was ready and he let the last lich stagger forward as Tyler circled till it was backed against the wall.

"Divine retribution!"

The most powerful holy offensive spell in the path killed the thing out right and left a new ten foot hole in the wall as the barrier came down from the last killed Lich king. Tyler had the nearly full torture chamber ready and waiting as the last of the attacks were stuffed inside and he slammed it shut and hit the blend function. He waited until the last drop of black mist was gone before opening his eyes to see his friends looking at him. He smiled weakly.

"Yeah. I can't kill another one today. Maybe."

He pulled restore after restore and drank them until he felt better, and looked around.

"Okay, we got work to do."

Kaori and Kazuma walked over smiling.

"All according to plan?"

"Pretty much. This sapphire staffsword boosted my path, and the booster potions I drank added a further boost as well. So, I just kept adding more spells that would wear the things down. It was a slog, but it works."

Tempesta was heard then.

"You just killed five Lich Kings. At once. Using nothing but spells and your own ingenuity. We dragons are no match for you."

"Thanks Tempesta. Did you here how I was nearly done in by a falling Golem?"

The dragon burst out laughing.

"Of course you were."

Tyler pulled on gloves as he, Vixen and Lyrica walked in to explore the lab. Soon as Tyler got a look, he banged a fist in frustration.

"Dammit! He bolted!"

The dragon roared in rage.

"He was HERE?"

Tyler looked around at the hastily destroyed papers, destroyed materials, and crudely damaged equipment.

"Here? Tempesta, that motherfucking coward was sitting on that stool as my foot kicked in his door! He sent those Liches to DISTRACT ME!"

The dragon was enraged,

"Bring me this stool."

Tyler did as requested and Tempesta sniffed the still warm thing.

"I have your scent you bastard. There is not a hole under that sky you can hide in I can't find you now."

Tyler smiled darkly now.

"If I bring you the papers and other things, can you repair them?"


Tyler was back inside the cave as Vixen was gathering the ruined articles and notebooks. Once the last scrap was gathered, they were placed before Tempesta and they were restored. Tyler sat down and started reading. One hour later he burst out laughing.

"I have you now you cocksucker. That fallen black dragon had no idea he was in his wall period. Plus, my gimmick that alerted death ruined his progress thus far. Basically he had to start over from scratch. Best part? I have a name."

Tempesta glared at him.

"What is it?"


Ashy, Kaori, and Kazuma looked at him and burst out laughing hard as Tempesta was surprised.

"Why is this funny?"

Tyler explained.

"This idiot is a fanboy of a book series in our world. He WANTS to be the main bad guy from the series. So, this plus the other notebooks? Yeah, I got him figured out. He just wants to revive his father as a means to show off his power as his father abused him as a child. That's what his quest boils down to. Daddy issues. Plus, and you'll LOVE this Tempesta, he HATES dragons as he is just that kind of jealous. Like, he wants to BE a dragon. Like BAAAAD. He hates me as well, as I can breath fire like a dragon and have even flown on dragonback. He hates me, but is also a MAJOR fanboy of mine to the point he refuses to openly face me since 1: he doesn't want to hurt the one he admires as he thinks he can kill me, 2: he doesn't want to kill me, 3: he wants to be my friend. I have a stalker. But a long distance stalker as he has been following my story most closely. So, I got a means to BAIT the fucker now."

Tempesta growled now.

"What is your plan?"

"I'll give an interview at the guild, and play up the arch nemesis angle. Make it seem like I'm looking for the one that's been giving me the best run for my money, and I won't be lying either as these Lich Kings are fun fights I actually need to THINK in. So, since he's just that kinda fanboy, he won't be able to resist the chance to meet me."

The dragon laughed.

"Such an easy trap!"

"Indeed. But right now it will have to wait until after the wave. I'm sorry, Tempesta But I can't fight this kind of hardcore battle again until the wave passes."

The dragon sighed sadly.

"I agree. You just fought a battle the likes of which I myself would flee from, and you WON without a scratch. You need to rest desperately. But, first, the trove."

"Coin in half, everything else divvy as we go?"

"A fair deal."

Tyler was smiling as he went to head into the Cave, when a thought hit him.

"Waiiiit, hol up."

He took the notebooks again and was flipping through with a furrowed brow. Tempesta peered at him.

"What did you miss?"

Tyler sighed and rubbed his eyes.

"It seems that bastard you roasted WAS the real deal. This idiot is his apprentice.."

The shock felt was extreme. The dragon's eyes glowed and he gasped.

"I see it too! These books were NOT written by the same person, but in imitation of it!"

Tyler just sat down now.

"Okay, let's recap. That first lab WAS the first bastards. It was used recently to raise that Lich King. There were three notebooks inside detailing his experiments and his dealings with a 'pawn'. He thought at the time it was the pope because it fit so fuckin well. Now, I think we made the right conclusion based off the WRONG assumption. Follow?"

The dragon did.

"We had a clear enemy, and didn't stop to consider an apprentice or really ANYTHING like it."

"Indeed. Now, that dragon helped him escape, but he helped the WRONG IDIOT. The two tried a bait and switch and the wrong guy escaped. How I'm not sure, but from this it seems this apprentice is questioning how his master got caught in such a trap. As he was smarter then you, in his own words, 'flying lizards'. It seems the raiser brought his wife back or something, and the Black was this bastards BROTHER, not FATHER as we thought. The First Raiser was a Warrior, and so were the two. The first raiser dies, his resurrection dies, so, the brothers spilt. One went to continue his work to conquer Death, the other to get revenge on you dragons. While you dealt with the open threat, this guy was scheming in the sewers. The pope had dealings with the apprentice as a means to distract you all. The rigged summons were the pope's idea NOT this guy's. From what I got, his plans were proceeding rather nicely, until I started flipping rocks."

Tempesta rubbed his chin.

"I see now. There were three enemies. Now there is ONE. Did you find anything to say where he went?"

"No. Says here he keeps his maps ON him for just such an issue. He hadn't believed he would be found again so soon. Hell, he probably shit himself when my foot kicked in his door. He is going to go full turtle now. That said, once the wave ends, I'll play up the whole arch enemy front. He craves this kind of validation. So, I can exploit it."

The dragon sighed.

"We HAD him."

"We do have him. He's going to run for a while now. That said, well, the rat is running out of holes. FAST. And he now knows I am hunting him. This is both his worst nightmare and his greatest dream. He will make stupid calls as his cage got a nasty rattle. He knows I can find him in even his deepest hole, and that will weigh on his mind. Longer I leave him, the heavier it becomes as it will seem all the easier to him that I find him again."

"Very well. This shall have to wait until the wave ends and you recover. Now. The trove?"


Tyler and his party dropped into the cave and headed to the trove room. Tyler pulled a grand vitality potion and chugged it. He shook his head as Kaori came up and hugged.

"You need to sleep tonight."

HE kissed her.

"Like I said, Kaori. If I can't muster the energy to make YOU scream, I'd have to be dead. I'm okay, really."

She just hugged him tighter.


The others just sighed sadly. Kazuma looked at Wulf.

"Sad to see he's still like that."

"Never resting?"

"Not admitting he's hurting. LOOK at him."

Wulf did, and blinked.

"He's shaking."

"He's on the verge of falling over outright. But, so long as Kaori is right there next to him, he will not allow himself to fall where she can see him."

Wulf sighed.

"That willpower is terrifying."

The party walked into the trove room and got to it. This time there were only three pieces of furniture; a large display case for a sword, a vanity cabinet, and another bed. Tyler searched the vanity's drawers and came up empty. He added them to the collection before the party collected the weapons and armor before laying them out to be divvyed up. Tyler leaned on the wall as he looked at the gear. Tempesta was looking through his eyes as well for this one.

"Hey, Tyler, I got a white axe here."

HE looked over and saw Kazuma pulling a white battle axe out. Tyler took it and smiled as he saw the groove.

"This one is more thistle's size."

The blood elf smiled as he gave it to her.

"Aye lad, most welcome."

Tyler pulled another vitality potion out and drank it, followed by two more. HE sighed.

"Damn. I'm more outta shape an I thought."

Kaori sighed.

"Please, Tyler, we can handle this. Go take a nap or something."

HE sighed.

"If I sleep now, Kaori, I won't wake up for another 6 hours."

She walked over and hugged him.

"We have this. Rest against the wall."

HE placed a hand on the ground.

"Protective warning, tranquil waters, Hallowed Ground, Holy purge."

Once the spells were in place he sat down and sighed.

"I've become weaker, if I have to sleep on the job like this."

"Look at Kaori, a moment, Tyler."

He did, and her green eyes were replaced with Tempesta's blue.

"I shall aid in watching over them until you wake."

"Thanks big blue."

Tyler closed his eyes and was out like a damned light.

Kaori sighed as she saw him blackout.

"He's fought 7 Lich Kings today without rest."

The blonde beauty looked at the weaponry laid out as Wulf sighed as well.

"He shouldn't have been able to even STAND after ONE. Yet he's killed seven AND thrown off their mental attacks."

Kaori looked over and saw Tyler was borderline dead, so exhausted as he was.

"Well, Wulf, that's how he is. HE always goes overboard."

"Hey, Kaori, look."

The blonde looked over at Sera's voice and saw the black haired girl was holding a red set of greaves.

"Whatchya find, Sera?"

She smiled.

"I think ruby gauntlets."

Tempesta peered at them through Kaori's green eyes.

"Indeed they are, child. When worn by a pure red, they mold to better fit them. You may have them."

"Thanks lord Blue."

"You use my name Kaori. As Tyler loves you to that extreme, it is only fair."

She smiled on reflex as she always did when reminded of this. She placed the gauntlets on her hands, and they molded themselves into fingerless gloves with a long ridge on the back of her arm. Kaori smiled as she found moving them felt like she wasn't wearing them period. The blonde beauty looked back at the gear laid out as Tempesta spoke.

"Third from the right. That dagger."

She looked at the indicated piece,

"IS that gold?"

She picked it up and smiled.

"Ah. Brass."

The dragon laughed.

"It can even fool a dragon at first glance. Scary."

"We got a brass bow for baiting bandits Tempesta."

"Of course you do."

Kazuma smiled next.

"I found a set of blue gauntlets. I think we should give them to Tyler as he needs to boost his path."

She looked at them as Tempesta sighed.

"Indeed he does. They are his."

Kaori placed them in a separate section for the sleeping boy. She looked over and saw Sallie and Sylvia sound a sleep against him as well. She smiled, then Vixen was heard.

"I have another piece made from Glacious' scales lord Blue."

Kaori looked over to let Tempesta see. The busty black mage was holding a breast plate made from the crystal dragon's scales, and Tempesta chuckled.

"I shall claim it."

"Of course Lord Blue."

She set it in another pile as Lyrica chuckled now.

"I've got a pair of ruby boots. I'll take em, since I need to boost my path as well."


The succubus swapped her current boots with the ruby, and the pair glowed like her feet were aflame as they formed a pair of heeled shoes. She sighed.


The gear was divvyed up between party members and dragon, and the ore was next. The pile was dropped by five feet this time and now stood 10 feet tall. The blonde crossed her arms as she looked at the pile as Lily named each metal.

"We have Pure Rune here Lord Blue."

"I see it, I shall claim that one."

They set the rock aside. Kaori looked over and saw Tyler blinked back awake with a large yawn.

Tyler opened his eyes and felt immensely refreshed. Wait, how long was I out? He looked over to see the party divvying up the ore now as Kaori came over to check on him.

"How are feeling?"

Tyler cracked his back.

"Like a new man. Weird. How long was I out for?"

She tilted her head.

"Maybe two hours? Tops?"

Tyler looked around and saw Sallie and Sylvia cuddled up beside him. He chuckled.

"There it is. Got a recharge of cute power."

His brown eyes were sparkling with life and vitality again and as he got up he didn't have a sign of exhaustion at all. The spirits smiled as he stirred.


He hugged them both.

"Much. Thanks you two."

They giggled as he set them on his shoulders as they winked out. Tempesta swapped eyes again and Tyler looked at the piles.

"Okay, we're on ore now."

The party looked up as he came over, and Lryica laughed.

"I can tell he's well rested. Scary recovery rate."

Tyler chuckled.

"I've always been able to get my breath back with minimal rest."

Kaori handed him his share. He smiled.

"Blue gauntlets, boots, another white Scimitar, and are those shin guards too? Damn guys, good calls."

Tyler put the gauntlets on. The things glowed before morphing into then, fingerless gloves with studs over his knuckles, the gauntlets morphed around his greaves, and he still felt like he was not wearing armor period. He smiled as he saw a thin wedge along the forearm that he knew could be used for a nasty shot. Next was his new boots. The things glowed blue to form mere replicas of his timberland work boots, with a nasty set of spikes on the toe and sharp treads. The shin guards wrapped around his shins perfectly and were as thin as could get. He placed the white scimitar in his pouch and looked at the ore.

"Where are we thus far?"

Lily pointed to the rune.

"Tempesta's claimed that one and that's it."

"Hmmm, I see another crystalline ingot there."

The blue dragon saw the five foot black.

"I understand Furiosa gave you one, did she not?"

"She did."

"What is your plan for it?"

"right now, sit on it. We need an elven smith to work the material and Lily's just not to that level yet."

"I see. Do you have a plan for the material for when you get your smith?"

Tyler crossed his arms now.

"I was leaning towards another set of bows for us, as mine has not let me down the once."

Wulf nodded.

"A wise choice, as the Crystalline Bows are the strongest in the world, with the easiest draws. That said, the bow must CHOOSE to be wielded by the holder. If not, not even your strength can force it. If you do it'll snap rather then allow you to draw it period."

Tyler frowned.

"I see. Hmm,"

Tempesta had a thought.

"Have the material worked. If you cannot wield it, we can work a trade out as I have a fondness for the material."

"That might be the best we can do with it. I wonder if Burlock can work it?"

Wulf smiled.

"Sadly not. A good work around, but it has to be an elven smith of pure heritage for the most powerful pieces."

"Worth a shot."

Tyler placed the ingot aside as Lily picked up a piece of adamant.

"You may have the adamant as I got the rune."

"Thanks Tempesta."

The ore was divvyed up and they moved onto the gems. The sapphires and opals were set aside as the rest were laid out. The pile was now 7 feet tall of just coin. Tyler looked at the mass of gems and rubbed his chin.

"Hmmm, hey, what's that one?"

He picked up a deep red stone. It looked like someone had taken blood and made a gem from it. Tyler looked over at Lyrica and blinked.

"Hey, Lyrica, look here."

The succubus did and gasped as she saw the stone.

"That's a Blood Stone!"

"A Blood Stone?"

The horned devilgirl came right over for a better look.

"A Blood Stone is the physical embodiment of the red path. See how it looks like my hair?"

"I love the color by the way."

"I love you. Well, to a red path Succubus like myself, if one were to present me with such a Stone, I would become their sex slave without sex. As the Blood Stone are revered by my path in the people."


"I have five. Yours."

Tyler placed the 3 foot stone in Lyrica's stunned hands.

"Looks like you got a new stone, Lyrica."

She kissed him with love as she hugged him too.

"Thank you. This is the first time someone has given me a Bloodstone."

He hugged her tightly.

"Like I'd let OUR succubus get stolen by a mere pissant with a rock. You our girl."

She shivered.

"I can't leave you now. The sex AND the Stone? To break such a thing in our culture would basically get me killed."

He kissed her again.

"Love you too."

She let him go smiling as she placed her wedding stone in her own pouch.

"I look forward to OUR eternity."

"With PLENTY of beds."

She licked her lips and stole a kiss off a surprised Vixen.

"With the best bedmates."

Tyler chuckled as he looked at the mass of glittering rocks.

"Oh, hello."

He picked up a fist sized star sapphire he'd missed. The stone was a deep blue with a pure white star with five large points, and at least fifteen smaller ones around the perfect star. Tyler smiled as he looked at it.

"I like this one. Tempesta?"

The dragon laughed.

"It's you in a gem. Yours. I want that large cobalt by the elf girl."

Tyler placed the star sapphire in his pouch and the cobalt in the pile. The gems were divvyed up between dragon, party and mansion funds, then all that was left was the coin. Tyler looked at the mound.

"What we got big blue?"

The dragon rumbled.

"I'm counting 547,934 gold coins, 1,234,862 silver, 2,434, 868 copper."


"I have close to four billion coins in MY trove."

"Can't beat the dragons in treasure. Right down the middle again?"

"Indeed. Least this time we don't have to flip a coin."

"That was freakin hilarious."

The dragon laughed.

"It was! Okay, my share is 273,967 gold, 617,431 silver, 1,217,434 coppers. Can you move that much?"

"We'd need another opal coin crystal."

"I see. Bring one to me."

Tyler pulled one from their own collection and brought it to Tempesta. Once the thing was ready the pile was split right down the middle. Tyler just laughed at their new total. The party now had 481,080 gold, 908,224 silver and 1,179, 163 copper coins.

"Okay, no one tell anyone we can buy Term out from under the King."

The party laughed as the once over was done and the ore collected. Once Tempesta got his share, he teleported the party back to a waiting Ishtar in his office with Erica and Willow still on her crystal. The king addressed the boy soon as he walked up to the desk.


Tyler passed his HUD over.

"They were waiting for me."

The three rulers saw the new Lich's bane titles and gaped. Erica recovered first.

"You killed FIVE Lich Kings at ONCE? And are still LIVING?"

Tyler chuckled.

"You may outnumber me and outgun me. But you will NEVER outthink me."

Tempesta chuckled as a crystal was seen to materialize on Ishtar's desk.

"I recorded it for you."

The three rulers watched with awed expressions as Tyler used his spells and his own ingenuity to grind the creatures down to death. Once the battle ended, Ishtar just laughed.

"You are a god among us Mortals."

"That bastard escaped though."

They looked at him.

"He was there?"

"This'll take a minute."

They listened as he explained his findings and his plan. Willow smiled once he finished.

"Ahhh, ya have good bait! I'll still have me guard do the searchin as ya say."

"Kick enough rat holes, and the one yer after will panic."

"And run straight into the trap."

"Exactly. This will have to wait until after the wave, as I have to give my full attention to it right now."

They nodded.


Tyler smiled now.

"After though, well, I gots me a fan to ruin!"

They laughed. Then Willow looked at Tyler with an intense eye.

"I saw the article, lad."

"It's out already? I'll need to grab a crystal then. I trust you are also aware of the Divine Decree?"

She nodded.

"I am."

"Well, Willow, I'd rather have YOU angry at me then the gods."

She sighed.

"Indeed, lad. I don't blame you in the slightest, as the way you had set them up to die was a most satisfying one. So, the gods themselves are aiding in their suffering. Good. I'll hold the blood oath and your own fulfilled. Long as you piss on em too."

"Did ya read the bit about the wall?"

She burst out laughing.

"Lad I loved that one. I have ONE other stipulation."

"Lily gives him the boot?"

She nodded smiling.

"Indeed. Me girl deserves her due."

"Oh hells yeah."

Lily flexed her leg.

"I get to do a spot o kickin. Nice."

Tyler patted her fondly.

"See? Fiercest on the damned team."

They laughed as Tempesta rumbled.

"I have my tasks. Plus my new deposit to make in my trove."

"Oh that reminds me."

"Oh shit here we go."

"My designs. Think we can make a deal, Tempesta, Willow?"

They looked at him as Ishtar perked up.

"I'm in as well. What do you propose?"

"Well, say you find a holy weapon or other holy gear in your trove, Tempesta, I'll see if I have a design for a weapon you like. If I do, and Willow likes it as well, I'll sell it to her so she may forge it. Then, we make a trade. The holy item for the design. Are you with me so far?"

The two nodded.

"Aye lad, in the forging, I get the marks for adding to the Sky lord's trove and practice as well. Plus new designs for me army."

"Lily gets a copy off the bat as I make them for HER first."

Ishtar smiled.

"And you just sell them to Vernillion outright."

"Yup. With the added stipulation that any high level undead you hear of get filtered to my party per my deal with Death."

Ishtar nodded.

"Vernillion accepts this contract."

Willow nodded as well.

"As do the elves."

Tempesta had a thought.

"In the event the design does NOT interest me?"

"We got opals."

"Fair enough. I too accept."

Tempesta made a scroll that both Willow and Ishtar signed and sealed. Erica also signed with Wulf and Tatiana as witnesses. Tyler laughed as he took the document.

"I have just achieved the American dream: being an internationally recognized arms dealer."

the Warriors snorted as Tempesta laughed.

"I am aware of the country you mean in your world. Scary."

The other three just shook their heads as Tyler gave the scroll to Malico for safe keeping.


Ishtar then looked at Tyler.

"So, the second trove. How much this time?"

"We walked out with an additional 250,000+ gold, 600,000+ silver, and over a million copper."

Ishtar just blinked at the extreme numbers.

"Are you seeking to do a conversion?"

"We kinda have to."

"I'll have extra Knights at the bank then. And make sure those bankers do NOT say a single word about what you carry when you leave."

"we appreciate it, Ishtar. Our gear alone has marked us to those idiots out there. Now, we need to visit the guild first and get the coin from our bills before we hit the exchange and mason yard."

The king was nodding.

"I see. Who will go do the selling?"

"I myself, Wulf and Kazuma. That's it."

That got a chuckle.

"To discourage the uninformed and to NOT paint too tempting a target. Where will the girls stay?"

"I'd prefer the palace as it's the only place right now those Warriors can't reach."

Erica smiled now.

"I have a wing set aside for your party. No others will set foot on the floor besides my own handmaidens."

"They your bedmaidens too?"

She smiled as the others laughed.

"A few. I'm sure you'll know the ones."

"Well damn. Now I'm curious. Okay, I'll bring the crew up to their royal chambers and get paid."

The ones gathered nodded and the crystals winked out. Ishtar sighed deeply.

"Out of the pan and into the fire."

Tyler chuckled.

"Keeps it interesting though, right?"

Erica smiled.

"It does. Now, allow me to so you to the rooms."

Ishtar pulled some papers out.

"I'll get to work on the decrees and the bank."

Tyler nodded as the queen led the way to an upper floor. Sera happily bouncing with an also happy Sasha the husky right beside her. The floor Erica laid them to one that had a long hall of stained glass windows that over looked the city towards the sector the Warriors would be staying in. Tyler sighed as he saw it.

"That sector is going to burn Erica."

The queen laughed.

"If it does, the civilians living there have already been moved to other parts as we bought their homes. That sector is empty of all but those that live in the underbelly of the city."

Tyler smiled then.

"I see now. The Warriors won't have anyone to bully but thems that ARE bullies. Nice move. Any that die are those that would anyway if caught."

The black haired queen smiled.

"Exactly. So, victimless crime."

The rooms were on the far wall, and Tyler used all his detection skills as Lily used her prospect to check for any hidden surprises. Once Tyler was satisfied with the party's rooms he was showed to his and Kaori's own. Tyler smiled as he saw it.

"This basically a carbon copy of our room in Spearview."

The bed was massive and spilt the room neatly in half with a wardrobe on one side with weapon racks, while there was a vanity on the other with a wardrobe and weapon racks. There was also a large chair for multiple people to snuggle on, a massive bear skin rug lay on the floor that Tyler chuckled at, and a window with fully balcony that over looked the city facing the Warrior sector. Kaori smiled as she saw it.

"I like this one. Raylik's better, but close second."

Tyler kissed her as a light tap on the door was heard. They looked to see Thorn the elven girl standing there in a cute little maid outfit smiling.

"I am Thorn. I'll be your maid while you are in our care."

Tyler and Kaori burst out laughing.

"Oh shit here we go again!"

"That last time we heard that, didn't end well!"

Tyler walked over and hugged the elven girl and she chuckled.

"I didn't blame you, you know."

HE patted her bonneted hair.

"I know. Nice to see you doing better Thorn."

She shrugged.

"Eh. I still have to put up with getting hit on, but least this time its more fun then work."

"Least they know a good looking elf."

She smiled at him now most knowingly.

"Oh, and that other elf, Lily? Yeeeeah, she's got herself a challenger too now."

"Ohh FUCK."

Kaori and Thorn burst out laughing at his look of utter fear. Tyler just gulped.

"Great. I got another fierce elf after me spear."

Thorn smiled wickedly now.

"Only I be able to TAKE it."

"Yeaaah no."

She blinked as kaori looked at her apologetically.

"HE didn't like the image, Thorn. He knows HOW you came to be able to take it. And he don't like it."

She got it then.

"I get it. Well, we'll see then. I got to go get throttled by Sera or she'd never forgive me."

She walked off and Tyler just shrugged.

"Okay. Fantasy world with immortal elves. Just gonna smile and nod."

Kaori smiled.

"I'll rest for a while, you go get paid."

"Of course my love."

She shivered as he kissed her.

"I love it when you do that."

"I love you."

She smiled happily as he cast his warning spells for the party. Then he met up with Wulf and Kazuma for the payments and selling. First stop was the guild hall. They walked in and got hailed.

"Hail! Outcast!"

"Hail ya ladyless bastards!"

They laughed as one was heard.

"That took a while for mere practice! Not as good as ya think?"

The guild chuckled as Tyler sighed tiredly.

"More we found something ELSE entirely. Miss, allow me to make them shit themselves."

The now curious lady from the booth came over and he passed his HUD over and she went white and started backing away in fear.


The guild went bone white, and the breaths of fear were heard. Tyler sighed.

"Yeah. We found a few things this run. Was fun though. I actually had to think for once."

The other members just looked at him.

"Lad, what god is your father?"

Tyler shrugged.

"Eh. He wasn't a god. Ole Gru's me dad."

The guild just sighed.

"Of course he was."

"Now he says it, I see it too."

"Sooo, your mother be a goddess?"

"No. me wife is though."

The men dropped their mugs as he slid the HUD over to the lady again. This time she smiled widely.

"Let it be heard, Tyler has the Lover of Minus Title. Heads up ladies, says here she loves him!"

The adventurer women in the hall all cheered and whistled as Tyler laughed.

"I guess I just got popular! Oh, and I'm gonna need a bigger bed."

That got him leers, catcalls, and other lewd gestures as the men just raised a mug.

"Say farewell to the beauties lads."

"Least ya got hands aplenty."

They lost it as Tyler walked over to the lady.

"I think we may have also encountered another bountied creature out there, miss."

She went back to her booth smiling.

"I see. Which creature sir?"

"The Forest Tyrant King."

She looked at an interface.

"I see. Indeed. There was a guild avenger job posted for the monster. It has yet to be taken so I can give you the reward for it as well."

"In the event we get attacked by a billed creature with the job being taken?"

She looked at the bills.

"In such an event, and you killed it as you most likely will, the guild will oversee a deal being struck between your respective parties as these things happen quite frequently actually. "

"Good to know. One news crystal too."

"You were out in the field when it was published, so your feed with have updated with it."

"Ah. Thanks. Now, the reward for the Forest King?"

"400 gold. Plus the skill Forest sense. It's a skill used to better detect creatures in a forest."

"Okay, neat trick. Total?"

She did the numbers.

"Your total today is 1,202 gold, 95 silver."

"Thanks Miss."

She smiled at him.

"Please, sir. My name's Ruby."

"Wow. I found another priceless gem."

She blushed as he said goodbye as the other men slumped in defeat. Tyler now looked at Kazuma.

"The exchange next."

He nodded and led the way as Wulf kept a lookout. Term's creature exchange was three times the size of Raylik's. Tyler smiled as he saw a clear shrine dedicated to Minus standing in the dead center of the place.

"Oh yeah. We need to find a few gigantoads, thunder toads, and that other toad."

Wulf laughed as Kazuma looked at him curiously.

"Why would you what to find toads?"

"The slime from them makes creams that makes the ladies skin softer and brighter from the thunder toad, the Gigantoad slime makes their slits tighter, softer and cleans it too, then that last toad, the larsh? It's slime makes a cream that makes their busts bigger for a time."

Kazuma just looked at him. In open awe.

"Is THAT how you've been spoiling my sister?"

"Kaori got a jar of the skin cream, as that's the only toad we've found thus far. Oh, and as for spoiling, Kazuma? You DO remember my, ahem, OTHER pastime?"

Kazuma narrowed his eyes as he ran down what he met, then.

"You sonuvabitch, you finally got her one."

"Wait till the ball. Now, the creams? Well, I promised Minus I'd get her six jars of each as a tribute."

Kazuma just laughed at that one.

"Of course you did."

Tyler was smiling as he searched for an open desk as a set of armored guards approached. Tyler looked at them curiously as the man in the lead leveled a shield at him.

"Sirrah, be ye a Warrior?"

"I be, Sirrah. Me name's Tyler the Outcast."

The men jumped back in shock. The lead man was white faced as he apologized.

"Me apologies, Sir. I didn't realize. We are here to keep the OTHER Warriors out of the exchange. Only yourself, Prince Kazuma, and the two ladies Kaori and Ashy are permitted use of the exchange."

Tyler chuckled.

"Maybe I should just let my insignia be seen? And I do not fault you, Sirrah. It seems me plan worked fine if you didn't even recognize this mismatch."

Tyler jabbed a thumb at Kazuma and the men laughed.

"Aye lad, I see your plan. And it works just fine!"

They left as Kazuma now understood the OTHER purpose for the attire choice. Tyler spotted an empty desk and led the two towards it.

"I see the leathers and loose shirts are to also disguise us from the unobservant."

"And to solidify us as a mere set of road weary travelers. No one looks twice at a bunch of dusty tumble weeds, right?"

The prince nodded as the lady behind the desk greeted them.

"Ahh, welcome to Term Creature exchange. I am called Mya. What materials do you have to sell?"

"Tyrants, Various ores, lisk, dragel, and I think that's it."

She smiled eagerly.

"Do you have a permit sir?"

Tyler passed her the document and she nodded.

"I see. Very well, Lords, right this way."

Tyler and the two men were led passed Minus's statue and Tyler leered at it, knowing full well she'd see and feel it. Mya showed them to a set of scales and the three men unloaded. She was a little taken aback by the amount.

"Lords, you have rather great luck. Okay, may I ask why no edible meat is present?"

Tyler smiled.

"We're a hungry lot."

She sighed wistfully.

"I do not blame in the slightest. The scales I understand as well. Okay, I can give you 1,254 gold, 43 silver, and 3 copper."

Wulf chuckled.

"That's a really good deal."

Kazuma blinked as Tyler accepted the deal so easily. He asked as they went to the mason yard next.

"I'm amazed you didn't haggle. I felt like you could have gotten more."

Wulf chuckled.

"Actually, Kazuma, no. the material we gave them was worth a maximum of 2500 gold tops. Mya knew this, and Tyler knows I know as well. Tyler also understands another facet as well."

"What's that Wulf?"

"The exchange has to make a profit as well. So, the first deal they give us will almost always be the best. He brings ME just to ensure it is in case of attempted swindle."

Kazuma understood then.

"I see. I guess he's NOT a greedy bastard."

"Not really. Remember, Kazuma, he only started with 10 gold. That's it."

That made him blink.

"Oh yeah that's right. I meant to ask them just how the hell he got kaori out of the tower like that."

Tyler chuckled.

"I'll tell ya later. Actually, get Kaori to. She loves telling it."

"I'll do that."

They walked onto the yard and Tyler spotted the foreman easily enough. The man was instantly suspicious as Tyler walked up.

"Hey now, ya wouldn't be a Warrior, would ya?"

"I be, Sirrah. Me name's Tyler the Outcast."

The man gulped.

"ME apologies, lord. I meant no offense."

"I understand."

The man sighed with relief.

"Now, what brings the People's champion to me yard?"

"Got some stone to sell. Granite, sandstone, some black marble."

The man smiled widely now.

"Been many a year since I met anyone, let alone a lad of fifteen years that understands the worth of good stone. Lets see what ya got. The scales be there."

Tyler and the two men emptied the pouches as the foremen laughed.

"Ya got a good eye lad! This be good building rock! Okay, how does 1,532 gold, and 50 silver even sound?"

Wulf chuckled.

"Nice to see so few rip off artists. That's a good deal."

Tyler shook the man's hand and they moved to the bank as Kazuma was curious now.

"Hey, HAVE you been cheated yet?"

Tyler chuckled.

"Nearly. When I went with Kaori so she could pick out horses for Sera and Lillia the selling elf tried to used banned spells on her to cheat. I caught his eye flash and that was that."

Kazuma laughed.

"You were just there to scare people. No one knows horses like my sister."

"Damn straight."

"Did you kill the cheat?"

"Nah. He had a bounty alive. So, just more coins."

Kazuma smiled approvingly.

"Bounty hunting's fun right?"

"Oh hell yeah. What's you best bag?"

The blonde boy had to think on that one.

"Maybe 250 gold? I haven't really encountered many bounties though. You?"

Tyler smiled.

"Our highest bag was 3750 total gold for taking out a black mage that murdered Vixen's mother."

"Holy shit. You said you had a few others of note to Ishtar, one called the elf rapist, right? How much you get for his head?"


"Oh my gods."

"Yeah. Caught him as he tried to claim a fresh victim in Raylik. Yeah, he grew a dagger out of his head."

Wulf sighed.

"She was shaken, but alright. Thank the gods"

Kazuma just sighed.

"At least he's off the street now."

"Yup. Wait till you see Raylik, Kazuma. I set foot in the city I'm kinda the local celebrity."

The men walked up to the bank as a line of white armored knights approached.

"Sirrah! Be ya a Warrior?"

"Aye! I be Tyler the Outcast."

The men nodded.

"Understood sir. No offense meant."

"None taken."

They walked in and Tyler spotted the booth to the side. Kazuma was confused.

"I thought we were doing a conversion?"

"We are, Kazuma. But the bank pays top coin for platinum, gold, silver and copper. So we sell as much to them as we can."

"you know more about this world then I do! And I'm a damn prince in it!"

Tyler laughed as they were greeted by the lady behind the counter.

"Welcome Lords to the Bank of Term. How may I help you?"

"we got ores to sell, miss."

"I see. I'll set out the slab."

They filled it and she gaped.

"Lords, how did you find so much of these?"

Tyler smiled.

"Be amazed what you can find in unopened holes."

She laughed.

"Aye, lad, ya be amazed."

"This be just the first batch, miss. We can fill it two times over."

She smiled most eagerly.

"I see, you do love to open new holes don't you?"

Tyler gave her a most…..happy smile.

"Oh I do, miss. And I'm VERY good at it."

She shivered.

"I've heard. From Minus."

Tyler blinked in surprise. Then he looked at the lady closely. She was tall, had fair skin, bright gold eyes with pure silver hair that fell to her waist. Her bust was large and she wore a bankers waist coat with pants. Tyler smiled.

"Oh, I see. You're one of Minu's Scale Ballasts."

She smiled in happy surprise.

"Indeed I am, Lord. I am surprised you know her Sphere and servants so well. Then again, you ARE her Mortal Husband, so not really I suppose. My purpose in her Scale is to keep the balance. As such, I live in this bank as she lives in your mansion. So, shall we get back to business?"

"Sure. Wanna give me the total for this lot and I'll fill it again?"

"As just a decision as that is, Lord, we have other slabs too."

"Of course you do."

They filled the two other slabs and half the third. She looked the mass of ore over and nodded.

"I can give you 5698 gold, 23 silver, 88 coppers, Lord."

"Good deal. Miss?"

She smiled.

"Gold, Lord. My name is Gold. I am Lady Minus' most valuable Ballast."

"Well, tell her I said I love you."

She shivered at this attack, even though it was not meant for her.

"She heard you, Lord, as she sees what MY eyes see."

"I got an idea."

She sighed sadly.

"As much as I'd like to experience it, Lord, it won't work."

"well damn. Oi, tell her I'm still workin on her jars."

Gold lost it laughing.

"I will Lord."

"Take care Gold. We'll most likely see you tomorrow at SOME point."

She waved as they went to the conversion desk as Kazuma was a little surprised.

"Are you saying we'll find MORE of those?"


"Tyler makes finding the most rare, valuable things in this world look soul crushingly easy."

The prince just sighed.

"He always was the lucky bastard."

Wulf and tyler just looked at each other incredulously and laughed. The conversion desk had a lady behind it and she smiled as she saw them.

"Welcome, Lords. I am called Rune. How may I help you?"

Tyler smiled kindly.

"we have a mass conversion we need done, Rune."

She tilted her head.

"By mass, how many?"

"Serval hundred thousand coins from copper to silver and even more to gold."

She blinked.

"I see. Tyler the Outcast. The King has issued a special notice for this conversion. Please, follow me."

The did, and she led them to a small vault with a set of knights stationed outside. Rune placed a coin counter on the table.

"You are aware of the 2 per 10 tax, I trust?"

"I am."

"Very well."

Tyler took the pouch out and she gasped.

"The sheer number in that pouch is staggering Lords."

Tyler smiled sheepishly.

"We're a little TOO good at this shit."

She laughed as he dumped the coppers in first. The result as 21,792 silver and 54 coppers. Rune looked at the number and Tyler tilted his head.

"How does 4359 silver sound?"

She smiled.

"fair Lord. That brings you total silver to 17,433."

"This is going to give me a headache."

"I feel your pain Lord."

Tyler dumped the silver in next. The result was 9,258 gold, 68 silver. He frowned again.

"How does 1,852 gold sound?"

"Very good. Plus the extra gold if you wish."

"Sure, that drops our total silver to 22 coins."

Rune did some math.

"The total gold is 7,407 gold, Lord. The total result is 7,407 gold, 22 silver, 54 coppers."

Tyler nodded.

"Thanks Rune."

She gave him the coin and he hid it under his mythril vest. The three men left and Tyler looked at the sun.

"We'll collect Vixen and head to the Purity temple to get the spear purified, see if they have a White weapon I can barter off them, and destroy our banned item collection."

They nodded. Tyler blew his whistle for Vixen and she was waiting outside the palace when they walked up. The sexy black mage smiled as Tyler stole a kiss off her lips.

"We going to the temple?"

He rubbed her back.

"Yup. We'll get the spear cleansed and the banneds destroyed."

"Malico gave them to me for transport."

"I love that smart, sexy busty cat. Love you too Foxy."

HE kissed her again and they went on their way. Term's White path of Purity temple was situated near the wallgate into the Warrior sector, and looked exactly like the previous two temples Tyler had visited.

"I guess consistency is big."

They laughed as a Brother greeted them.

"Greetings White Lord. What brings you to the purity today?"

"I have a spear that needs to be purified, some banned items for destruction, and a question for the Father."

"Of course Lord. Sadly, SHE is not allowed inside. I trust you understand."

Tyler SMILED an unpleasant smile as Vixen just shook her head. Kazuma sighed.

"It's their right as a Holy sect."

"I hope YOU understand who you just singled out, Purity."

The brother stood his ground, and a set of fifteen monks came forward now.

"The Unpure Black is NOT to set foot in our temple. As is our way."

"I'm SURE Maxus and Laxus would LOVE to hear this."

The names stopped the monks in there tracks.

"Light Bringer Laxus? Holy Spirit Maxus? They have allowed the Unclean to enter their hallowed halls?"

Tyler got a most dangerous gleam in his eye now.

"Okay, what the hell is this? You've insulted my friend twice now to my face. Wulf, Vixen, guards up. Somethings wrong here."

Kazuma was appalled.

"What is wrong with this? They have a right to their religion!"

"Kazuma, shut up right now."

Tyler looked at the now cowering monks.

"WHERE is the father?"

The monks got out of his way as Tyler walked in with the two as Kazuma was speechless at this utter tyranny. Tyler and his friends marched right up to the dais where the father stood with his combat monks. Tyler got one look into his eyes.

"Another one? Holy sanctity."

His dome spell exploded out and the temple exploded as every single monk burst into flames. Tyler blew the alarm on his whistle as Kazuma was once again appalled.

"What have you done?"

Tyler glared at him.


The prince gasped in horror as the flames went out and the monks were cheering at their regained freedom. Tyler cast the spell two more times as royal knights came flooding into the temple led by his friends.

"Holy sanctity!"

They gasped as they understood. No flames were spotted in the knights, and Sera spoke up.

"Mommy and Daddy are in their office with the door locked.'

Tyler pulled his coin up and used it. Ishtar was seen, and he knew the truth.

"If you have a holy Dome spell, Ishtar use it now, the temple was all doppels."

HE gasped and cast his spell.

"Okay, clear. Me and Erica are NOT doppels."

"Implement the rules of Yalik, Ishtar. You and the queen DO NOT leave that room till the flames are out. Understood? I have Lucy, Lyrica, Lily and Serafina going to you as bodyguards."

The named nodded and took off as Tyler looked to the father. The man bowed deeply.

"I thank you for releasing myself and my monks, Lord White. Pray tell, what gave it away?"

"The fact a brother insulted my friend here twice to my face. NO ONE is dumb enough to do that besides the Warriors. Especially the Purity monks as my white path is so extreme and negates theirs."

The Father nodded.

"I see. A most shrewd deduction. The temple is at your disposal."

Tyler gave him a scroll.

"These are the new rules for the city. Not a soul sets foot in or out of the sectors without this spell or stronger hitting them."

He nodded.

"I understand, White Master. My name is Father Saxus. There are two more temples in Term."

"I shall hit them myself. Outcasts, we got another Yalik."

They nodded and got moving as Kazuma was hit with whiplash at the sudden shift from mere easy going work to grim faced urgency. The prince looked at Wulf.

"What the hell? He just flipped a light switch!"

The ranger smiled.

"That's Tyler's way. Its all fun and games until the trouble starts. Then when it hits he's in the thick of it while we are all scrambling. We'll have the city cleaned up the RIGHT way by dark."

Tyler had his coin up still.

"How thoroughly did you search the city for banned items, Ishtar?"

The king looked at a paper.

"With a fine toothed comb to your guidelines. I see a fresh inspection is in order."

"Ya got the experts in town now. It'll get done right."

"Well said."

"How many temples are in the city?"


"Shit. This is how they got Yalik under control, Ishtar. Start at the temples and work up."

"By the gods that's a scary tactic. How big is your sanctity dome?"

"Right now I can hit 500m at a time."

"I see. You'll hit the Purity temples first and move one?"

"Yup. I gave Saxus my guidelines for the city. I think I gave you one as well."

"You did. We'll figure out how they got in after the flames stop."

"right. I think I know, but not right now."

Tyler was met with monks in combat formation as he reached the next temple.

"Holy Sanctity."

His dome spell bypassed all negate spells as it was strictly a spirit realm spell that targeted evil. The temple was encased and the flames were everywhere. Tyler walked in and found the leader to be a Mother this time. The lady bowed.

"Thank you, Pure One. I am called Glacier. What do we do next?"

HE gave her a scroll.

"This will tell you everything you need."

"Lord White."

On to the next one. Kazuma was utterly amazed by just how efficiently Tyler was cleaning the city, as he would cast the spell as they moved through the city and drink mana potions as he did so. Kazuma looked at Kaori.

"What the hell?"

The blonde beauty laughed.

"This is how TYLER solves a problem, Kazuma: by sticking his hands in the mud and cleaning the mess himself. Fact he always has a plan on just HOW to get into the deepest cracks just makes it the easier."

The prince was just amazed.

"I've read the crystals, but seeing it first hand is entirely different."

His sister chuckled.

"Just wait until a leader needs a reaming."

"I might not be able to stomach it."

"Either you take the criticisms and move on or get left behind. Tyler will never do a job for someone they themselves refuse to do. If he lays it out for you and you refuse still, he'll just leave you to rot. AFTER sowing the seeds of your downfall as he goes."

Kazuma looked at the boy in the lead.

"And if someone truly CAN'T act?"

"Can't or won't?"

Kazuma blinked.

"You do realize not everyone is so free, right?"

Tyler smiled now.

"It is better to be feared then loved, if one cannot be both."

Kazuma sighed.

"That is a dark saying Tyler. A dark saying full of even darker wisdom. I do not like it. So, should such an event come to pass, I will NOT bear witness."

"Whatever, Kazuma. We'll see if you stick to those ideals when we get into the mud for real. But right now we got bigger issues."

The prince nodded as they reached the last temple of the purity. Tyler cast the spell and the flames were seen. He walked in to find another Mother laid out on the floor. She got to her feet and bowed.

"I thank you Lord White. I be Cloud. Your orders?"

"This will tell you what you need."

She nodded as she took the scroll.

"At once Lord White."

The Outcast bounced from temple to temple cleaning out doppels en mass. Tyler cleaned the last temple, a rather odd one that worshiped the green path with a temple that looked like a slimed emerald and Ishtar popped up on his coin.

"We have news."

"Good, bad, or Kazuma?"

"I hate you."

Ishtar laughed.

"The barracks are clear, guard houses as well. Jail is being gone through as we speak."


"we were on the knife's edge of another Yalik. The knights were nearly a Doppel to the last man. That said, we narrowly avoided Lymir's tragedy."


"I WILL stab you."

"The Kazuma news is thus far we've found over three hundred thousand banned items in the city."

"Not you too, your Majesty!"

The king laughed as Tyler groaned.

"Great. I think, this is a different stockpile then the pope's."

"I don't think so. We did the best we could, Tyler, but it seems the Doppels were here during the initial search."

Tyler thought about it.

"I see. Now I think of it, makes sense. But, wait, you JUST replaced your entire garrison, right?"

Ishtar nodded.

"I did. Which is most likely when they got in."

"As who would think to search for Doppelgangers in a mass of fresh knights. They came in, and were aiding the underground, while furthering the pope's agenda post skinning. Explains the knights. So, they did this town a different style. Hit the garrison FIRST then move into the temples. I see they learned from Yalik."

"These Knights came from further south and to the west towards Erolagard."

Tyler frowned.

"Do you have contact with Rolic?"

Ishtar blinked.

"The King under the mountain? I do, you think he might have a similar problem?"

"Stands to reason, since the knights came from that direction."

"Then I ask you return to the palace to explain this to him yourself."

"Sure. This point, the white path can handle the remaining doppels."

Tyler set off towards the palace as Kazuma walked beside him.

"How the hell did you just figure that out?"

Tyler sighed.

"It fits just way too well, Kazuma. Plus, well, when trying to anticipate an enemy's movements, you seek to look at the world through THEIR eyes."

the blue eyed boy nodded.

"I remember now. You could predict the direction a rabbit would take when startled at a glance 10 out of ten times perfectly. Would scare the hell out of us every time you did it too."

Tyler led his friends to the palace casting as he went. He walked into the throne room and threw his entire power behind one spell, and it hit the entire building. Then the Outcast strode into Ishtar's office where Lucy was facing the door with her greatsword, Serafina was hidden in a shadow near the door, Lyrica was standing off to the side with a glowing hand, and Lily had her Additite shield up. Tyler nodded as he cast his spell.

"Nice set up ladies."

Lyrica smiled as she set her spell aside.

"Lily set it up. She is quite the strategist."

"Lily's MY apprentice, Lyrica. Whaddya expect?"

Lily smiled as Ishtar placed a red crystal on the desk and activated it. Tyler watched as a dwarf with a red beard, blue eyes clad in golden mail with a crown of gold upon his head was seen. The dwarf looked at Ishtar with a curious light in his eyes.

"Well, well, what a surprise. Ishtar Vernillion. What could possibly warrant such an audience?"

Ishtar smiled.

"It be not for ME Rolic, this here Lad has something you might want to be aware of."

The dwarven king looked to see Tyler standing there and laughed.

"Ha! The Outcast himself needs to speak with me? Oh shit here we go!"

Tyler laughed as well.

"That's gotten THAT widespread?"

The dwarven king chuckled.

"We've heard stories of that melting storeroom ya call a mind. So, what's the current crisis?"

Tyler sighed and pulled out his map and tapped the south west.

"I just discovered the king's new garrison of knights came from the southwest. And to a man were replaced with doppelganger demons."

Rolic blinked and looked at the map most intently now.

"That is most disturbing news, lad. The area is blank on your map, though."

Ishtar passed a fresh map to Tyler. The man added it to his own and the area filled in.

"That's better."

Rolic laughed.

"It is. Now, in your own opinion, where would the most likely place the things got in by?"

Tyler looked at the region. The area was a mountainous area, with small towns, villages and a small inland sea bordering the dwarven homeland. Tyler tapped the villages.

"Are these mining villages?"

Rolic nodded.

"They be, lad. They share rights with both Erolagard and Vernillion."

"Hmm, turnover rate for workers?"

Rolic's eyes flashed.

"Wise lad. Sadly, the rate is high due to mining as a whole."

"That's one possibility as to how the creatures got in. Like the ship's crew for Yalik. But, that don't account for the sheer numbers though. Vixen, how hard to summon are doppels?"

The black mage sighed.

"Far easier then we'd like to believe. I can summon 50 with five candles and chalk."

Tyler crossed his arms now.

"So, a mage of talent and the means can raise several thousand fakes in a single summoning. By accident."

Vixen nodded.

"It happens. But, thankfully without hosts, the creatures die soon after the summon."

Tyler blinked.

"How soon?"

"Maybe a day?"

Tyler looked at the map anew.

"Okay, we need a town with the capacity for several thousand hosts to be hit in a short amount of time. Too big and they raise the alarm, too few and they die."

Rolic looked as well, before gesturing to one town.

"There. The city of Rookland. It is a coal town with 5000 residents."

Tyler looked at the town.

"Look at its position, Rolic"

The king under the mountain did, and gasped.

"That city sits on a main highway in or out of the country! That roads ends at my capital!"

Tyler looked at the towns and cities along the route.

"Which means every settlement along that road needs to get hit."

The King took a golden horn and blew it hard. Once finished he set it aside.

"My priests are immune to doppels as they train exclusively to hunt them for their religion. No offense outcast, but they are the very best there are at it."

Tyler sighed.

"None taken, Rolic. Now, if they GET caught?"

"They have tools to escape their cages on their own. I was once a member myself."

Tyler chuckled.

"Well, my bad feeling went away on that end so, next task is purifying the towns."

Rolic was seen giving orders to an unseen person before looking back.

"The Doppel Gang are hunting now. They will have a report in ten minutes or they have no business hittin rock."

Tyler smiled.

"Okay, I also would like to make a further suggestion."

The Dwarven ruler nodded.

"Go ahead lad."

"Search every city and town you have under your banner for banned items. I have a procedure for it, as wherever those bastards go they set up a shop for them."

Rolic nodded.

"Agreed. Place the scroll or what have you in the image."

Tyler did as requested and Rolic was holding it. The ruler took a moment to look it over before smiling widely.

"I like the way you solve problems, lad. I can't find a single gap or hole in the procedure and I was a dwarven lawyer!"

Tyler shrugged.

" eh, I don't like loose ends."

The King under the mountain laughed heartedly.

"The Stones will have these implemented throughout the land."

"A question."


"Do you have sea trade?"

"I do, why do you ask?"

"Another loose end. Here."

He passed him a fresh scroll and Rolic just shook his head.

"No compromise, no mercy, no questions. Just cold logic and solutions. Ya would make a fine dwarf. These too will be adopted. We will have every member of the Stones briefed in the hour."

"Good. What about the airships?"

"We did THAT as soon as we heard. I already got a copy that was adopted across the stone."

"Good. That's the major shipping routes covered. Only thing left really is the black markets."

Rolic smiled now.

"We have agents moving through them now. They be a most valuable commodity, the markets."

Tyler chuckled in agreement.

"Hey, don't worry about not finding that spell in the shop over there, my friend, I know a guy!"

Rolic and Ishtar burst out laughing as Kazuma squirmed uncomfortably as Wulf just shook his head.

"I am amazed he hasn't asked to see the markets yet."

The blonde boy just sighed.

"Yet another thing I don't like."

Rolic heard him.

"Boy, if ya have something to say, then speak yer piece."

Kazuma stepped forward to do just that.

"I have issue with the rulers being so accepting of black markets in general, as most of the things that flow though them be of a dark nature. Plus, stolen goods or smuggled contraband."

Tyler sighed as Rolic looked at Ishtar.

"I see your new prince needs some lessons on the ways of the world, Ishtar."

The human ruler nodded.

"Indeed he does, Rolic. Which is why Tyler has taken him in. well, ONE of the reasons."

Rolic faced the now irritated boy.

"Lad, there are things in this world you have to just accept as reality. The markets are one such reality. They do deal in such dangerous wares, this be truth. Yet, for some villages the market is all they have for things they need. I have villages that can only be reached by airship, and the rulers are most strict as to what their people may or may not have, so, the market flourishes there as the people get to experience commodities we all take for granted."

Kazuma looked at Tyler now.

"Isn't this the part where you call him out for being lazy?"

Tyler crossed his arms.

"Okay, Rolic, these villages, is life harsh up there?"

The ruler nodded.

"They are. The leaders of the villages are aware of the markets existences as they themselves set them up so to avoid the necessary taxes for the goods to reach them."

"I understand. Say you have a village on a mountain with little fertile soil, and little water. The leader has to make a choice between drinking water and pretty plants right?"

"Indeed, lad. In the circumstance, water and food become more vital."

"And if taxes and the legal routes are followed, then the children will grow up never having seen a rose."

"So, if say a merchant makes a deal with the leader to both sell the village soil to grow the plants, and they use a certain airship to get it there,"

"Then the children get to experience something they would otherwise not be able to due to the way the laws are written."

Rolic nodded.

"Indeed. Sometimes the rules need to be bent or broken entirely for life to live."

Tyler nodded.

"The world is not a nice place."

The rulers sighed.

"No. No it is not."

Kazuma just looked at Tyler.

"Yet, you just sold out your own beliefs. If the laws are the issue, rewrite them."

Rolic just groaned.

"Boy if it were that easy to rewrite the world don't you think EVERYONE would do it?"

Wulf spoke up now.

"Kazuma, I told you of how Tyler wiped out the slave trade in my home city, right?"

Malico perked up.

"I told him but go ahead."

Kazuma looked at the ranger.

"Tyler forced it to happen then, how is this any different?"

Wulf just sighed.

"Because the slave trade was just an evil we needed cleansed. The black market is a necessary evil."

Kazuma narrowed his blue eyes.

"A 'necessary' evil? That's the excuse a politician uses to keep his seat."

Tyler rubbed his eyes.

"You're missing the point, Kazuma. The black markets CAN'T be gotten rid of period. For that is the way of people period. Say we can't have something or sell something here, we'll find a way to get it and sell it somewhere else."

The prince glared at him now.

"How can you just accept a clear evil like that? These markets dabble in everything from banned goods to trafficking to drugs and banned spells. Yet you're just going to ignore it?"

Rolic glared at him now.

"Boy, you need to open your eyes to the real world. The trafficking and banned spells rings are dismantled every time they pop up. Everything else? I have agents on the inside that monitor everything they sell."

Tyler chuckled now.

"Plus, the kingdoms they are run in also profit from the markets as well."

Ishtar and Rolic smiled.

"they do indeed."

"I've found quite a few relics and good deals in the markets myself over the years."

Tyler looked at Ishtar curiously.

"Really? Like what?"

The king reached up and pulled a small red sword off a set of pins. He passed the weapon to Tyler for inspection.

"I found that a few years back on a visit and a bit of fun."

Tyler smiled widely.

"A sword of fireball? That's freakin gnarly. How much it cost you?"

"35 silver."

"No freakin way. This thing is easily worth 9 gold! Damn, I might have to go looking myself now."

Tyler passed it back as Kazuma was appalled.

"that could be a stolen sword the owner was murdered to get!"

Tyler blinked as he had a burst of inspiration.

"There's a thought."

The room laughed as Tyler looked at Ishtar.

"We sometimes find weapons that aren't really worth selling to stores or using to reshape. Is it worth looking into the markets?"

The rulers nodded.

"It is. They always find a buyer for even mere iron weapons as some places are in open revolt and need the equipment."

"Well alright. We got an option for junk weaponry not even Lily can repurpose."

That got him a hug as Wulf remembered something.

"I still need to introduce you to my own contact in Raylik."

"Oh yeah. We got our permit and I forgot you had an in. Nifty, we'll use Raylik as our in."

Wulf smiled now.

"It actually has the best markets in the country."

"Halfway to everywhere places like that usually do. Another reason I love that town. nearly everything that comes into the country in three directions passes through those gates."

Ishtar was nodding approvingly.

"Term is the governing capital of Vernillion, but Raylik is the commerce capital. And why my party chose to set up in Raylik in the first place."

Erica had remained silent as the other discussed the matter, and now she smiled.

"I miss that town. I think, Tyler, when you ride out for Raylik after the wave, I'll join you for the journey."

Tyler smiled widely.

"Ya'll get to see Sera and Lillia in action then. Long as you agree to my camp rules, guest and royalty aside."

She smiled gratefully.

"I am aware of your rules, and agree. It will be good to see Seline again."

"So you know, we got an open spot if ya want to go roaming again."

She gasped in shock as Ishtar smiled widely. Then she smiled widely.

"I think….I'll do just that lad. I never laid my weapon down, and as such still have my power."

Tyler tilted his head now.

"What path were you again?"

Erica smiled widely.

"A red/blue path."

Tyler blinked.

"Those two are contradicting colors though?"

She nodded.

"Indeed. Which is why my paths are so strong. The contradiction cancels out and I get the benefits."

"Which do you prefer?"

She chuckled.

"I prefer blue, but I have a good bit of red spells. Plus my weapon be a light longsword like Gruven had."

Tyler smiled now.

"So, we got a queen in the camp?"

She nodded.

"You do. But, on the trail, I'm just Erica. Erica the spellsword."

Tyler looked at a happy Sera and Lillia.

"Wow, I got the full set."

Kaori smacked him hard, as Vixen looked at Erica.

"You do he's thinking of it, right? Aunt?"

The queen smiled widely.

"Can you blame him?"

Vixen leered at the lady.

"No I cannot."

Kazuma just looked shocked.

"Now you're joining us your grace?"

"Yup. And it's Erica now."

Ishtar kissed his wife.

"I'm sorry I laid my blade down at all."

She smiled.

"I'm not, ishy. We got Sera and Lillia from it."

Tyler patted Sera fondly.

"And they are nothing but a good thing."

He got a hug from the girls as Rolic shook his head.

"Erica rides into the waves once more. I hear the land begging for mercy."

Kazuma sighed now.

"So you're just ignoring the markets as it's easier to use them yourselves then fight them."

Tyler just looked at Ishtar as Rolic spoke now.

"and here I thought dwarves were stubborn. Boy, you are going to suffer most unneededly unless you learn to accept the harshness of the world."

Kazuma looked up with a fire in his eyes now.

"The world doesn't HAVE to as harsh it is! You rulers have the ability to make it so much better, but don't! Tyler here has coin in the hundreds of thousands and does next to nothing with it, King Ishtar has knights that have never seen action that could secure the roads period, and King Rolic could rewrite the laws to make the villages get what they want without illegal means! Yet, you don't!"

Erica spoke up now.

"Boy, it seems you were never taught a most fundamental lesson growing up, or if you were you just refuse to see it."

He looked at the queen on the verge of exploding.

"What lesson, Milady?"

She sighed.

"The world is not that easily fixed. Tyler here has done more good for more people then you have, and yet you're acting as if he hasn't done a thing."

Kazuma snorted.

"He only did it cause he loves battle, and because Kaori told him to. He's not that nice as to go out of his way to aid someone."

Kaori smacked him now.

"Idiot! Cut the shit and LISTEN to yourself! Tyler does NOT take orders! You know that!"

Wulf stepped in now.

"Tyler is not a nice man, Kazuma. That is true. But, and this is something I respect the hell out of him for, if he encounters someone that needs his help, he will do whatever he can to do so. He does NOT go out of his way, this again is true, but he helps those in his path with all his strength so long as they are willing to help themselves."

Tyler shrugged.

"Or they're Melly or Rylie."

Sera smiled.

"We're headed back to Cragspire after the wave, right?"

"We'll see Rylie and Kylie Sera."


Erica smiled as she looked at Tyler.

"More sisters?"

Tyler chuckled fondly.

"Yup. Rylie's family stayed a night with us on the road north of TopLeaf, and I healed her family of a stomach issue. Yeah, Sera had them in hug death the whole night."

Kazuma glared at Tyler now.

"And I'm SURE you bedded the mother if she was hot as payment!"

Tyler walked over and punched him in the stomach so hard it lifted him off his feet. Kazuma had all the breath driven from his body as Tyler lifted him up and pinned him against the wall, enraged.

"My patience with you is at an end. I do NOT TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THOSE THAT ARE HELPLESS. I do NOT take payments from those that have nothing. And I do not force myself upon another as a means of payment. Now. I will say this ONCE Kazuma. Get off your high horse now."

Tyler had Kazuma fixed with his Demon glare, only this time instead of will it was fueled by pure rage. Kaori was also glaring at her brother, and so was the entire party.

"Tyler refuses payment from nearly EVERYONE he helps. From city officials to the poor he healed to feel good for a bit, to dragons who owe him their lives, Kazuma. Our wealth has come from the monsters we have killed, bounties collected, and troves found."

Wulf had a more disgusted look in his eyes.

"I can't believe Tyler trusted you with so many important tasks. You are a mere boy that should NEVER have been given a sword. In the army you would be assigned a stockroom position as you would get your fellow soldiers killed."

Ishtar was also glaring at Kazuma now.

"Kazuma. You have just overstepped the bounds of this discussion. Moral disagreements are fine and are welcome as we all need to reach an understanding. But, when you drag one's honor, or, in Tyler's case, code into the talks with such malicious intent, you are not having a discussion any longer. You have lost this argument, you know it, and you even accept it too. Yet, you seem to feel the need to justify your own ideals over logic itself."

"Sorry, Ishtar, but that's not exactly it."

Tyler dropped Kazuma to the floor with a tired expression. Kaori sighed as well.

"What is It this time?"

"Dude is just in denial. He knows we're right, but he just doesn't want to give up his ideals as, in his mind, they keep the world nice and simple. Specially here where everything is just batshit. Lily here is the perfect example. In our world, she is the size of a tall 7 year old. Yet, her actual age is 90 years."

"more 110."

He looked at her.

"Really? Where the hell I get 90 from then? Well, same point really. Lily looks like a mere third grader from our world, yet is older then some countries in our world. Add to the fact she nearly killed him to prove a point and yeah, he has curled into a ball spitting his ideal bullshit."

Kazuma had regained his breath to retort.

"Like YOU have room to bitch about this world. You still don't understand it either."

Tyler shrugged.

"I don't HAVE to understand it to live in it. More fun that way too."

Kazuma just snorted.

"Makes sense you love it here so much, you NEVER HAD A FUTURE IN OUR WORLD!"

Tyler burst out laughing as Kaori was just appalled. She was about to smack him again for the cruel remark but Tyler placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Kazuma, NOW we're getting to the real issue here. In our world you had it all, more or less, respect, easy living, hell even girls since you had the blonde haired blue eyed prince charming routine going. All you had to do was play the nice guy to survive and it was easy. Now, we come to Lectis, and suddenly the world cares far more about a steel spine, combat prowess, and honor in it's forms rather then just blind kindness. Good looks are secondary to strength of arm. Smarts are also more sought after. Looking good isn't enough to just coast through life anymore. In Lectis you have to step the fuck up or get fucked up. YOU have never HAD to step up period."

Kazuma was shaking with rage at this.

"And what would YOU know about my life? Huh? You think that just cause you're life was shit you know everything about mine? About MY pain?"

"Dude, shove it. Now you're just trying to rile ME up rather then just accept the truth. Ya can't get under my skin since I fight demonkind for fun."

Kazuma just looked at him with loathing.

"You act so high and mighty, as if the world was so simple to you. You force the way you do things on others without regard to whether or not they like it, you bully people at will when all they are trying to do is just live their lives, and you even stick your nose in the affairs of others just because you think you know better. I refuse to accept such a tyrannical dictator as a leader."

Tyler tilted his head now, confused.

"Umm, okay, Kazuma, let's address these charges in order, shall we? Just WHO do I force my way of doing things upon, exactly?"

Tyler's voice still calm and level as he addressed the irate Kazuma. The blonde boy replied in a grating tone.

"Ishtar, and even the dragons. You give them orders like you own them as slaves. You all but forced Lyrica to join with that Succubus rite of hers there is NO way you didn't know about, and you force these heartless rules of yours down the throats of the party under threat of death."

Tyler crossed his arms now.

"Again. In order. I give Ishtar the orders I do so he may give them to his people. It's called council Kazuma. If he doesn't want to listen, well, the door is that way and I'm all too happy to use it. He listens to me because I usually have the best solutions to his problems. Are my methods extreme? Perhaps. But what's more important here? Public opinion or the safety of the realm? Next point. You think I ORDER the dragons around? Are you outta yo damn mind? Not even the gods can ORDER dragons to do anything period. I make suggestions. They take them as I have EARNED their trust. With blood, sweat, tears and cold Mythril. If you really wish to test that theory, I am more then happy to call up Tempesta for his input."

The boy snorted.

"Pff, and he'd come running to you defense like a trained dog."

The room was then filled with a low rumble as Tyler gulped.

"Dude, shut up. You say that again and he'll kill you."

Kazuma laughed harshly.

"Like I said A-umph!"

Tyler slapped his hand over his mouth to keep him from saying it again.

"Okay, you gods forsaken idiot, you want to call out a dragon so fucking badly? Fine."

Tyler placed a coin on the desk and Tempesta's enraged eye was seen. Then the image of the angry dragon's head was visible as he enhanced the spell. Tyler sighed.

"How much have you heard thus far?"

The dragon growled.

"All of it. I wish to speak with Rolic as well, about the alarming numbers of doppels we have encountered thus far."

Tyler stepped back now.

"well, Tempesta, the floor is yours."

Kazuma held his ground before the fury of the lord of the sky.

"See? He came like I said he would."

"Shut up you whining cur. I come when Tyler calls because every time he calls for me it's for AID IN PROTECTING THE REALM ITSELF! TYLER STANDS IN THE FACE OF CREATURES YOU PISSED YOURSELF LOOKING AT. Or did you forget the five Lich kings he slew in front of your eyes to protect YOU?"

Kazuma snorted again.

"He did it just to save Kaori. He doesn't give a damn about the rest of us or you. Long as she's safe rest of us can ROT for he cares."

Rolic looked at Tyler.

"I'd like to hear this tale of the Kings sometime."

"Kaori got it on a crystal."

"I'll buy a copy off you for 10,000 gold!"

Tyler smiled.

"You wouldn't happen to have any holy weapons or gear on hand, would you Rolic?"

The wise dwarven ruler chuckled.

"I do, lad. What is your price?"

"I need a katana for kaori here, an axe for my hulking lady friend here, Annnd a bow for my ranger friend. The bow and axe I'd prefer to have a collapse function, but that's just storage speaking."

The king nodded.

"I see. A fair deal then. You have the crystal on hand?"

Kaori smiled apologetically.

"I need to make a copy Lord Rolic. I haven't had the time yet."

The dwarf king smiled.

"I see, well, Ishtar can call me when you have it and I'll have the weapons ready."

Tyler tilted his head now.

"I got a recording of Tempesta killing a Fallen Dragon."

Rolic AND Ishtar's eye lit up like lights.

"Name your price."


Tyler chuckled.

"Right now what we need is more holy gear to fight the Liches and undead."

Ishtar crossed his arms as Rolic chuckled.

"My kingdom has an entire religion built around hunting the fell creatures. I'll put in requests for the items. Plus, if I tell them the one that needs them has killed five lich kings-"

"8. I've killed. 8."

Rolic just looked at him as he pulled his HUD up and showed him the kills. HE just sighed sadly.

"I see. You have my pity for having to fight them alone as you have. The items will be procured. I see your armor is to boost your blue path exclusively, may I ask why?"

"Defense magic. I beat the five kings with my spells alone. You'll understand just what I mean when you see the crystal. But, my white path is already extreme, so, my strategy for these things is a defense based offense. You follow?"

He nodded.

"I do lad. A most wise approach to such battles. Okay, I'll need maybe a day to get the items together."

"We'll get the crystals set up on our end. Thanks Rolic."

The king under the mountain smiled kindly as attention was directed back at Kazuma and Tempesta. The blonde haired boy scoffed.

"Ya done screwing over another poor bastard?"

Tyler just sighed as Tempesta growled so ferociously they FELT the real thing in the room. The now angry dragon had a voice like an avalanche.

"HE just turned down a poorly worded offer that if he had wanted to, he could have asked for their kingdoms, boy. And he turned them down for the means to better defend us all. Tyler has EARNED our faith and respect, and to be quite honest, Kazuma, I do NOT WANT TO FIGHT him anymore. I have made my first true friend in hundreds of thousands of years. He would die for us at the snap of a finger. He even brought you into his party to better help you."

Kazuma just shook his head now.

"You are just letting him get away with the way he lives? At other's expense?"

Tyler tilted his head.

"Hol up. Somethings off here. Tempesta, can you see if he's under a spell or something?"

The dragon blinked, and he looked at Kazuma with glowing eyes.

"He is not, Tyler. Why the odd question?"

Tyler looked at Kazuma anew now.

"I've known this guy most of his life since me and Kaori were attached at the hip. Yet, I can't recall him being THIS stubborn."

Kaori just sighed.

"That's because you were never there when it showed. Kazuma is like a small child when he doesn't get his way, or someone refuses to listen to him. He once pulled this on our father, and they stood in the kitchen fighting for I shit you not two days before the nanny he'd inflicted on me walked in and smacked them both. If she hadn't Kazuma would have still been fighting."

Tyler looked at him now.

"The issue was?"

"Kazuma wanted to go outside but craig wouldn't let him because he was sick. Kazuma said he was fine even though he was still coughing."

Tyler just sighed now.

"I can fix that easy enough. Permission?"

Kaori nodded.

"Please do."

Tyler walked up and smacked Kazuma across the back of the head.

"Cut the shit and see the truth."

Kazuma glared at him.

"You're wrong!" smack.

"cut the shit and see the truth."

Tyler repeated this process, Kazuma would try to say something, only to get a vicious slap and the same line over and over again. That's it. No other words. Just that line. Kazuma opened his mouth again and Tyler raised his hand again, and Kazuma sighed.

"Whatever. I'm leaving your party."

Tempesta growled hard.

"You are holden to a dragon oath of silence, boy. Speak of our secrets and you will suffer a dragon's punishment."

Kazuma just snorted.

"Whatever, dragon. I want no part of a monster's camp."

HE looked at Tyler with disgust.

"My coin, the total was-"

"1,243 gold, 55 silver, 88 coppers, 55 gems."

Tyler's on the fly response caught him off guard as Tyler pulled the exact amount out and gave it to him.

"What? Not gonna force me to stay?"

"Nope. Tempesta actually pointed out I missed this piece of party leading. You want out you out. You get your loot to that point and good life to ya."

The blonde haired boy snorted.

"Let me guess: I have to fork over the gear YOU paid for?"

"Nah. Though, that holy lance is next to useless to you, so 500 gold for it."

Kazuma just tossed it at him and Tyler gave him the coin. Tyler looked at his party and passed the Lance to Sera.

"I'll teach you to wield it later."

Erica spoke up now.

"I'll help, as the spear was a favorite weapon of mine."

Tyler smiled now.

"Well nice to see you're not a one trick pony, Erica. I'd like some lessons as well, since the spear is not a weapon I am really familiar with."

She nodded.

"Of course."

Tyler looked back to Sera.

"I think Erica can make better use of the holy lance."

She giggled.

"Best for the best!"

"Still the best shot on the team."

Lillia stepped into view now and looked at Kazuma with sad blue eyes.

"Are you really leaving Kaz?"

HE sighed sadly now.

"If I don't Lily, I'll lose who I am. You can come with me if you want."

She looked at Tyler who shrugged.

"This is your choice Lillia."

She nodded and looked back at Kazuma.

"I'll stay with Tyler, as he has never once let me down. Plus, I haven't finished training yet."

HE sighed.

"You're strong enough, Lillia. I can protect you."

She glared at him now.

"I don't WANT to be merely protected, like a doll only good for display. I am NOT strong enough if I need to relay on others to fight my battles for me."

HE just shook his head.

"You are a princess. I a prince. I can't win this fight, so I'm just going to leave."

Lillia had a disgusted look on her face now.

"Leave? No Kazuma, you're running away."

The boy just opened the door and walked out, slamming it. Lillia turned around and Tyler hugged her. She sighed sadly.

"I'm fine."

He looked into her eyes and smiled.

"That's my sister. Sorry about that."

She shrugged.

"Eh. Princes like him are a copper a dozen in Lectis. I can find a better man nearly anywhere."

Tyler just burst out laughing as the ladies cheered their fellow lady. Then Tyler looked to Tempesta.

"Sorry for that."

The dragon chuckled.

"Not at all, Tyler. Just a question."

"Oh shit here we go."

"I do know that Succubus there."

"Beauty ain't she?"

Lyrica glowed hard as Tempesta sighed.

"She is. Furiosa is better, but ya know."

"See? Yer learnin!"

"Will Kazuma keep our secrets?"

Tyler sighed.

"I don't think so. He gets worked up enough, he'll spill just to get back at us."

The dragon looked to Kaori.

"Is this a certainty?"

The blonde sighed.

"It is Tempesta. Kazuma is very...what's the word? Vindictive?"

The dragon rumbled as he looked to Ishtar.

"You are aware of the consequences of him breaking a dragon oath?"

Ishtar nodded.

"I am Lord Blue. Should such a thing come to pass, I will find a new heir."

The king looked at Tyler, who laughed.

"No. I am NOT going to be a king."

Ishtar laughed.

"Just testing you. I have another in mind already, actually."

Erica smiled now.

"That boy Thorn is friends with? He is very kind and smart."

Tyler chuckled now.

"Plus he knows how the world works. Can't ask for a better ruler then one who grew up in its gutters."

The king nodded.

"Exactly my point."


HE looked at Kaori.


She looked at him with a sad look.

"Can you at least TRY to save him?"

Tyler crossed his arms and looked at Tempesta. Then dragon sighed.

"I'm sorry, Tyler. Not even the title of Dragon Heart can persuade a dragon from exacting the punishment for a broken Dragon's oath."

Tyler went into thought.

"I think….I can ask Minus if a curse can be placed on him. Say he goes to spill the secrets he is not supposed to it causes him pain."

Tempesta blinked.

"I can do that myself. It's a Dragon Silencer. The hells didn't we think of it sooner?"

Tyler shrugged sheepishly.

"Too easy?"

The dragon's eyes glowed.

"There. It is done. If he seeks to break his Oath to me, it will cause him pain. If he forces it, the curse shatters."

Kaori nodded.

"If he goes that far, Tempesta, then do as you need. This way we can say we gave him a chance."

They all nodded as Tyler spoke up.

"You said you needed to speak to Rolic about the Doppels?"

The dragon nodded and looked to Rolic's image. The dwarven king tipped his crown.

"Lord Blue."

"King under the Mountain. These Doppels."

The dwarf rubbed his eyes.

"I got a report during the mess. Every city along the road Tyler pointed out had been taken over by the things. My Doppel Gang is still hunting as we speak."

The dragon sighed.

"We need to figure out how and why so many of these things keep popping up."

Tyler looked at his still open map. HE ran a finger from Yalik to Rookland.

"We can safely assume Yalik's bunch were a different summoning. Rookland, however, Rolic, has any trace of a summoning been found as of yet?"

The ruler passed scroll through the image and Tyler looked at with Vixen. She sighed.

"A master summoned them. Perfect."

Tyler looked at the spot he'd encountered the raiser. Tempesta caught on.

"I don't think it's him, Tyler."

Tyler nodded.

"I was thinking the same, but I needed to see the distances myself. So, we have one idiot after the dragons, and another sending doppels into the world. Okay. We need answers. Rolic, were any notes or journals been found as of yet?"

The blue eyed dwarf looked at some papers.

"There have been finds, but they were destroyed as the knowledge was considered dangerous. My apologies for the oversight here. I'll send word to have them saved and sent to you for examination."

"I forgot to tell you as well. I'll make a new addition to the procedures for searches now."

Tempesta looked at Rolic.

"If you have the remains I can restore them."

He bowed.

"My white paths used a Purge spell, Lord Blue."

The dragon just sighed.

"An unfortunate oversight on all our parts."

Tyler finished adding the new steps to the scrolls.

"Least we know now. Like I keep saying, if it were that easy. Okay, we have a summoner looking to release doppels into the world. Vixen, are mass doppels sometimes byproducts of a summon gone wrong?"

The black mage gasped.

"They are. But, only for the summon of an Archdemon when the fell beast refuses to heed the call!"

Tempesta growled now.

"We cannot let such a fell beast enter this world, Tyler. It does, the land will suffer as I myself will have to fight it."

Tyler smiled.

"In times like these, it is a good thing I have a goddess for a hot wife. Malico."

The cat laughed as she placed Minus' scroll on the desk. It sighed happily.

"What can I do for you love?"

Tyler smiled.

"We got an idiot looking to set an archdemon loose in the world."

The scroll gasped.

"We THOUGHT something has been feeling weird in the lower realms! The archdemons have been more…offended of late. I shall make inquires of a friend."

"Love you, Minus."

"I do love you too."

Tyler looked at a now nodding in awe Rolic.

"I got the Lover of Minus title."

The men just applauded their fellow man as the scroll started speaking.



"There is a summoner trying to make a contract with the Lower realm rulers. The terms are he wants an archdemon to kill a dragon by the name of Leviathan for killing his wife at sea or something. The archdemons are refusing as a whole on the grounds that such a thing is both beneath them and doing so would incur the wrath of the upper realms. A grand arch demon is as to us as a kobold is to Tempesta. So, the summoner is searching for an archdemon that will heed his call."

Tyler sighed.

"Are there any?"

Minus' scroll smiled.

"There were. But, well, I had my friend Atrocity pay a visit to their realm."

There were a round of gasps as Tyler tilted his head.

"Atrocity is?"

"My older sister. Her sphere is war, chaos, and wild destruction. I told her the archdemons have a mortal looking for a fish with a baited hook, and so she reminded them why she's known as the realm queller."

"Nice. Should I be scared?"

The scroll laughed fondly.

"No, love. Though she does want to meet you."

"Oh. Okay. I'm not scared then."

He smiled.

"Nope. I am fuckin terrified."

The room burst out laughing as Tempesta addressed the scroll.

"The summoner, Minus, what is the upper realms ruling on him?"

The scroll smiled again.

"his next summon will backfire, and he will be dragged into the lower realm by a Demon of Domination."

Tyler chuckled darkly.

"A Demon of rape. Scary."

Tempesta nodded approvingly.

"Indeed. He will suffer for his hubris. Okay, that's one problem solved."

Tyler ran a light finger on the scroll, making it sigh happily.

"Thanks Minus. Love you."

"I love you too."

HE gave the scroll back to Malico, and she rubbed her breasts on it again making the thing laugh, before putting it in the pouch again. Tyler looked at the dragon.

"Okay, now we just clean up the mess."

Rolic nodded.

"Agreed. My country will be clean by morning."

Ishtar looked out a window.

"As will mine. Looks like Tyler has saved my people yet again."

Rolic laughed.

"And mine. I'm laying the credit for this feat at his own."

Tempesta was in agreement.

"As am I. he has stuck his neck out to protect Leviathan herself now. She will most likely wish to meet you herself now."

Tyler smiled.

"We'll be doing jobs tomorrow all day long. She wants to drop in she's more than welcome to, long as we're not in a fight that is."

The lord of blue nodded.

"I'll pass the word along. I must get back to the hunt."

"Later big blue."

The dragon was gone and Tyler passed the blue coin to Rolic.

"That can reach me, Ishtar, Queen Willow, Tempesta, or Lady Seline of Raylik. Just say the name of who you wish to speak to aloud to the coin."

Rolic laughed as he held the item.

"A wise decision. No one else knows of these, right?"

"Not a soul. I had a crystal palmed when I called Ishtar on the street."

Ishtar nodded approvingly.

"A secret network not a soul knows about but us. His network is better made then my own."

Tyler crossed his arms now.

"Okay, Erica, what's your strength at?"

She passed him her HUD and he nodded.

"Okay, another all rounder like me. We needed another. Gear?"

She smiled widely now.

"I have a high dragon scale longsword, Magicite vest, and greaves of the metal as well."

Tyler nodded.

"We'll see Burlock and get you a scale vest as well as greaves."

She laughed.

"Of course you have more scales."

He looked at her anew as she stood to go change. Queen Erica had dark blue eyes, maroon hair, pale skin, and was as tall as Tyler was. Her bust was large like Malico's, and in age she appeared to be in her late twenties. Ishtar smiled as she left.

"You have formed a fine party."

Tyler chuckled.

"And it's still growing. I'm betting gold Eri joins as well."

Ishtar burst out laughing as kaori snorted. Lyrica laughed as well.

"Knowing that lunatic? Hell yeah."

Kaori hugged him.

"Will you really let her?"

He held her tightly.

"Of course Kaori. She's anything like you, she'll ASK to join."

She kissed him as Rolic spoke up.

"I'll get back to it, lad. Will you visit me realm?"

Tyler shrugged.

"Sooner or later, Rolic. We have a trip to Cragspire after we visit Valsask, but it's a definite eventually."

Ishtar was surprised.

"Why are you headed to Valsask?"

"The mayor there sent word for aid via the guild news."

"Ah, I remember now. Rolic, if you have nothing further, I need to use the crystal."

"I am content. If I need to reach the Outcast again I'll flip a coin!"


The dwarf was gone and Ishtar tapped the red crystal.


Tyler and Ashy smiled.


"A classic."

The crystal flared and a tall elf with silver skin was seen. The man bowed as he beheld the king.

"Your highness, to what do I owe this audience?"

"he can explain."

Sark looked where the king indicated, and gasped.

"Tyler the Outcast? En honor sir!"

Tyler smiled.

"Nice to meet you Sark. I heard you needed our aid?"

The elf nodded.

"We found something in the main shaft we are not sure how to handle. Images."

A set of ten magic photos were sent through the crystal and Tyler looked at them. The shots were of a chamber with a circle inside. Tyler sighed deeply.

"Have any miners entered the room?"

"None Sir. Soon as we found it, we evacuated the mine."

"Was it buried completely?"

"It was. We found it when a miner hit a rock and heard an echo like a drum. What have we found?"

"A demon chamber, sark. Close that shaft outright. No one in, nothing out."

The elf gasped.

"A demon chamber? By the gods, that shaft is a dead tunnel until you kill it. CAN you kill it?"

Tyler looked at the shots as Vixen came over. She looked at the shots and tilted her head.

"That's a rare circle design."


"Demonlord. The next step in the hierarchy of the realms. Nowhere hear archdemon, but still powerful."

Tyler smiled now.

"Sounds like fun. Sark."


"Have the town seal the shaft with a locked gate and a hot air warning sign. You know what hot air is right?"

The mayor of the mining town nodded smiling.

"I do Sir. Not a soul in their right mind would touch the shaft then. A clever deterrent."

"And post guards for the other idiots that can't read."

That got a laugh.

"Will do Sir. Will you aid us?"

"Indeed, Sark. Much as I preach about not doing a job for those that they refuse to do it themselves, this is an exception as the job is just beyond you. We will clean the wave up, and swing south before we head for Raylik."

Sark heaved a sigh of relief.

"I'll seal the shaft at once. Thank you Sir. We can discuss payment upon killing it, sound fair?"

"Sure. Hey, outta curiosity, what DO you mine in the tunnel?"

"The Vale mountain is famous for it's rich red steel ore deposits and occasional red Magicite."

"Cool. Well, I'll leave you to it."

The elf nodded and the image died as Ishtar sighed.

"Least it's not as bad as it could be. Miners find everything from old tombs to lost cities sometimes."

Tyler shrugged.

"Well, least it'll be killed."

The door opened and Erica came back in. The queen had ditched her fur robe for a light tunic of light blue with tight leather pants that hugged her shapely legs and hips. She had her sword on her hip with a bow of red on her back with a sturdy pair of riding boots on her feet. Tyler smiled approvingly.

"Nice to see the queen looking halfway decent."

She snorted.

"I'm getting there."

Tyler looked at Ishtar.

"I got a newbie to kit out."

The king laughed.

"Ya got a death wish. But have fun."

Tyler looked at the queen and she smiled.

"Sure, I'm set."

the party left the king to finalize the last bits of paperwork for the mess. Soon as the door closed, he sighed with longing and looked to where his own sword hung.

"Why DID I hang my sword up in the first place? And why didn't I pick it back up after Sera and Lillia were of age? Now I'm missing out on going adventuring with them. I see why he doesn't want to be king. It's just a gilded cage."

The king sighed with regretful longing as his wife and daughters went out to live the life he had forsaken, for reasons he could no longer recall.