

#Chapter3 WEAKNESS

The red liquid flows down my thigh

As I felt a sharp pain between my legs

I rushed into the bathroom with my eyes so big as saucers

Big blood bulb falling one by one

An experience so first

I cried a silent one

As I took in my pills flushing them with water

Was it what I was thinking

Ever thought it was my period

Lack of a known education

By parents given

Common sense Couldn't tell the answers

It was something of education

Every grown child should have known in that era

A testing war between parents and the 20th century

Even the last of their over protectiveness won't save a child from the bad community and influence of other kids.


/"Abby/" I said hugging the life out of my papa

/"Hey let my husband be, you're always a plan spoiler/" Abaranne said fuming with anger as I and Abby cuddled more and laughed.

/"Abaranne what's the plan? You had all day, all weeks with Abby and you decided to go out today? Well you ain't going anywhere but with me/" I said smiling sheepishly as she glared hard on me.

/"So...so...so....are you preggy already?/" Abaranne said with a teasing smile.

/"Abby, talk to your wife please,/"

/"What? I wanna see my little munchkins already, it's been more than a year yeah?/" Abaranne said a little serious.

/"Hey sweetheart hope theirs nothing we should know?/" Abby asked worriedly.

Hey, hey, hey....I'm fine y'all don't panicky...just waiting for Allah's time,/" I said with a reassured smile.

/"Where's zein? It's been long I haven't seen her./"

/"Ooh she went to the grocery shop to get some stuff./"

/"Oooh okay, I guess we won't be meeting, I have to walk out now, my regards./"

/"You leaving already, thought you were gonna stay for the day./"

/"Have your time with your habibty, she's fuming with anger already,/" I chuckled.

/"Bye Abby./" I said hugging and pecking the life out of my parents.


/"Hey, talk to me Shahzaib,/" Ammie said for the 100th time now.

/"It's nothing Ammie, we're not just ready,/" I said getting frustrated talking about it already.

/"It's been more than a year? Then when will you be ready?/"

/"Allah's timing Ammie, Allah's timing is the best./"

/"Yes we know, but show some efforts and Allah will help you./"

/"You'll see your grandkids soon Ammie, we'll be having double, triple./"

/"If there's something please share it with me, I can help./" Ammie said worriedly caressing my hands.

/"In sha Allah (God willing) Ammie, worry not/" I said as I peck her cheeks.


/"I haven't heard from you for so long doctor Ralph, I almost broke the rules some days back/"

/"It's probably because we're still trying to see things, it's not easy and I can't tell you something I don't know..../" He replied feeling frustrated.

/"What more do you know ?/" I asked calmly

/"Uhmmmm... HIV can be transmitted through vaginal or anal sex.

HIV is contained in bodily fluids, such as semen (cum), vaginal fluid, blood and anal mucus, which can pass into the other person's body during sex/"

/"That's it? That's all you know?/"

/"That's all we're trying to understand, but as a Matter of fact yes you can't have sex for now...we have to be sure of our answers, I can't tell you something I ain't sure of, be patient Ashfour or advisably get married again, this HIV is something new and something wild, you can developed a disease or infection by not feeding your pennis well...I'll make sure to update you if theirs any good news/"

/"Thanks a lot, I’d be waiting for that news anytime soon/" I said as I left the office banging the door.

/"I have a wife, she got the packages and all I do is sit and watch, no sex contact....I can't go on like this...it's making me crazy...should I ask her or not? She seems she has no knowledge on this yeah?/" I thought silently as I drove back home.

/"Hello Rey, you're back/" She said while kissing me as I looked deep into her transparent red lingerie.

/"Looking sexy huh?/"

/"I'm so tired get me some food before I freshen up/"

/"Right away babe, need assistance?/" She asked teasingly.

/"Nah, I'm good/" I said as I left.


/"Dressed in a blue sweats and white singlet, I hopped to the dining where my loving wife awaits me/"

/"Hmmmm, smells like hassle batch potatoes/"

/"You guessed right, and rice with cream of chicken soup/"

/"C'mon let's dive in/" I said as she sat on my lap and she feds me as I fed her too as always.

/"You cooked this huh? It's delicious/"

/"Really, don't worry I'll be cooking new dishes for you now/"

/"I'd be happy eating your food than the cooks/"

/"So how's Abaranne and Abby?/"

/"All fine and you?/"

/"All fine, doing great, they all sends their regards/"

/"It's been long I'll visit them next in sha Allah/"

/"I'm full, thanks for the delicious meal sweetheart/" I said as I packed all the plates to the kitchen.

/"Thanks love/"

/"Wait, where you going?/"

/"I have a match to watch, meet me in the parkour/" I said and left.

/"Minutes later Reyna came in and sat on my laps, as she rain kisses all over my face and neck/"

/"Back you distracting me, you know it's my favorite team playing/"

/"Okay fine/" She said as she sat beside me annoyed/"

/"Rey ain't you tired/" Minutes later she asked.

/"Tired? The match just started, two hours more/"

/"You're all focused on the game/" She complained.

/"Go have some rest, I’ll be there when I'm done/" An she stood up and leave.

I'm sorry love, I can't grant you your go wish, we both will have to suffer and endure this, how sad it's hard to ignore your body, but if only you waited until now, we could have explored our sex life like never!

My conscience speak up.

/"Long gone in my thought, a figure appeared naked snapping me out of my reverie/"

/"Reyna, what's this?/"

/"Get in the room now Rey/"

/"Get out of my way, you're obstructing my view/" I said almost shouting and she left angrily.


/"Stepping into the room I found Reyna balled up on the bed all clasped in a sweat pants and shirt/"

/"Reyna I know you ain't sleepy and I'm sorry/"

/"Cmon get up now/" I said dragging her by her arm/"

/"What? This is what you want huh? All you want to see is tears yeah, well I'm now in tears pleading with you to stop denying me of my rights Rey, what's wrong with you? Talk to me if theirs a problem/"

/"I, I, I'm so sorry Reyna.../"

/"Yes you're sorry yeah, you care no bit, doesn't it bothers you? Or you fuck around with all other girls?/"

/"Reyna? What the hell are you tryna say? If only you kept your legs.../" I kept quiet as realization hit me in what I was gonna say.

/"Say it Rey, say it, don't blame me when I sleep around with guys too/"

/"Reyna, just shut up please/"

/"Well why else will you refuse me? When other guys will take me in right way/" She said as she cried and I hugged her right.

/"I'm trying to sort out things right babe, trust me, it hasn't reached to that part of our life where we both sleep around, don't think like that, trust me everything will be fine, give me some time, it shall all be worth the wait, c'mon/"
