
Chapter 4 Skill Points and Store

I stumbled out of my egg and landed on my face, again. Not even bothering to get back up I decided to see what the hell I had become and find out more about this place. "Alex, can you please tell me more about what I am as well as explain where I am?"

|Yes Raven|

|The Basilisk Steel-plated Leopard, a slightly bigger version of an adult Steel Leopard at 6ft high 8ft long. Smooth silver fur with diamond-shaped steel plates starting from the head and trailing down the spine ending at the tail. The Basilisk Steel-plated Leopard is a hybrid of the combined bloodlines of your original bloodline, Steel Leopard, and the Divine Beast Basilisk. Because you have absorbed a bloodline of a higher quality than your own you have evolved into a Saint class beast. You are now able to cultivate this world's energy; our nanites are already working on the most optimal way for you to absorb this energy without harming you.|

|Skills gained from your transformation.|

|Cultivation Method ?|

|Vibration Sense 10/10|

|Petrifying Gaze 1/10|

|Talent, Poison Body gained|

|Affinity gained Poison 100%|

|Lightning, Ice, and Metal affinities have reached 100%|

|Skills: Stealth, Night Vision, and Bite have reached max level.|

Before I could even interrupt Alex and ask what the hell a Saint beast is or what cultivation had to do with anything, he continued talking.

|From what I have scanned from your surroundings you seem to be in a cave or cavern of some type.|

NO SHIT SHERLOCK! "Huuuuuh, no Alex, I meant what world am I on?"

|You are in a cave, I can gather no more information until we reach the surface, I am sorry.| "No, It's ok. Can you explain in more detail what a Saint beast is? I'd be ashamed if I didn't know what cultivation is, everyone in my last world at least had an understanding of it, even if it wasn't real."

|A Saint beast is a magical beast that has reached the pinnacle of its magic masterey. The Basilisk bloodline you absorbed focused on the Dao of Poison and Silver. That is why you have acquired the talents Silver body as well as Poison body. The talent Poison body has made every part of you into a deadly poison. From the blood running in your veins to the fur you shed, all of it contains a potent poison that you can control. Silver body grants you immunity to the lightning element, I can only ascertain that the Divine Basilisk was fighting a Thunderbird, and silver was a great way to defend against its attacks. Before you ask, I cannot give you any information on the Dao until your cultivation reaches a certain level.|

Damn...I'm two days old and I'm already a living disaster. That thought caused me to chuckle, aren't all babies living disasters? "Alex, can you show me my stats please?"

|Here you go, Raven|


|Name, Raven Smith|

|Race, Basilisk Steel-plated Leopard|

|Nanite Infused|

|Classification S+|

|Cultivation Method ?|

|Level 30 Exp 5470/40,000|

|HP 6,000 MP 2,400|


|Str 8|

|Agi 5|

|Con 10|

|Int 4|

|Chr 5|

|Luck 6|

|Skill Points 500|



|5x lottery tickets, Bloodlust combat knife (unavailable at this time,) 3x canteen of water, 1x shadow rabbit pelt, 300x silver egg shards, 13x egg shards of basilisk steel-plated leopard hybrid|


|Gold 10,000|


|Night Vision 10/10|

|Petrifying Gaze 1/10|

|Stealth 10/10|

|Bite 10/10|

|Slash 1/10|

|Metal Control 50/100|

|Nanite Control 1/100|

|Nanite Regeneration at 100%|

|Inspect 3/10|

|Skill Steel Spines 1/10|

|Vibration Sense 10/10|


|Poison Body|

|Treasure Hunter 10/10|

|Silver Body|

|Absorb 5/?|


Shadow: 13%

Ice: 100%

Metal: 100%

Lightning: 100%

Poison: 100%

My face was flooded with countless windows in front of me, I could barely see a thing. "Alex from now on can you just show me my stats, I don't need to see my skills right now."

|From now on only your status will be pulled up unless asked otherwise.|

"Thanks, Alex." All the other windows disappeared. I guess I should use my skill points. I used to play D&D in middle school so all of this is pretty familiar except the Luck stat. I'm pretty sure it was luck that I stumbled onto the Silver snake egg grove. If only 6 luck got me there, I wonder what 100 will do? Then I'll distribute the rest equally to the other 5. Now my stats were nice and high.


|Str 88|

|Agi 85|

|Con 90|

|Int 84|

|Chr 85|

|Luck 106|

|Skill Points 0|

"Alex, can you show me the shop now?" Not even answering, another window opened up in front of me. My jaw dropped open as I stared at the millions of options scrolling before me. This was insane. The stuff in here ranged from firewood, to a thermonuclear black hole bomb. Price seemed to be fair, not like in some of those books I read in my previous life. "Um, Alex. What would you recommend I buy?"

|Gravity Core: price 10,000, info: a gravitational field implanted in your body to allow you to walk on any surface.|

|Optical Camouflage: price 5,000, info: new nanites will be introduced to your body with the specific job to camouflage you using micro-cameras on every part of your body. Able to evolve|


|I have created the Skill, Cyborg, to help you. Since you are unable to use any weapons at this time except your claws, poison, and fangs. Cyborg allows you to convert part of your body into a machine. For example, replace an eye for a cybernetic eye allowing you to see every spectrum of light and detect the slightest disturbance on the ground to track movements. Price 50,000.|

A multitude of other skills popped up but those three piqued my interest. I was touched that Alex put in the time to create such a skill to help me, the price was high but worth it. I didn't mind converting into a cyborg, I'm already a metal leopard with poison in my veins, why not go the extra mile. Unfortunately, it was a little out of my price range so I went with the next best thing.

|Confirm Purchase of Gravity Core?|

