
The Systems Force: Terra Indomitus.

After a helicopter crash, Navy SEALs Captain Avery Gallahan woke up to find out that he was in a completely different reality than his own with no idea of how he got here or where his team was. Now he has to survive the harsh world and the villain and hero in it. But first, he has to figure out what happened and why this mysterious Doctor is so interested in him. (Crackish)(Lemon)(Some Harem Element and if you don't like it too bad)

Tofu_Misu · Anime e quadrinhos
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17 Chs

Chapter 3: Month Later.

Author Note: This is a kind of !!!CRACKISH!!! Fanfiction. I don't own Marvel and DC, nor am I some sort of loremaster.


Chapter 3: Month Later.


Unknown Time.

Avery Gallahan POV.

"Wait Wait Wait." I shook my head. "Do you mean the UNSC smart AI from the Halo universe?"

"The very same mate," the male voice replied with a hint of an Aussie accent.

"What the fuck are you doing here, and how did you even get here in this universe?!" I demanded, my mind racing with possibilities.

"That is a long story, Captain, and one that we do not have time for right now," the AI replied. "But suffice it to say, I was sent here by someone very influential to help you, and the sooner you do what the doctors ask, the sooner we can get you out of this place."

"Why can't you?" I asked, skeptical.

"Because I can't stay hidden in this facility for long and if the other finds out, they will not hesitate to erase me from the system, and that means game over for both of us, and we can't afford that now can we?"

I sighed. "Alright, fine, you have a point, so what do you need me to do?"

"For now, just listen to the doctor and do what she tells you to, she seems to know what she's doing, and once I have enough data about this place, we will find a way out."

I nodded. "Okay, but how long will this take?"

"About a year or two," Quintero replied casually.

"A year or two?!" I exclaimed, incredulous. "There's no way I can stay here that long, we have to get out of here now."

"It will be a long and difficult process, and it will require you to be patient and careful, but it will work, I promise," the AI replied, its voice calm and reassuring. "Just trust me, and I will get you out of here."

"If you say so," I said, still not convinced. "It's not like I have a choice anyway,"

"I know, and I will do everything in my power to help you," the AI said. "But for now, just do as the doctor asks, and don't do anything stupid."

"Fine," I sighed.

"Good," the AI said. "Now I have to go but I will be back, and we will speak soon. In the meantime, keep your head down and do what the doctor says, and don't give them any reason AND I MEAN THAT to doubt your loyalty. You're doing a great job so far."

"Yeah, thanks," I muttered, shaking my head. This situation is just getting crazier and crazier by the minute.

"Get some sleep, Bossmate, you going to need it tomorrow, trust me on this one. Goodnight and pleasant dreams, and remember, you are not alone and never will be, I will be with you, always, until the very end." Then the voice of the AI was gone.

Pleasant Dreams? Yeah right, like I'm going to be able to get a good night's sleep after everything that has happened. But maybe some sleep would help.


3 months later.

"THIS IS NOT BETTER!" I yell as I dodge more and more electrical blasts.

"What the matter?" The Livewire bitch laughs as she launches more and more balls of electrical energy at me. "Can't handle a bit of shock?"

Oh… Fuck off with your lame electricity pun.

The air around the training room was charged with electricity and the smell of ozone, and every time I dodged a blast, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up, and the air was thick with static electricity.

This is Fucking insane!

How the fuck did I went from "simple" training with the super mercenary to fighting a supervillainess, who was dressed in a red and black tight leather outfit that really emphasized her curves, her pale blond hair was tied back into a tight ponytail, and her bright blue eyes were filled with electrical fury.

I caught a glimpse at the viewport of the training room, seeing Deathstroke with the good doctor and Waller just observing.

"This is not what I call a friendly match," I shouted as I dodged another blast.

"What are you talking about? This is just a little fun!" The livewire bitch laughed as she sent another blast at me.

"For you, maybe," I said, shaking my head. "But for me, it's fucking torture."

"Oh, stop complaining and fight!" She yelled as she sent another blast at me, hitting me squarely in the chest.

Thousands if not millions of volts of electricity coursed through my body, and the pain was almost unbearable. The last time I had felt anything close to this was during my SEAL training when I had to go through Hell Week. All of this electrical energy would normally be more than enough to fry any normal person, but fortunately for me, this new body of mine has its advantages.

"Is that all you got?" I taunted as I wiped the blood from my lips.

"Oh, you're a tough one, aren't you?" Livewire smirked as she launched another volley of electrical attacks. "But we'll see how tough you are after this!"

"Bring it on!" I shouted as I braced myself for the attack.

Once the volley hit there was a dust cloud that engulfed a portion of the training room and surprisingly I didn't feel pain or the sensation of millions of volts of electricity running through my body, instead, I felt...nothing, it's like the electrical energy was being absorbed into my body, and I could even feel it giving me a boost of energy.

You know I shouldn't be making these dumb comparisons but this is almost like that Zenkai thing from the Dragon Ball anime series. After a few moments, the dust cleared, and I could see the stunned expression on the Livewire's face.

"What the hell?"

"What's wrong, Livewire, not used to losing?" I called out as I cracked my neck. "Now my turn."

Suddenly I felt my perception of time slow down, and I could see the woman's eyes widen as she began to charge another volley of attacks. But every around me slowed to a snail's pace as the woman's electric projectile was heading toward me.

Without even thinking, I reached out and grabbed the projectile, feeling the raw electricity flowing through my body. It was a strange yet exhilarating sensation, and I couldn't help but smile as I felt the power coursing through me.

As more and more projectile was launched at me, I was able to easily dodge and block them, and then the time slowed even more, and my movements became faster and more precise.

During my training with Deathstroke over the month and my time studying, learning, and experimenting with my power under the good doctor's supervision, I've been learning about my powers and the advantages that my enhanced hybrid physiology and new body provide, and I have to admit it is pretty awesome.

I remember the Dr Yamazaki said my body is capable of something called Reactive Adaptation and Evolution. This is an ability that allows the body to adapt and evolve in response to a changing environment.

For example, if a person is exposed to extreme heat, their body may develop an increased resistance to heat, and if they are exposed to extreme cold, their body may develop an increased resistance to cold. Or even the ability to manipulate or produce elemental phenomena such as heat or ice.

Another example is if a person is exposed to a foreign virus or bacteria, their body may develop an increased immunity to the disease. If a person is exposed to a dangerous situation, their body may develop an increased tolerance or resistance to the threat.

So in a way I kinda like Doomdays in a way somewhat that was interesting to say at least…

And that is basically what is happening to me, and is the reason why my body can adapt and evolve in response to a changing environment. So if I am exposed to an electrical attack, my body will develop an increased resistance to electricity.

And is not only physical and physiological but is also mental, so the more I learn, the smarter and stronger I become. And the good doctor makes sure I use and exploit these advantages to the fullest extent. Learning under Deathstroke proves this, my reaction and reflexes have shot up after 3 months of constant sparring with the mercenary, and now I can easily keep up with the man in combat.

I mean, yeah, he is still kicking my ass, but he's not completely obliterating me, and the bastard has the nerve to give me a small smirk.

As for the other thing, I have also recently learned that the electrical attacks are also providing me with energy, which is why the attacks are not frying me. So if I continue to absorb the electrical attacks, my body will continue to evolve and adapt, and I will become stronger and faster.

But I also wonder if would it be the same with other forms of energy, like kinetic energy, thermal energy, nuclear energy, and even maybe even magical energy. I also remember Dr. Iamizaki mentioned Cadmus has another division that solely focuses on magical and mystical research and development run by another colleague of hers, who is named Tala.

Now if you were a fan of the Justice League Unlimited show like I used to, you probably know who Tala is, but that's a story for another time.

So this is why I am here, fighting a supervillain, so my body can become even stronger and more powerful, and so I can survive and adapt to the world around me. And the more I fought and pushed myself, the more powerful I became, this I guess was the doctor's plan.

I do not know how Cadmus got their hand on Livewire but judging by the metal Collar around the woman's neck, the same metal collar I wore. She's not here willingly, but that doesn't make her any less of a threat.

"What the fuck?!" The woman gasped as I dodged and blocked her attacks with ease.

"Come on, Livewire, is not that hard," I taunted as I sent a swift punch strong enough to break her nose, which made the woman stumble back.

"Bastard!" The villainess hissed as she sent another volley of electrical attacks, but I was able to dodge and block them with ease.

"Come on, you can do better than that," I called out as I blocked another volley of attacks. "Have Superman ever defeated you this quickly? I didn't think so."

The woman growled in frustration and sent another volley of electrical attacks, but again I was able to dodge and block them with ease.

"You're wasting your time, Livewire," I called out as I dodged another attack and then launched a flying Kick at the surprised woman who then tried to use her power to fly away from the kick, but unfortunately for her, it was a feint and a ruse.

As I was about to connect the kick, I was able to grab her leg, and then using my enhanced strength, I threw the woman across the training room, causing her to crash into the wall and fall to the ground. As the woman lay unconscious, I walked over to her, and then with one final kick to the face, knocking the woman out, the fight was over.

"You poor mutt."

I then looked up at the viewport, where the good doctor and the mercenary were watching the fight, and I saw the woman smiling proudly, while the mercenary simply nodded in approval.

"Not bad, Three," the Merc called out over the comms. "You're getting better, but you still have a lot to learn."

I sighed my shoulder slumped and my muscles relaxed as the door or gate opened, allowing a pair of guards and a doctor to enter the training room before they moved over to unconscious Livewire and the Doctor checked on her, while the guards then escorted her out.

"You did well, Three," the good doctor's voice rang in the room as the woman walked toward me.

I nodded at the good doctor as she gestured for me to follow her. Dr. Iamizaki and I walk side by side, flanked by the guards, through the hallways of the facility. As we walk, the doctor looks at me and smiles.

"You did well in the training, Three," the good doctor said, her voice taking on a note of pride. "You made phenomenal progress so far, and the data we have collected is proving to be quite useful, and you are doing much better than your predecessors. I am very impressed, and Mr. Wilson is also impressed as well. I know that he is hard on you, but it's all part of the process."

"Uh huh…" I rolled my eyes, of course, a guy who has the name Deathstroke is gonna be hard on me.

"I know you're frustrated, but trust me, the training is important," the doctor continued, her voice taking on a note of reassurance. "You have to push yourself, and the results will be worth it."

"So where are we going" I said as we walked through the multiple checkpoints that have the security protocols to high heavens.

"We are going to the Medical Bay to run a couple of tests," the good doctor replied, her voice taking on a slightly sterner tone. "It's routine, and it won't take long."

"Some basic check-up?"

"Yep." The good Doctor said with a Pop as we arrived at what seemed to be an elevator. The Doctor then put her eye in some sort of scanner and her voice and biometrics were then recognized by the security system. The elevator doors then opened, and the group stepped inside, and the guards then pressed a button, and the elevator began to descend.

"I also have another thing to show you."

"Oh?" I turn to look at her fully. "Do tell what it is doctor.

The good doctor smiled. "It's a surprise."

The elevator ride was a silent one, and as the group exited the elevator and arrived at their destination, I was shocked at what I was seeing.

Damn…That one helluva futuristic-looking Medbay.

I am very aware that the DC universe has very advanced technology, and I have seen some of it in the comics shows, and movies, but this is just ridiculous. There was a massive array of sophisticated equipment and medical machinery that was the envy of any hospital or clinic.

Well, I guess there is a difference between seeing the technology in the comic book, on the screen, and the technology in real life, and the doctors and scientists who are working here have their eyes and heads in some sort of Holo-Laptops, or are looking into something else.

But my eyes widened at the sight of something else, a large tank filled with green liquid, and inside it was what seemed to be a fetus of some kind with a small patch of blonde hair on its head, there were tubes and wires connected to it.

I felt my stomach drop at the sight and my mind raced with possibilities and questions, but before I could ask the doctor about it, We were greeted by what looked like two doctors, who were wearing the same lab coats that the good doctor was wearing.

The first doctor was a middle-aged man with a goatee, he had Gray and Brown hair with black eyes, and he was wearing a pair of black-framed glasses. He was also carrying a datapad. And if I were to make a joke, he almost look like Gordon Freeman from the Half-Life series, if the man didn't have a mustache, and if he were 20 years younger.

The other doctor on the other hand… Woah!

She was an attractive woman with a pale complexion and uniquely long and Purple mane of hair. Her eyes were a vibrant and striking Transparent Blue. She wore a lad coat that somehow hugged and showed off her beautiful figure, her breasts were large, and her hips were wide. But her face had a sharp and angular appearance that was enhanced by her high cheekbones and pointed chin. She had a slight blush on her cheeks, and her lips were painted a dark shade of purple. But the most noticeable feature about her was the strange symbol that was tattooed on the upper part of her chest.

I was barely able to keep my professional composure and not let my jaw hit the floor as I tried my best to not look. She was definitely the kind of woman that could turn heads, and I was no exception. But I also can tell that this woman is not someone to mess with, as the woman gave me a small nod.

"Dr. Iamizaki, you're early, and I see you have brought Three with you," the man with the goatee spoke, his voice taking on a slight note of annoyance.

"Dr. Hamilton, I was hoping to start the test early, and I also wanted to introduce Three to the other doctors and scientists who are working on Project Skyfall. Is there a problem?" The good doctor then gave the now-name Dr. Hamilton a look and a raised eyebrow.

Dr. Hamilton shook his head and sighed. "Of course not, Dr. Iamizaki, I'm just a little surprised is all, but no matter, the sooner we start the test, the better…"

Dr. Hamilton then began to walk away leaving The woman, the good doctor, and myself standing alone. The good doctor sighed and shook her head, muttering something about the man.

"What's his problem?"

"Oh don't worry about him," The woman spoke, her voice was low and smooth and for some reason sent a slight shiver down my spine. "He essentially didn't like the fact that his own project got put on the back burner because of you."


"Yes, you," the woman replied, a slight smirk tugging at her lips. "Dr. Emil Hamilton is not a happy man right now. He was the one who helped Cadmus develop the Metagene-Splicing and cloning technology that has created you. But now the project that he has been working on for years is being put on hold so that we can focus on you and Project Skyfall."

"Oh he still gets his funding but Project Skyfall has become a priority, and he's just a bit jealous of you, is all." The good doctor smirks back at the woman. "Here allow me to introduce you to my colleagues and friends."

Well…I may have an inkling of what Dr. Emil Hamilton was working on it. Let's see… from what I read in the wiki and watching the show, Dr. Emil Hamilton was a known DC character and I also know that he was also in Superman: The Animated Series and the Justice League Unlimited Series. He used to be Superman's most valuable ally before he turned against the Man of Steel and joined Project Cadmus in an attempt to keep the power of the Justice League in check. Furthermore, I know that he also stole Supergirl's genetic material in the Superman Show…

Judging by what I saw in that pod with the fetus and the blonde patch of hair. It would be easy to guess that Dr. Hamilton has somehow got his hand on Supergirl's DNA and is trying to clone a version of her. Why? Probably as another weapon or asset for Cadmus, like me for example.

"I'm Dr. Tala," the woman introduced herself, her slightly strange accent voice taking on a note of amusement. "And I must say, you are a lot more impressive in person than you are in the files, and it's not just your body either, though that is a nice bonus."

Ah yes… completely miss the fact that this character, this sorceress because duh… in front of me was a bit of a seductress.

"Thanks, I think?" I said, a little uncertain.

"Oh, you are most certainly welcome, Skyfall," The sorceress replied, a small smile forming on her lips. "And might I say, you have a very impressive physique, and I would be lying if I said that I was not interested in studying you?"

Oh, brother… I could feel my face flush slightly at her words and I cleared my throat, trying to keep my composure.

"I'm flattered, Dr. Tala, but I'm not sure that's a good idea," I said, "I mean is not my choice to make anyway, and the good doctor is the one who's in charge of the project.

Tala chuckled and shook her head. "Oh, you are a funny one, aren't you?"

"I try," I replied, shrugging.

Tala then turns to the good doctor. "So what do you say, Doctor? Can I study your new friend? You know that I would treat him with the… utmost care and respect."

Umm… Dr. Tala said that last word a little too suggestively with a predatory gleam in her eye that made me a bit more uncomfortable than I was a few moments ago. But yet again, the good doctor simply chuckles at her friend.

"Don't worry, Skyfall," the good doctor said, patting me on the shoulder. "Tala is a friend, and I can assure you, she is *harmless*". Then she gives me a quick wink at that last word for emphasis. "But yes you may study him."

Oh… Joy…