
The System’s Mistake

What happens when the system gets stuck with a good-for-nothing master? Let’s explore the system’s perspective in trying its best to change a man that would rather sleep than seek power. Authors notes: I hope you give this a try and help me grow as an author who once loved to read. This will be my first web novel and I welcome all feedback!

ItzSky · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

The HQ’s Secret


"Don't do this; it's just one host! You will be given a new one soon! Don't throw away your life!" A blond haired boy yelled persistently following her.

Luna ignored the boy and kept her pace walking towards a golden door at the end of the hallway. As she approached the golden door two shadowy figures appeared blocking the way.

"Do you have an appointment?" One of the figure questioned

"Rafael. Get out of my way." Luna commanded

"Ha! Do you think you could just barge in here? You? Don't make me laugh! Return to your office at once and await for your next assignment!" Ordered the other figure

"Samael.. I don't follow orders from you." Luna answered staring him down with a cold glint in her eyes.

"You asked for this!" Samael roared as he manifested a pure white spear that had an unidentifiable golden text written down along its shaft.

Samael lunged at Luna intent on stabbing her with the spear. Luna responded with a manifested weapon of her own, a crescent blade clashed with the spear thrust and was redirected to the ground.

"Luna! Lets just leave! This is not worth it!" The blond haired boy pleaded

Rafael stayed by the golden door with his arms crossed still covered in the shadowy robe that obscured his image. Samael however lost this robe as soon as his spear was manifested. He was a red haired man with a feirce aura, transparent wings could be seen on his back and a golden halo floated above his head.

Samael lifted his spear from the floor and sent a barrage of spear strikes towards Luna, however all of his strikes were easily deflected by her blade.

"Looks like you're serious about this. Then this will be your end." Samael said. He stopped his barrage and took a step back. "This will be fun!" He yelled with a wicked smile.

Samael stabbed his spear on the floor as he chanted a few words unleashing a bright wave through the hallway. As the light faded He appeared with a full set a silver armor, like the spear, it was imbued with the strange golden text patterns that emitted a powerful aura.

"Stop brother Sam! Father would never want us to fight each other!" Yelled the blond boy, now standing right next to Luna.

"Stay out of this Gabriel! I'm simply following orders." Samuel yelled staring daggers at him. Samuel grabbed his spear and prepared his attack 'Hehehe. Ohh Luna.. I will make you submit!' Samuel announced in his thoughts before dashing towards Luna once more.

As Luna prepared to receive the attack Gabriel intercepted it with the same manifested armor and a dagger.


An explosion occurred as soon as the blades made contact sending Samael and Gabriel flying in opposite directions.

Rafael and Luna were both unaffected simply watching the aftermath. "Gabriel! You! I will rip your wings apart!" Samael roared. He pointed his spear towards Gabriel and a ball of pure energy blasted forth hitting his arm.

"Ugh." Gabriel grunted a hole appeared on his right arm causing him to drop his dagger. "I don't understand what Luna is aiming for but.. I will help her!" Gabriel grabbed the dagger on the floor with his left arm and soon disappeared from sight. The next moment he was right behind Samael with a dagger over his throat.

"How!?" Samael mumbled breaking out in cold sweat. Fear could be seen in his eyes he never would have thought that Gabriel was capable of something like this.

"Enough." Rafael ordered "I too have my doubts about what happened with your host Luna but we cannot let you enter without his orders. Do you intend for me to get involved as well?" He questioned releasing an even stronger aura compared to Samael and Gabriel.

"I need an audience with father.. there are many things wrong with my host's situation.." Luna stammered dismissing her weapon into particles of light

Gabriel backed off and dismissed his weapon as well leaving Samael with a small cut where the dagger used to be.

"There are proper procedures that we all must follow to .." Rafael was talking like a proper soldier before getting cut off

"Let them in." A booming voice echoed throughout the whole building, leading some figures to peer out their offices to see what is going on. It has been a milenia since they've heard this voice leaving everyone with an expression of shock; before long a crowd has formed and murmuring could be heard between the figures.

"They're in trouble!"

"Father sounds angry.."

"Ohhh! glorious! What a Glorious day! My host will remember today! I'll send him some better rewards."

"Is it time! Is it time to slaughter the Demons!?"

"Shut up dumbass! It's obvious were slaughtering the humans instead!"

"Back to you're rooms!" Another figure appeared between the crowd and Luna. His appearance quickly silenced the hall. "Luna. Gabriel. Go." He ordered gesturing towards the golden door. Rafael simply stood to the side while Samael glared at them with a look of malice in his face.

"Thank you. Brother Michael." Luna said before walking towards the door. As she opened the door Gabriel was following closely behind her clutching his right arm with his left. As they entered a bright light blinded their eyes forcing them to close it.

"Father…" Luna mumbled shielding her eyes with her hand. "Jay did nothing wrong. Metatron's punishment is unjustified!" Luna pleaded her case trying her best not to stammer in front of him.

"My child. The invasion of earth lead by different pantheon's and… scourges are unfortunately justified. Not even I can interfere." A voice answered

"But…" Luna answered raising her voice

"However. My children have no such restrictions." The voice said

"Then you mean?" Luna asked regaining her composure

"Yes child. We shall soon join this.. incursion. I have a task for you two."

"It would be an honor father!" Gabriel kneeled and answered resolutely.

"Do you understand why towers are being erected?"

"Isn't it just a procedure for their justified attack?" Luna answered

"That is not the only reason. They are seeking champion's to host the higher beings of the pantheon. If we were to join we would need our own tower and thats where the both of you will come along."

"Go to City 1 and replace the tower with ours. Gabriel you shall be the contractor to Luna who will be your admin. Now go" the voice ordered

"But. Jay?!" Luna's voice squeeked defiantly at the pressure of the being

"He has.. a more important task. That boy has already conquered one of the seven prior to your contact. Do not worry and fulfill your task." The being answered

"The seven?!" Luna asked with a blank look