
The Sword And The Tiara

Elena Smith who has lived her life as an ordinary girl finds out that she’s a powerful light fairy and the long-lost princess of Euroix, a magical European kingdom that’s home to magical creatures and home to her parents who are now late. After being attacked by vampires and saved by her best friend she’s determined to go to Euroix to explore her roots learn more about herself and find out who killed her parents. While she’s there she’s introduced to friends and enemies and she meets her other family members some of whom don’t like her so much. She begins to receive threats from an unknown enemy, an enemy that stays in the school for magical creatures, Magix Academy. She, Alex, and her new friends and teachers are set to find out who is threatening the princess, and at the same time, Elena tries to find out who killed her parents. Elena soon learns that the world both Earth and Lenfairia are full of hidden secrets and a history that intertwines.

Emiswift33 · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter Seven

Do not trip.

Elena takes Marie's orders into account as she walks down the grand stairs. She can't afford to trip right now. There are so many eyes on her like up to a million people. So she tries her best to walk as slowly and regally as possible. She's taken to it that this isn't a runway and she's in a ball gown she has to walk like she is indeed royalty. Her head is held up, her chin up and her eyes look straight forward. In her head, she's winging it, she's doing this justice. She's not an embarrassment.

All those years of watching videos of the royal family have finally paid off.

She lets out a sigh internally as soon as she gets down the stairs - she has successfully come down the stairs without tripping and her uncle takes her hand escorting her with his wife by his side. The music goes back on and people are still looking at her. She's used to stares by now.

"You look beautiful my dear." Her Aunt says to her dressed in an ocean blue dress that sparkles and a tiara on her head. Her uncle is dressed in a suit and has a crown on his head.

"Thank you," she says to her Aunt.

"I am going to introduce you to a lot of people." Her uncle whispers into her ear. "I know it's going to be overbearing but…"

Elena is taken aback when a group of kids throw themselves on her hugging her and calling her name in excitement. She looks down at the blond-headed kids in shock and she puts two in two together. These are her cousins. Benjamin and Billy. Alex is the one that told her about the two cousins of hers who were born a few years after she had left.

Benjamin is ten and Billy is eight and their older brother is fourteen and since he's not here she's guessing he's in school, Magix Academy. If Elena thought she felt welcomed when people cheered for her arrival she feels welcomed now that her cousins have embraced her in a hug.

"Oh, Elena so sorry about that." a woman giggles and she also has a tiara on her head, she holds a cigarette so confidently in between her fingers and there's a grumpy-looking man at her side. "They were really excited to see you."

"Oh, it's not a problem, I was excited to see them too." She turns to the boys. "Hey, I'm Elena."

"Welcome back home Elena." They both say in unison in the most adorable way possible. Elena wants to squeeze those adorable red cheeks of theirs.

"Aww, thank you guys. You two are so handsome and adorable."

"Thank you," Billy says blushing.

"Okay, kids go play with the other children let the grown-ups talk." the grumpy-looking man says to them in a deep voice. They obey and they've made a run for it. Elena watches them as they leave and someone wraps her up in a hug.

Wow, people in this world love to hug in this world, don't they?

"I am so happy you're back home my dear niece." The lady says.

She knows who she is. Her Aunt. Princess Imogene Charlie Manchester, her father's younger sister the last born of the Argentine three. She's married to Duke Nathaniel Benson Manchester the grumpy man with the gold hair and gold beard that covers his lips. Their children are Benedict, Benjamin and Billy Manchester. She's met Benjamin and Billy but not Benedict, he's at the boarding school at the moment.

Her Uncle Conrad has a son her age, Prince Henry Oliver Argentine.

Both Alex and her mom have explained the lore to her and she's not surprised that she remembers this. This is the same brain she used to know the names of the British family and the same brain she used to memorize Nicki Minaj's verses.

"I'm so glad to be back," Elena says smiling at her Aunt.

"This is my husband, Duke-"

"Duke Benson. It's nice to meet you, Uncle." She brings her hand out for a handshake because Alex was very specific when he was talking about him. He called him Duke Douche and that he acts like he hates his wife and kids and he hates hugs. He didn't even kiss his wife at their wedding.

"Nice to meet you too." The Duke says with his hands left behind him. Out of embarrassment she slowly takes her hand back. she's not surprised that he didn't shake her hand. She just thought he'd at least show some affection that his wife's niece is back home.

Alex is right, he is a douche.

"I'm glad you've met the Manchesters now let me introduce you to some other guests that would love to meet you." Her uncle gestures her away from her Aunt and her husband. "Benson." He greets the Duke but in a begrudging way. Elena tries hard not to laugh. It looks like someone else doesn't like the Duke.

Elena has met so many people of high rank, politicians, Kings and Queens of other nations. The King of Spain is young and hot but Elena knows that he's a fuck boy she's seen his types back home before. He kind of reminds her of Nick.

More hugs

More kisses

More greetings

More compliments

People saying she looks just like her mother.

She's met her Aunt Stella's parents and they're so nice, just like her.

"Welcome back sweetie." Her mother, Viscountess, Rosie says in the sweetest voice possible.

"You are gonna love it here darling." Viscount Gregory says.

"I'm a hundred per cent sure I will."

She's met a younger gay couple who are the power couple of a game called Squatch they're athletes and Elena loves them, and she loves that gay people compliment women the same way gay people back on earth compliment women. And they're hot and fit. She hopes to see Shawn and Alejandro again.

Elena has always been a social butterfly but she's never had a social battery die, at least not until tonight because meeting all those people, hugging them and listening to their boring stories is exhausting. But she mustn't show it on her face, however she can tell that that's not going to be easy.

Her stomach growls and she begins to stare at the cakes and candy that's on the long table, she wants it in her mouth even if it's just a taste.

"You look like you want to make a run for it." her uncle says to her. She shoots her head up at her smiling uncle and she shakes her head forcing a smile.

"No, I don't. the night is still young and-"

"And you are exhausted, I don't blame you, when I became King I dreaded these meet and greets, but now I'm used to it." King Conrad winks at her but Elena doesn't say anything she doesn't want to complain to the King. "No more meet and greets for tonight you can go join your friends." He says pointing at Alex and Pierre who are eating cupcakes and biscuits yet still standing alert ready to jump at anything that tries to threaten this gathering even though there are so many guards here.

They're both dressed in black suits but Pierre has a bow tie around his neck and Alex has a tie around his.

She looks up at her uncle with a grin on her face.

"Thank you, Uncle Conrad." She walks away and her uncle watches her. He still cannot believe that his brother's daughter is back to them, he knows he'll be proud of what his daughter has become. He knows that he is.

"Hey, boys." Elena sings as she approaches her best friend.

"Mhm." Alex moans dropping the cupcake on the table. "You, my beautiful best friend look stunning, perfect, out of this world." Alex praises her and she twirls allowing him to take a look at the beautiful dress she has on.

"You look incredible princess," Pierre says in a low voice and a small smile he wants to be professional about it but his eyes are very telling that he wants to tell her more, he wants to tell her that there are no words to describe how she looks right now.

"Thank you, Pierre.." She says, her voice a bit low and flirty. Alex looks between them but he's decided to shut his mouth. "You two look dashing like the gentlemen you are."

"Oh please you won't think Pierre a gentleman until you see him fighting someone." Pierre nudges Alex.

"I am a gentleman through and through," Pierre assures her and she nods.

"I know, Alex is just full of shit."

"Full of shit." Pierre agrees Elena and Pierre laugh and Alex scoffs

"I don't like this new friendship," he says.

"Well, better get used to it Walker," Elena says and Alex mimics her. "You are dramatic and I'm hungry so you guys please follow me to where the snacks are. She turns around and moves toward the table of snacks. The boys follow her.

"You have to try the strawberry cake. There's something about the ones here that's just better than the ones we've had on earth." Alex recommends.

Elena listens to her best friend and picks up a pink strawberry cupcake and takes a bite from it. She begins to chew and Alex and Pierre watch her waiting for her verdict.

She's chewing, chewing and chewing. Then her eyes light up.

"Oh my God, this is… heavenly. I don't… wait are there drugs in this?" she jokes.

"No!" Pierre and Alex say shaking their heads. Elena looks at the both of them confused at why they're quick to say no.

"I know Earth takes illegal drugs seriously but here, we take it more and more seriously," Alex explains.

"If you're caught selling hard drugs you'll be sentenced to jail forever and if you're caught using you have to enrol into a rehabilitation centre even though you used it once." Says Pierre.

Elena looks stunned at them. "Wow, thank goodness I have no plans on using or selling." She looks around her at the nobles staring at her and whispering to themselves. "I have a reputation to uphold," she says to herself.

Someone clears their throat. She spins around to see a beautiful woman. She has long white hair and crystal blue eyes and she's dressed in a long flowy white gown and has a crown on her head.

"Queen Katerina." Both Alex and Pierre bow. Elena hesitates but does the same.

"Oh please rise." she giggles. Her accent is Russian, she's the Queen of Russia, Elena presumes. But then she's so young, younger than the King of Spain. At least that man is in his late twenties but the Queen of Russia looks like a teenager.

"It's so lovely to meet you, Princess Elena." She says. "I heard about the slight trouble you faced when you were on your way here." concern is written on her beautiful face.

"It was pretty scary but it was dealt with, thanks to these two." She says directing the Queen's attention at Alex and Pierre.

"Oh please, Your Highness the princess also saved us by destroying those creatures." Says Alex.

"Yes, I heard. Elena please you must give yourself credit when you do something. Princess Annalise the Third did not fight for firstborn daughters to be next in line instead of first born sons for us to be giving men credit for our work." She winks and Elena smiles at her.

Apart from her cousins and the gay athletes, Queen Katerina has to be the next best guest she's met.

"You're right but I'm just grateful these two were by my side."

"The knights are always protecting us, but we should also have friends who will kill for us." She says looking at both Alex and Pierre smiling at both of them.

"It was so lovely to meet you, Elena, you and my younger sister are going to be friends when you get to Magix." The queen turns her face and grimaces. "I hope."

Both Alex and Pierre exchange looks and Elena just nods her head. Pierre now knows that Alex hasn't told Elena about the whole scandal between his ex-boyfriend and the Queen's younger sister.

"Now if you'll excuse me. Enjoy the cupcakes." She walks away.

"It was nice meeting you! The Queen of Russia slightly turns her head and nods, disappearing into the crowd and greeting more people.

"She seems lovely."

"Sadly that can't be said about her sister," Alex says and Pierre shoots him a shocked look. Elena turns to him with a furrowed brow.

"Really? How so?"

"Let's just say she's a little bit uptight," Pierre answers her. "And some might say she's that way because she lost her parents to a wizard attack."

"Oh, my God that's awful. Is that why the Queen looks so young."

"Yeah, she became Queen at nineteen but she's twenty years old. Her parents died when she was seventeen though. She had to wait until she was an adult to become Queen."

"Damn, I can't imagine having so much responsibility at that age." Elena is looking at the Queen of Russia greeting everyone. She wonders how long she's going to keep up with smiling for hours. She shouldn't have that much responsibility she shouldn't even be here she should be partying in a club or better still in her third year of university.

Elena kind of feels bad for her, but nothing a good cupcake can't do to cheer her up.

"Mmm." She moans after taking another bite. "You guys should have these, they're delicious."

I've never been to a ball, hope to be in one someday :⁠-⁠)

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