
Important announcement...



Hello my dear readers.. I don't know how to express my feelings. I'm so depressed right now. I'm going through so much pain as I have been diagnosed with second stage T pedis infection. It's painful to the hell that I want to get free from this pain anyhow. I don't care even if it's my death or not… I just want to get rid of this… As I said I'm going through a physical and emotional pain and am unable to write anything. You may have noticed the chapters were very short these days because I'm not in a state of mind to write anything. I'm not satisfied with my writing because it's not my best… These days I tried my best to push myself forward but now I can't.. I'm exhausted mentally. I will be back once I get cured and free from this pain… I will try to be back within two weeks.. but I can't promise you... it's depends on the cure of my infection.