
The sweet and delusional life of Thap Tam Nuong

Khuc Thap Tam wrote a large caption on her Weibo wall: 'Three thousand green trees are only missing one leaf. Thirty scholars only pursue one person!' Fans of Thap Tam rushed to her wall to comment. Vuong Hao Thien smirked and chuckled, 'Great master, who do you plan to cut?' Immediately, the mentioned great master removed the post and began to reflect on themselves.

JuXian · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Chapter one


This month, my pocket money has been tightly controlled by my parents.

My older sister said, "Why do you students need so much money? Shouldn't you focus on studying well?"

I scratched my head in frustration:

"Next week, my classmate Huong Hieu Hieu will have a birthday party, and I can't just show up empty-handed. It's too embarrassing!"

My sister sneered, "If it's so embarrassing, then don't go! Stay at home and do some extra math, physics, and chemistry problems. Not only will you save money, but you'll also gain more knowledge. It's killing two birds with one stone, isn't it?"

Me: "..."

This month, my pocket money is tightly managed by my parents.

My older sister said, "Why do you students need so much money? Shouldn't you be focusing on your studies?"

I scratched my head in frustration and replied, "Next week, our classmate Hướng Hiểu Hiểu is having a birthday party, I can't show up empty-handed, it would be so embarrassing!"

My sister scoffed, "If you're so embarrassed, then don't go! Stay at home and do some math, physics, and chemistry exercises. It won't cost you anything and you'll gain more knowledge. It's killing two birds with one stone, isn't it?"

I sighed and punched my own back, "I haven't even reached an age where my parents give me a lot of money. 300 yuan? Why don't you just suggest I become a thief?"

My younger brother added, "You're so nervous!"

I replied, "Well, robbery requires high-level skills. You have to calculate countless possibilities of escape and figure out how to steal and spend the money safely. It's too difficult, I can't do it!"

In the end, all our classmates showed up at Hướng Hiểu Hiểu's party, except for me who stayed at home doing math exercises.

The next morning.

Suddenly, Mr. Truong, our teacher, checked the homework, and no one had done it except for me.

I thought to myself, should I be happy or laugh about this?

Mr. Truong slammed the desk and scolded us:

"Look at this, look at this! Even the last place Khuc Thap Tam knows to go home and work on math. What are you guys doing at home? Raising pigs in the city or playing cards in the plains? How can your future be good like this?"

The whole class hung their heads, listening to Mr. Truong's lecture, while only I sat at the back of the class, smiling silently.

Ah, such is life. The day of reckoning will come eventually!

Ha ha ha ha!

But then again...

A few years later, I discovered that my current brother-in-law is Mr. Truong, the math teacher!



Me: "Sis, tell me, why did Truong teacher become your husband?"

Big Di: "Why do you need to know? Back then, I was busy chasing after your teacher! I had to pursue him for a long time before he agreed! Do you think it was easy for your sister to find a husband?"

Me: "So, all this time, I've been a cushion for you to use!"

Big Di: "You clever one, who would bother to use you? You were so bad at studying, what could anyone possibly gain from using you? Didn't your brother-in-law have to tutor you in math even during summer vacation back then?"

Me: "..."

I suddenly remembered the painful summer vacation of that year.

While the whole family went on a trip to Southeast Asia, my sister volunteered to stay home to take care of me and conveniently urge the new project at work. My sister said:

"Do you know why we have to go to school for extra classes during summer break?" I asked.

It was rare to see my sister being so kind. Unfortunately, it was currently summer break and we didn't need to take extra classes in middle school.

But for some reason, the very next day, my mom called my sister and said:

"That rascal Thap Tam has been skipping classes, and you didn't even care? How can you be responsible for him at home?"

My sister apologized seriously over the phone:

"Mom, don't worry! I won't let him fail his mission. I'll make sure Thap Tam goes to school on time!"

I was left speechless.

Does anyone know why we have to take extra classes during summer break, and why it has to be math?

Soon afterwards, the answer was revealed. Teacher Truong said, "Receiving the school's salary without teaching the students well is my fault. Parents have worked hard to pay for their children to attend school, and I have a responsibility to them. This summer break, I will volunteer to tutor math for weak students in the grade level. I absolutely will not charge any fees!"

It was his sincere and righteous words that moved the parents in the grade level to tears. The principal even ran over to observe Truong's teaching situation.

At that moment, Teacher Truong was like the brightest star in the sky. The parents wished they could tie their children next to him to bask in his light.

Oh, among the parents who wanted to bask in that light were my parents.

Me: "..."

I knew the consequences and benefits of money! My brother-in-law is truly magnificent!

However, this magnificent aura didn't last long as it was tarnished by the love of my sister. From a beloved teacher Truong, he quickly became Truong CEO of a software design company.


I asked my brother-in-law, "Lao su, what were you thinking when you wanted to marry my sister?"

I always called my brother-in-law : Truong Teacher!

A day as a teacher, a lifetime as a brother-in-law!

Ugh, so cheesy!

My brother-in-law calmly replied:

"The path of marriage is the path of righteousness. If I don't take this path, should I let those wretched fools take it?"


"My brother-in-law, you know how to scold people!"

Seemingly understanding something, my brother-in-law chuckled and replied:

"That day, Truong Huu Ngan had to go back to Son Dong for six months to take care of his grandmother. If he took time off, he wouldn't have a chance to stand in front of the class in the future. Conveniently, I returned to the country at that time and talked to Principal Lam to replace Truong Huu Ngan for a while."


It sounds reasonable, doesn't it?

Perhaps my sister and brother-in-law's marriage was predestined.

My sister walked in and immediately asked, "Truong Chi Thanh, don't you have work to do?"

Seeing me, she gave me a sly grin.

"My brother-in-law, you know how to scold people!"

Understanding something, my brother-in-law laughed and said, "Back then, Truong Huu Ngan had to return to Son Dong for six months to take care of his grandmother. If he took time off, he would lose the opportunity to teach a class in the future. Conveniently, I had just returned home and had free time, so I talked to Principal Lam to substitute for Truong Huu Ngan for a while."


It sounds reasonable, doesn't it?

Perhaps my sister and brother-in-law were meant to be together.

"My brother-in-law, don't you have work to do?" My sister pushed open the door and entered. Seeing me, she glared at me.

"Khuong Thap Tam, are you so free that you come here to bother my brother-in-law? If you have nothing to do, go and help manage the company with Dad!"

I pouted, "She came here to get material for writing a book. It's a legitimate job! Don't try to kick me out!"

"Fine!" My sister nodded. "You can stay there as long as you want! I can't handle you anymore! Wait there for me. I'll call Mom to come and discipline you!"

"Don't, sis!" I quickly packed up my things and left.

Before leaving, I overheard this conversation:

My sister: "Didn't he say back then that teaching is a noble profession, and one cannot sacrifice knowledge for money? Truong, turns out you were lying to me!"

My brother-in-law: "I wasn't lying. That's the truth. At the time, I supported your sister's math education. Wouldn't it have been worse if she had invited someone else to teach Thap Tam?"

My sister: "Back then, weren't you a math teacher?"

My brother-in-law: "No, I wasn't."

My brother-in-law laughed as if he understood something:

"That day, Truong Huu Ngan had to return to Son Dong for six months to take care of his grandmother. If he took a break, he wouldn't have the chance to teach in the future. It was convenient for me to come back home at that time and talk to Principal Lam to substitute for Truong Huu Ngan for a while."


It seemed reasonable, right?

Perhaps my older sister and brother-in-law's marriage was predestined.

My older sister saw through my brother-in-law and immediately pursued him. And she succeeded.

"Truong Chi Thanh, are you not working?"

My older sister pushed open the door and walked in. When she saw me, she glared at me:

"Khuong Thap Tam, are you so free that you came here to bother your brother-in-law? If you're so free, go help your dad at the company!"

I pouted: "They came here to get material to write a book. That's a legitimate job! Don't try to kick me out!"

"Fine!" My older sister nodded. "Just stay there! I can't handle you anymore! Wait for me there, I'll call Mom to come and discipline you!"

"Don't, sis!" I quickly packed up my things and left.

Before I left, I overheard this conversation:

My older sister: "Didn't you say back then that being a teacher is a noble job, and that you couldn't let money degrade knowledge? Truong Big Boss, it turns out you lied to me!"

My brother-in-law: "I didn't lie. This is the truth. When I supported your younger sister in learning math, wasn't it better than having her invite someone else to teach Thap Tam?"

My older sister: "Back then, weren't you a math teacher?"

My brother-in-law: "No, I wasn't."

My older sister: "Oh my god, Truong Chi Thanh! You really deceived me!!!"

I said nothing.

I don't know who deceived whom, but the two of them got married and have two well-behaved grandchildren who are busy studying in school.
