
Last Strongholds

"Ah Balmond! I could really hear some good news right now."

"My queen, my orcs have returned from their hunt. They said only four remaining strongholds are yet to be destroyed."

"The Southern stronghold seems to be the strongest among those. The Moniyan empire houses the race of men previously guided by the evles. They built their Castle in the center of the City where as they believe the One True King of Land of the Dawn would sit and reign."

"Hmm. Who commands the Southern City?"

"No one my queen. Those morons still believe the teachings of the elves that there should be One True king who commands the whole Land of Dawn."

"Interesting. It would be a lot easier to enslave them all without a king."

"They have quite a strong groups of Warriors my Queen. The mightiest amongst them is the one they call Tigreal. He was a pupil of Estes who learned and absorbed every lie the Elves have instilled to them. He dedicates his life to the throne and will do anything just to assure the one who sits there is the one true king"

"Tigreal? So that bastard is still alive afterall. My queen may I be the one to behead that filthy warrior" Said Leomord as he step into the room. Vexana glinted a smile and felt the hatred Leomord has for Tigreal. He must have sinned awfully against Leomord for him to be madly angry with him. Leomord's face turned scary and red that Vexana could see dark aura coming from the cracks of his skin.

"That Filthy warrior slayed me eons ago. Stabbed me with my own sword and burned my horse in front of me. I shall have this time for my great revenge."

"Who am I to deprive you of such pleasure my sweet Leomord. Of course you can take charge. Burn the city and bring me the heads of their warriors. Make me proud mighty warrior. And oh before I forget, the journey to south would be exasperating if you're on your feet." Vexana waved her hands and the solid ground cracked open as a beastly looking skeletal horse emerge from the smokes of the cracked soil. The horse's eyes burn black flames and its skin is as dark and croocked as Leomord's.

Leomord immediately tamed the horse and left to plan his attack and gather his troops for his great revenge.

"The western lands hold a small city commanded by a petty king called Georg. He has small and terribly weak defenses and can be destroyed within a full moon. But King Georg can be helpful to us my Queen. This king has a deep grudge against the Moniyan empire. It appears that Georg tried to claim the throne in the Southern City but the citizen refused to accept his kingship. They banished him and forbidden his return. That's why he built his own kingdom far from them. My queen I think we can use his knights as our slaved warriors."

"I suppose. But I wish not an ally who is starving of Kingship. I'm pretty sure that scumbag would betray me eventually."

"There is much more to the kingdom my queen. A lady who's magic is uncannily familiar dwells in the place. She comes to the name Guinevere. She's fearless and ferocious but not compared to you."

"Familiar how?"

"Her magic has the same power as of your childhood friend. Faramis"

"Hmm. My daughter can easily handle her.."

"The north stronghold is not very threatening. It has long been isolated and as I suspect, it has no army nor citizens. But it is heavily guarded by one powerful woman; your sister my Queen. I'm afraid she will not allow us to step on her territory."

"Very well then, Maybe its time to pay my good sister a visit."

Meanwhile in the Western Kingdom, a small group of men arrived at the gates of the Castle. The one leading them wears a full body armor made of gold. He's a firm man but he wears no smile. Battlescars are abundantly concealed as his amazingly flawless pretty face shines bright in the ray of the morning sun. His white horse whines when the guards halted them in the gates but the man spoke to no one and walked straight towards the castle.

"Have you no manners or just unaware that no one is allowed to step on the chambers without the king's invitation." Said Georg as the man approached him in the throne.

"Its very nice to see you too Georg."

"What are you doing here Tigreal?"

"The land is in grave danger. A dark threat is upon us and the Elven council wishes your cooperation to stand against this evil."

"Yes I am aware of the war Tigreal. Unfortunately I will not to mingle to things that I wish not to be involved."

"Vexana threatens to tear down all strongholds in the land and she had began slaughtering clan leaders Georg. None of us is safe from her."

"You had your chance to have my help save the land, Tigreal and you missed it by banishing me."

"You are unworthy Georg. Estes saw weakness and malice in your heart. Something the True King of the Land should not have."

"So now you think I'm worthy that you come to my doorstep for help."

"This is not just asking for your help Georg. Without us, you will not survive her attack."

"You are wasting your time here Tigreal. You will not get anything from me. You may overstay your unwillful welcome here but I insist that you leave at your most convenience"

Pissed with what happened, Tigreal was forced to leave the chambers without convincing Georg to join the war. Though the kingdom is quite small compared to other cities in the Land, Georg's army would still tip the scales a little bit towards goodness.

Georg's hatred is not that shallow. Since he was young, he was told that Estes saw something in him. Something that's very powerful. He was trained and was taught to be King Georg. Estes may have wrongly filled his head with hunger for the throne that allbthat is special within him burned up. Its too late when Estes revealed that he got confused when he saw something special in Georg later to discover that what he really saw is eagerness and greed to rule the land.

Georg attempted to take the throne by force and built his secret army to fight against the elves and the warriors but he was overpowered by Tigreal and Zilong. He was dismissed and was banished from the ground. He was told that if he ever set foot again to the Moniyan City or claim the Land again, he will be killed on sight. That is the reason of Georg's fear of what's outside his city.

"Oh what a Mighty warrior. You must be really upset with how the king treated your request." Guinevere stepped out from the column where she was eavesdropping. She cloacked herself and hid her face in the shadows. She is fully aware that Tigreal might not listen had she divulge that she's Georg's adopted child.

" Who are you and why are you eavesdropping?"

"Who I am is not important. You are seeking help from the wrong man mighty warrior. King Georg will never give you what you want. More so, he will even forbit anything that had to do with you and your people but there is one here who could give you the help you truly desire."

Tigreal stepped closer to see who he really is talking to but Guinevere took a step back farther. He tried to really see but there seem to be something else concealing the identity of the lady he's talking to. Her black cloak may have provided shadows to cover her face but there is much more that really hides who she is and Tigreal could really sense it.

"There's a man outside this castle who will give you the help you seek. But you must not think he will give it freely. He is Prince Lancelot, the first born of King Georg. He is loyal to his father but he is truly loyal to himself alone. He will do anything to glorify himself and he will sacrifice even his safety just to be praised and cheered. But he is an excellent swordsman and you can use him to lead your attack. When he holds his sword, enemies would surely fall the most unforeseeable opportunity there is. His speed would surely make enemies yield to his mercy. You can use his skills as your best advantage."

"How would I convince this man? "

"He would not go easy on you mighty knight. But that pretty swordsman also has a weak spot. Touch it and he shall crumble to your feet. "

Tigreal has still a lot to ask about Lancelot but with a blink of an eye, the lady in the shadows was gone. Confused with what had just happened, Tigreal's desperation grew larger and larger in his head. He knew he must get all the help he could gather to possibly tip the scales into his side but now that the Western King turned him down and the only possible help he could get is from a prince who may or may not be really beneficial to his cause. But how could he say no?