
The suspicious secretary

Daoistyie1gd · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs


Late at night, around 12:00 midnight, a famine tall figure in a black hoodie and long skirt can be seen walking in a dark alley, she sure is really brave to be walking on this path alone, a bulky guy suddenly comes out blocking her way, he raised his hands as if to attack her but then he suddenly knelt down in respect "everything is ready, should I take you there now? " the girl nodded, she removed her hood revealing a very beautiful, neat and tidy face, her lips red and blazing because of the red lipstick she had applied, her eyes black and glassy, she followed the guy into a creepy warehouse,inside was filled with dark aura that can put fear inside any normal being, the people there looked at the new girl with the eyes of predator, hunger and lust permeated the air, but knowing who she was whether from friend or neighbor,they retract their gazes, thier hostile expression kept at bay,the girl looked around nodding to herself at what she was seeing, suddenly a couple caught her attention, she approached them slowly as if unsure to interrupt or something else, she tugged the lady up for her to fall limply down showing that she was dead, her pale face showing that she was drained of blood, casting her cold eyes on the male who was still relishing his tasty meal not knowing that the boss is there, she smirked, people that knew her well chooses to stay as far away as they could to avoid being a collateral damage to her unpredictable mood, she turned as if to leave, many exhale breath they didn't know they were holding only to suddenly hear a gut wrenching scream, the smell of blood immediately rose, tingling the senses of the vampires there, some has already turned, ready to go berserk but as if their subconscious knew that it will be death trap, they held themselves back, she opened her mouth to talk her voice strong and willed than a girl's "I have said it before , we don't kill humans after drinking their blood except sent on a mission,to avoid those hunters in our trail , if you can't control your goddamned thirst go to Sam, he will teach you how, this is the last time I will repeat myself" she said gesturing to the bulky man behind her, she held the neck of the guilty trembling vampire and without batting an eye, she broke his neck, "take him to the dungeon and make an example out of him" she then smiled warmly like nothing happened turned on her heels walked back to her supposed path, Sam gestured people to carry out the human and the vampire to their respective places, he continued leading her till they got to a room that looks more like an office, the table and chair were in the center, a book shelf at the left hand side of the room, the fridge beside it, a cactus plant at the top of the shelf, a long bed -like couch at the right side, a lamp stand beside it, another small table in front of the couch, probably for eating or entertaining visitor albeit important ones, she sat down on the chair, pick up the file on the table, she opened it to reveal Tina's picture at the park, Cynthia's picture with her at the ferry ride, Sisi picture with Tina, her hand on Tina's lap, the lady snorted, looking up to Sam she asked " have you sorted them out? "

"yes, but Cynthia is going to be a hard work because Tina seems to monitoring her a lot, like she caught onto us" the girl let out a loud laugh, "leave Cynthia to me, I have plans for her, you may go, I want no disturbance" he bowed and left wondering why and how he landed himself serving this obviously mad woman.

The girl raised Tina's picture tracing it lovely with her fingers, her eyes filled with warmth, somewhat crazed love and something else, something very sinister and disturbing, she dropped it on the table, turning her chair around, she faced the only window in the room, a floor to ceiling window actually, she switched off all light, the whole place dark with only the rays of the moon as the only means of seeing, she sucked on her lower lips, taking Tina's picture again, she put her hand into her private, stroking herself to pleasure.

Dom was at home, trying to sleep but the image of Tina's momentarily broken face flashed into his head again, he didn't know why but after that day at the office, he couldn't get her off his head, including the moment he thought her eyes changed color, he thought that perhaps she wanted to cry at that moment that's why her eyes flashed red momentarily, he really wanted to hug her at that time to console her, tell her that everything will be fine but who was he kidding he sucked at comforting people, he still regretted the words he spewed out of anger then, when he saw the broken woman she was, it flashed so fast that if he wasn't just as fast he would have missed it, that was when he knew that there is more to her, and he seemed to develop a very strange protective feelings towards her, he really didn't wish to see her sad or cold, he wanted to see her smile which is probably impossible, no, not probably but highly impossible, he turned again for the up tenth time that night, he was really curious, what happened to her?, Who was she really? Why does she have such killing intent?, he had tried investigating her but it come out clean, no mention of parents or supposed dead fiance, then a light bulb turned his head, why worry when he can ask the girl she nearly killed, he smiled to himself, closing his eyes he slept but nothing prepared him for the dream he had.

Tina sat down on her bed, her hands clasped together, her brow furrowed in deep thought about the conversation she had with the girl that made her mad.


Tina sat down on the hospital bed,that night, the room was nearly dark if not for the moonlight casting it's beautiful light inside the room, she placed her cold hand on the girl's face caressing her face, as she stirred awake, she then gripped her neck tight but not tight enough for her to die yet, the girl was immediately jolted her eyes open, her scream dying in her throat, muffled choking sound coming from her, before she could register what her assaulter wanted, the voice that hunted her even in her nightmare rang out close to her ears, "Sweetheart, tell me, who ordered your bravery" she shook her head not wanting to answer because that will be signing her own death on a stone, the grip tightened to let her know it's serious business, she was torn between a rock and a hard place but for now she will focus on the one at hand "W.. Waa.. Wait, I will talk" Tina loosened her grip and putting on her devilish smile she nodded at her to go on, "A girl approached me and told me everything, she paid me too, saying that I will might also get promoted at the office for exposing you, I swear I was just deceived, I thought I was doing the right thing"

"of course you are dear, showing how foolishly courageous you are by seeking your own demise, oh, I think you should have made a righteous advocate right?, why didn't you study law then, justice seeker?" She said petting the girl's hair like a dear friend, Tina's voice sounded so sweet like someone talking to a lover but to the girl there is nothing different from her voice to a devil's whisper, "so describe, how does this your Angel of information look? "

"I really didn't get to see her face but I know she should be very pretty, she has a glassy black eyes, athletic slender figure, very tall for a girl, pale skin almost white,I swear that's all I know" Tina got up and left the trembling girl, she has gotten the information she needed and she doubt the girl could be useful anymore,at least she knows that whoever that sent her is a vampire, but the question now is "WHO THE FUCK IS SHE? "


She lay down on her bed, running through her memories to know if she knew any female vampires that fits that descriptions but none, she suddenly sat up on hearing the front door open, seems like Mr. wanderer is back, she went out to make sure, she saw him wearing a black hoodie smelling of sex and perfume, he was walking stealthily to the fridge, Tina smiled slightly at his antic, deciding to tease him, she waited as soon as she saw him opening the vanilla ice cream cover she coughed, settling him, for a vampire he sure has sweet tooth and quite jumpy, he turned to her with an awkward glance, the tips of his ears a tint of red " am sorry I was just..eh... am sorry " he hung his head, Tina laughed inwardly, he still hasn't changed much since how many years now, except that he started seeing females nothing else changed, she just smiled a little at him and went back inside.