
The suspicious secretary

Daoistyie1gd · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs


The sound of birds chirping on the window pane announced that the sun has risen, Tina squirts her eye and used her hand to shed her eyes from sun rays, 'Damn sun' she cussed, she stood up to close the curtain leaving the whole room dark, she yawned lazily like a cat while going into the bathroom to freshen up, she stood in front of the mirror with her toothbrush in her mouth, seeing her reflection she wondered what people will think when they know her real age, she is very beautiful, pretty with pale skin, eyes golden brown that sparkles when hit by sun rays, lips so red that puts snow White to shame and beautiful long legs that most models envy,well rounded butts and well endowed boobs, she sighs and continue brushing,as if remembering something her eyes brightened,she rushed most of her chores in order to meet up for her interview though she is still 3hrs early.

Tina took the bus and arrived at O.C&V company's building, she took the stairs because she hates crowding with people in the elevator, when she arrived she met other interviewees like her there, she wondered when they arrived since she was still an 1hr early,okay make that 58 minutes early she thought looking at her phone watch.

Soon the interviewer came and everyone started going one after the other, her turn came, she went in and did her thing, she was told to  go home and wait, Tina wasn't worried because she knew she will be employed, that's how confident she is.


The barring sound of the alarm clock rang through the whole room, waking the person lying on the bed up, he switched it off it while groaning, he sat up rubbing his eyes, it made him look cute,stretching his neck, he looks around the messy room, clothes strewn every where, he tapped the person lying next to him,'Wake up am going to work' the person moaned and ignored him, he left her and started preparing for work after all she knows her way around, the door bell interrupted him during his breakfast of scrambled eggs, coffee and bread "it's about time he came" he opened the door to reveal a good looking nerd with red blazing hair who was smiling sheepishly at him "Thompson tell me you were at the company before coming here?" when the Thompson guy opened his mouth to talk he raised his palm "Before you say something you will regret just know that I woke up at the wrong side of the bed today" Thompson's shoulder slumped like a puppy denied a bone "you are always waking up at  wrong side of the bed"  he muttered and when he was stared at he replied "yes boss" Domique rolled his eyes, they both left for the company.The female employees  couldn't take their eyes off Domique as he strode into his office but you wouldn't blame them, he is very handsome, tall, well built, with chiseled jaw, he has a Phoenix eyes black eyeball  that pierces into your soul making you shudder but not in a bad way, he has a kissable, succulent pink heart shaped lips, his bright face looks like something God  himself took his sweet time to mould but such a shame he already has a girlfriend but that doesn't stop some female employees from trying their luck after all everyone knows their CEO doesn't stay long in his relationships.

"How was the interview today?"

"It went well sir, we have already selected 10 people and they will start work on Monday morning" Domique nodded his head and went back to the files on his table after a while he raised his head "I can see you have a lot of free time on your hand to stand here and watch me, huh, Tom?" Thompson immediately left the office with speed of light, going to his own office opposite Domique's, he sat down wondering why he is still working here, he shakes his head mockingly,who was he kidding, though the boss is quite a horror he pays him well enough for him to stay here for 5 years now, he was one of the oldest employee in the company, he was there when the company started,watching it grow to be one of the the top 5 companies in country E,so why would he quit now unless he is losing a few screws. He shrugged his shoulder and started his work for the day.