
The Surrogate's Downfall

"I'm Pregnant!", Alice declared with a smirk on her face, "What did you just say?", Max asked while running his hands through his hair for the umpteenth time. Amelia was in shock as she dropped the glass she was holding, making the coffee spill on the tiled floor. "I said I'm pregnant", Alice said with so much confidence this time, making Amelia's body shiver as the thoughts of her being pregnant for her boss clouded her mind. A jilted billionair tries to salvage the emptiness his fiance left in his house when she left him standing at the alter. He feels it's time to take charge of his life and the big decision was to get a son who would carry on with his empire when he died. He was far too hurt to trust women now. Presents Alice Richardson, a sweet, humble girl who the agency chose for him because they were the perfect match. Are they? Find out more in the surrogate's downfall...

Fash_Lois · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter 3

Anthonio's POV

I heard a gentle knock on the door as I was about taking a nap, I stood up and opened the door, seeing Max made me happy, we shook hands and gave each other side hugs, he is my best friend, and we both had companies of ours, making us stand out among everyone.

"Hey dude, you look good today but down, I'd there a problem?", I asked Max who could only run his hands through his hair as tho looking for an answer to a problem.

"Ehmm... I'm just a bit confused about everything going on and I needed to get rest and have fun, and I know I could do that with you", he said smiling a bit.

I know Max had gone through a whole lot, especially with his last relationship, he was so close to getting married and being happy, but the witch spoilt everything for him, making him sober and weak which had never happened.

I'll do everything I can to make Max be the good guy he once was. He was a Billionaire and he was never stingy with anything, but now, his trust for human, most especially ladies, has been broken.

He has no idea of getting married again, after the embarrassment he witnessed, he wants to spend time flirting and dumping girls because he feels they do not deserve to be taken care of.

"Thonio, i need to take a break from work for a while, I need to be home to rest for a while, it would be hard but please can you help me with the company for the main time.

Just to check once in a while, I'll make an official announcement tommorow, I'll be away from work for a month and...", "What!, you'll be away from work for a month and you want me to help you?, You really want to leave your company right now!, Max, you need to get over what has happened, you need to be back on your feet and stop acting like a child, it's really not fair, I said to him before he completed his words.

"Please Anthonio, I need time to sort myself out, I can't think straight and I may cause a fuss at work, so please just help me", he said in tears, making me scared, I haven't seen him cry in years, but right now he seem to have a lot on his mind.

"Fine! Max, I'll do it, we've been friends for so long, I'll help you to oversee it while you're away, you can spend as much time as you want to away, but please, when you need my help, I'll be there, when you need someone to talk to. Take good care of yourself and don't let your ex fiancee bother you anymore. She's done more harm than good", I said to him patting him on the back as he sat on the sofa with his head bent and his hands crossed.

Maximilian's POV

On leaving the office, I go to Anthonio, my best friend to ask for help, I needed to clear my head and think, I'm losing it this days, I can't believe I slept with Cecilia, since my ex fiancee left me, I had been doing a lot of bad things, just to get my revenge, like using women and dumping them but I feel guilty and I need to stay away from the office for a while.

I call Amelia to make an official announcement that I'll be away for a month, "Sir, is there a problemmm", she had said stammering, "I just need some time to clear my head, I'll be back before you know it", I had told her and she had spread the news almost immediately.


"Honey, Honey, Honey, wake up", I heard my wife say as she taps me gently, "What is it?", I asked her, "It's quite early, you should go to work now", she said and left the room.

That was really annoying, I stretched and yawned loudly, the door opens, 2 maid emerges with a towel on both hands, as they head to prepare my bath.

Maximilian keeps coming to my mind, I should go see him, he was my only son and he would be through a lot right now.

That witch who claimed to live him exhorted him and lied to stain his reputation, but I'm glad everything is settled.

I sighed and left the house with my car, I am a 52 year old man who still look good and young as a 32 year old, I had to live the rest of my life happily and I'll make sure I do that.

Even though my only daughter Bianca chose to act like her Wayward mother, I still have a son I'm proud of.

I heard towards my company, I would be retiring soon, but I have a whole lot to take care of.


"Welcome Anderson" I said to my lawyer as he stepped into my office, "Thank you Rodriguez", he said while we shook hands together.

"Would you like a cup of coffee?", I asked as he sat, "That would be okay for now", he said with a smile.

Sipping his coffee, "How is your health Rodriguez, I hope it's improving", he asked, making my mood change.

"Well, it's getting worse, but they keep recommending drugs for me, no one knows about my illness yet, so you must grant me a request by not telling them yet", I said bitterly.

"Fine, I'll keep it a secret, but you'll have to tell them soon, you can't go on like this, it's dangerous"

"I'll do that, but the time isn't now", I'll let you know as soon as possible.

"Why don't we call it a day", he said as he stood up to take his leave.

Bianca's POV

"Last night was a blast!, Why would you miss it for anything?, This is unlike you", I said to Emilia my best friend.

"That's true Emmy" Jake said in affirmative. "The club was filled with hotties last night, we had a whole lot of fun out there and we got so much cash".

"Ouuuuu, you two should have reminded me about the party, I slept of. If I knew it would be so fun, I wouldn't miss it for anything in this world, i'm so sorry I couldn't make it guys, I won't miss the next party", Emilia said with a smile.

I am a Billionaire's daughter, I don't need to suffer before making money....