
The supreme ruler of all 12th dimension.

basavraj_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

3. The first planet exploration 1.

When he opened his eyes he saw a beautiful beach when Sun was settings and the sky was dyed orange and red.

He stood up and came to realisation what had happened and tried to use his powers to check everything was not a dream.

He tried to fly but nothing happen, he tried again and again but nothing happen.

He thought everything was just his dream and he tried to remember who he was before he met that being but he can't remember anything.

He panicked and suddenly a light fall from sky and stopped before him it was a ball of light.

"Sorry I forgot that your body was destroyed before we met so I will give any type of body you want like you can change its looks and type of ability to your organs" said the same voice that Samuel thaught was a dream.

"Why can't I remember who I was before we met" asked Samuel.

"What I said before your body was destroyed before we met and every memory was saved in your brain and when we met you didn't have any body it was just a small part of your soul, and without any capacity to store you cannot recall any thing and now I have given you a same but new body which is weak and it will take atleast 2 months to remember everything" said the voice.

"So I have to wait 2 months for my memories" asked Samuel.

"No, now don't wast any more time and chose your body advancement you will remember everything and you will get all information about the places you will visit and what exists in this 12 dimension world" said the voice with some hurry.

Samuel was relieved after hearing that and was excited again.

"Ok but, how can I choose what I want?" asked Samuel.

"See at the front their is a button like structure click it and it will be like a game characters selection and I have transferred specific knowledge about human body and abilities your body will posses" replied the voice.

Samuel saw a button in front of him which was vertically floating in the air without thinking he pressed the button and suddenly a character changing and modifying panel appeared before hin he saw the head, hair, legs, foot, stomach, abdomen and chest. And many different things can be changed in human body.

First he clicked on head option and saw a face he didn't remember anything but thaught it was his old face and actually he was pretty handsome.

But still he decided to change because he was so strong so he don't was to be slightly inferior to anyone alive in this whole world.

So he modified his face according to the information received from that voice he chose small nose perfect jaw line symmetrical face sides and medium size thin eyebrows, with a blue eyes and it looked perfect like a celestial being was staring at his soul he knows all your secrets just by looking in your eyes.

He doesn't like that feeling from his eyes so he made the colour lighter like a clear blue lake. which looked pleasent to see on his face.

He select confirm and turn to his hairs he select them to be blue too with golden on roots it made his handsome face more handsome now he looked like a god.

He chose his body normal like thin figure with slightly muscular arms and six pack stomach.

He chose his height to be 5.9 feet.

With little thin legs with slightly muscle.

And when he checked abdomen area he saw option to change his penis size he thought a little and increased it to 8 inches if fully erect and 5 to 6 when a little on and 3 when not simulated.

After making bis body perfectly now was the time to give his organs abilities.