
The supreme ruler of all 12th dimension.

basavraj_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

1. The new start.

Every thing in this world exist at basis of the rules and laws to restrict all the things in the 12 dimension. Their are some powerful things that exists that can only modify that laws not change or add laws.

And the most powerful are the top '10 rules' this is the name given to the top 10 most powerful things in this existence. Those are :-

1. The law seed (also known as the seed of life that can help any living being doesn't matter the power they posses it helps to grow to he level of the great law person who can modify laws without this 10 things. It can only accept 3 people in the existence and then will be destroyed. Once the first person reaches the great law level he can modify the laws or rules but not fully just a bit of it.)

2. The puppet of the law (It is a puppet in which one can store their life which becomes immune to death part of your soul is stored in it even if you are a weak mortal and get this puppet you will become strong and it is in-distructable until some one uses the power of rules to change it and forcefully remove your part of the soul stored in it and it can only store 1 person at a time. Their are some acceptions like if you have a strong very very strong bond with the person whose life you can store in it and it's maximum capacity is 5 only 5 souls can be stored if used it on maximum capacity.)

3. The sword of laws (This sword has only 2 speciality it is unbreakable and can cut the rule and laws of a perticular universe or galaxy or a person to destroy it or rewrite it.)

4. Book of rules and laws(The book which contains all the rules and laws of the 12 dimensions with sacrifice of the persons most precious thing or sacrifice of 100 billion living beings.)

5. The law less world (It is a small world whose size depends upon the owner without any restrictions of the outside law other than this world all other worlds obey the great rules and laws to function but this World doesn't.)

6. The law less cloak (Also known as the cloak f nothingness means it can block the change of law around the user eg. if someone try to change law of he universe the owner of the cloak lives he will know and directly block it, it doesn't matter you use the 10 things or do it yourself you can't change or modify rules around him.)

7. The fire of law (The most deadliest of the 10 things which exists in multiple balls(10,000) scattered around the world and after 1 fire ball is used a new will be born automatically which can burn the existence of certain peoples of the users choice the number can't exceed 'hundred thousand billion km' per ball of fire only the person with the lawless cloak can be safe from it.)

8. The crown of the death (which is used for resurrection of any living beings. It is 7 pieces of a crown when someone find all the pieces and add it to gather he can reserrect any person it has no time limit to when the person died or even his soul or little bit of consciousness is dispersed you can bring that person back to life.)

9. The great three (It is a weapon which can change into any shape and size it has 3 special powers the are creation, destruction and protection. It can create any structure from it's body and it's strength can destroy a whole universe with just one fleck from it and it can protect the user from any attack in 12 dimensions accept the law attacks.)

10. The finder device (It can find any one and give all the informal about anyone you want to know even the 10 'rules'.)

Their are some more but they can't challange the laws of the 12 dimensions but can change rules of perticular place they all are one time use items and are forgeable.

This is my world and the main character will be me I will describe the world who can control every thing in the 12 dimensions.