
The Supreme Overlord: Ainz Ooal Gown (updated)

=== Author: AbiWolf666 (from fanfiction net) === *Disclaimer* I really liked this fanfiction so I wanted to put it here for easier reading, everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below. This is where I read it- https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13407673/86/The-Supreme-Overlord-Ainz-Ooal-Gown === Synopsis: The guildmaster of Ainz Ooal Gown Momonga, finds himself alone in a strange world. Will he stay neutral, or will he try to conquer it? (Nazarick will arrive 10 years later.)

DaoistViking · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
93 Chs

Chapter Thirty Eight

Queen Calca and her warriors from Paladin Order, had reached the citizens that were hiding on the mountains. She had sent scouts to find if there were any safe cities or towns but what she got were more and more groups of citizens from north and south that were trying to survive.

Their faces were full of despair because of the terrible invasion that the Oceanic Empire had launched on the Holy Kingdom. The cities and the fortresses were under fire and screams of the citizens could be heard from afar.

Calaca wanted to launch an attack, but the Octaman had the numbers. Every one of them was a warrior with deadly skills. They had attacked the cities inside in surprise at the moment everyone was asleep. That is what made the Imperial invasion successful.

Sure the citizens had been prepared for any attack from the demihuman tribes on the other side, but they had never imagined that an enemy like this would appear. Every city was attacked by 200.000 Octaman making the attacks from the demihuman tribes look like a joke.

One million citizens and soldiers had survived the invasion and were marching to a possibly safe place. But where is this place? Everywhere they went, they had to fight groups of Octaman and hidden demihuman groups that had survived inside the Holy Kingdom territories. And these attacks caused more and more deaths.

Now, they were heading to the territory that once belonged to the Re-Estize Kingdom, but now it was a territory that nobody wanted to approach. Now that nation did not exist anymore and it was not ruled by royal human.

"Your Majesty, why are we heading to that kingdom?" asked a southern noble.

Many of these nobles had run away from their domains and did not save their peasants from the enemy. They did not even deserve to be close to Calca, but it was not the time to remember the bad relationship that the North and the South had.

"And where do you suggest we go, Marquis?" asked Calca with an angry annoyed expression.

"Slane Theocracy of course."

"Tell me Marquis, what nation do we have to pass to reach the Slane Theocracy?"

"The-The… Oh…"

The noble lowered his head in shame. She was surrounded by fools. Even Remedios was no better. She kept saying all the time how bad the idea of asking for help to Sorcerer Kingdom was.

But what was there to do? If they stay here, they will have to fight to their last breath until everyone is dead. Calca too was afraid of the nation ruled by the immortals, but she had to do this to save her people.

They could pass the Great Wall to pass in the Abellion Hills, but they were still afraid of the demihuman tribes even when they knew that the Nazarick Kingdom had subjected them all. They were not far away from the border and the anxious had captured all of them.

Calca hoped for the undead to not misunderstand their exodus as an attack. All her efforts will go to waste and her people will disappear from the world. They were 50 meter away from Nazarick Kingdom. The grand crimson flag rippled by the wind could be seen stuck on a stone telling everyone that this is Nazarick border.

The queen closed her eyes, took a deep breath and ordered her people to advance towards the border. Everyone gulped and the mothers were trying to calm their children. It was an intense moment for them.


Everyone turned their eyes at the Platoon Sergeant Pavel Baraja. On his horse there was his 13 years old daughter. He had pointed his finger at the hills they had passed. What they saw behind, were armies of Octaman coming towards them. Thousands upon thousands were running fast to end the humans forever.


All of them started to run while screaming. It was a terrible scene of 1 million citizens trying to escape death. They passed the border and there were no undead forces around. The paladins had stayed behind and ordered everyone to run as fast as they can, because the Octaman were near.

Now that everyone had passed the border, that was the moment when the undead forces appeared upon the hills. Calca saw them and was waiting for their movements. They too were observing the Octaman army coming at their border. More and more undead forces arrived. The Holy Kingdom citizens cling to each other to let them pass and their dead aura scared them. Remedios was close to Calca to protect her. She did not believe the undead and thought they would kill the citizens.

"Death Warriors, stay with them!" ordered an undead that wore a black robe.

"Aye Sir!"

The Death Warriors upon their Soul Eaters, formed a barrier to protect the refugees. Calca could not believe it. The undead were protecting them, but thinking like that will be hasty, because the Octaman were about to pass the border.

With incredible speed, hundreds of dragons arrived from the sky.


The citizens had gasped their mouths in surprise what their eyes saw. They were large and wore armor. The Octaman stopped their advance when they saw the giant beings coming. They wanted to turn and run but it was too late because hell was unleashed upon them.

Fire was their greatest enemy and now the dragons were burning them alive. From hunters they became the hunted and were trying to escape from this cataclysm. The dragons landed on the ground to crush them. Their armored tail had spikes like swords and flexed it to cut the Octaman into pieces.

It did not pass long, when the army of the undead arrived and started to massacre them all. The Octaman armies that destroyed the cities of the Holy Kingdom, were nothing against the armies of Nazarick Kingdom. Calca and her citizens were shocked how this battle has turned into a one-sided massacre.

"We never wouldn't have a chance against them…"

The land turned to ash and was filled with burned corpses of the Octaman. Everything was over in a few minutes. Now they were just disposing of those who were still alive under the corpses of their fellow Octaman.

Now that they saw it with their own eyes, the people of the Holy Kingdom understand that they have no chances against Nazarick. The Octaman were dangerous, but the undead army and the dragon army were even more deadly dangerous.

A knight upon a white demonic horse was coming towards the humans. He wore a white full-plate armor and had a blue cape on his back, also a blue hood covering his clean white skull. On his eye socket, two blue points could be seen.

He was a level 100 Undead Paladin and the only one who had a positive karma of +100 and also the weakest of level 100 servants. Following him were other undead warriors and vampires.

"With whom can I speak?" spoke the undead.

Quickly Calca stepped forward and did not let Remedios open her mouth because if she insulted them, it might turn really bad for her people. The paladins raised their flags and followed their queen

"I am Calca Calca Bessarez, the Queen of Roble Holy Kingdom!"

As Calca introduced herself, the paladins did not like the idea of her to tell the undead who she is. The undead might hold her hostage and order the paladins to do what they want.

"My name is Arc the Undead Paladin." Arc proudly introduced himself.

The human paladins were shocked by what they heard. An evil creature as the undead can not become a paladin or anything rightful, but Nazarick Kingdom proved them wrong. The white armor truly makes him look like a paladin.

"Now, I kinda understand the reason why you all were fleeing, but can you tell me what these creatures are, and why are they attacking your nation?" asked Arc.

"Yes, these creatures are sea demihumans caled Octaman, and they are attacking because they see us as a food source." answered Calca.

"Do they have a leader?" asked again Arc.

"Yes, it was a large monster that calls himself Oceanic Emperor Kraken. That monster was unimaginably large and destroyed the capital like a sand castle." said Calca with a sad expression.

"I see, I see…"

"Please help us! My people are tired, wounded, sick and need food! Please!"

Calca beged and had put her hand on her chest. Those words were coming from her heart. Arc saw the people of the Holy Kingdom and they all looked desperate for help. They had days walking on bad terrains to not get caught by millions of Octaman that were all over the place. They were dealing with an absolute invasion that wants every human dead.

"Of course Queen Calca, our fortress is near. We only ask to lower your flags."

"Sure, thank you very much!" the light has come again to her face and to her people.

They were not in a meeting or sending ambassadors. They were refugees and should not raise the flags of their kingdom. As everyone was starting to move, someone spoke…

"You won't kill us later, won't you?"

Everyone stopped when they heard the words of the female warrior that was near Calca. Why would she say those words? These gentlemen saved them from death and now she dropped this bomb upon them.

Arc turned his skull and observed the one who spoke. She was a paladin just like him.

"Why do you think that?" asked Arc.

"Because you are undead-"


Cold chill fell down everyone's spines. What she said could be the end for everyone. Calca was losing her mind from all this. Nazarick forces might become harsh because of her words. The vampires' faces had changed from normal to angry.

A dragon was coming down from the hill approaching them. It had yellow scales and wore black armor. All the humans were beginning to feel fear because that dragon was very big and did not look happy.

"Sharp tongue you have that you dare to call to Lord Arc like that, paladin female."

Remedios has turned wet from the sweat that was all over her body. She was regretting what she just said to Arc. The undead paladin was helping them and now she dropped dust upon his face. The dragon was growling and his sharp teeth like swords could be seen.

This large dragon had the title Laser Cannon Dragon Lord and was called Orizon. The title was given to him by the Supreme Being. Orizon did not know what "Laser Cannon" means but it had to do with his powerful attack that was not like a fire or ice, but it was like a hot beam that went straight and fast at its target and caused wide craters. He was a really unique dragon and was one of the strongest and youngest Dragon Lords that serve the Supreme Being and he still was getting stronger.

And this Dragon Lord was staring at Remedios with murderous golden eyes. He just needs one order from Arc and Remedios will become food.

"It's all right Orizon." said Arc.

"But my Lord, such insolence…

"No problem, no problem. We all know these people are similar to those of the Slane Theocracy."

All the refugees had lowered their heads. But it was not their fault that demihuman tribes tried to attack them many times in the past. That makes hate grow.

"I'm really sorry about this. I will make sure this won't happen again, Sir Arc." Calca tried to calm the situation.

"As I said, it's all right. But you need to keep her mouth shut, because my brothers are less forgiving than me. And in this Kingdom, everyone is equal, human - non human. All the races, lives in peace and harmony together under the rule of the Supreme Being. It will be bad if someone like her with those stupid ideologies will begin to talk nonsense inside the city."

The words of the Undead Paladin were serious and Calca needed to have an eye on Remedios. She still might say some rude words that might trigger the undead and her people will be kicked out from their territory.

"Now, please follow us. You lot stay here and inform us of the enemies sentiments.

The dragons rose in the sky and other undead forces started to patrol the border if the Octaman forces were near.

"Queen Calca, if you excuse me, I have to inform His Majesty about your arrival."

"Ye-Yes, thank you for everything."

Arc went forward and disappeared. The refugees started to move towards the city-fortress being protected by Death Warriors, Vampires and the paladins. But there is nothing to fear now, because everything was safe in Nazarick Kingdom.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"I'm really sorry…"

Calca could not believe that her "friend" could put her and the people into a bad situation with just her mouth.

"They just saved our lives you retard. In what right can you call him like that?"

"I just wanted to protect the people of the Holy Kingdom…" said Remedios with a small voice. It looked like she was not moving her lips.

"How? Tell me, how? By insulting them?"

Remedios had lowered her head like a child and could not see the queen in her eyes. She had put the citizens in danger and had embarrassed Calca in front of everyone.

"They could have let us die uncaring about our lives, because we are not their problem, yet they decided to help us, and my bodyguard put the lives of one million innocent people in a thin thread."

Still Remedios did not say a word and kept her head low in shame watching the head of her horse. The scolding from her queen was harsh.

She could really be a retard…

"Kelar, Gustav, you two will come with me when we meet King Ainz Ooal Gown. Remedios, you will stay with the other paladins and help the people."

"Ye-Yes, Lady Calca." responded Remedios.