
The Supreme King System

Young male’s name is Jay’Den McDonald, 21 years old and being Okatu. He really huge fans of anime but his top favorite is Black Clover. He really want to born in Black Clover! He don’t like to be involve with society. just like peaceful and quietly. If there an noises, he will get pissed off.

EternalKingOfAll · Fantasia
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19 Chs

CH 2. Time for Born!

What the fuck, whose huge hand touched my left side. It's uncomfortable to feel a huge hand on my left side. I will fight against you! He thoughts.

He moved around to order fight against a huge hand.

"Ouch ouch ouch, he is moving around too much when your hands on my stomachs!" She said.

Jay'Den felt bad for hurting her mother when he is in her womb.

"Yeah, I felt it, but why do I feel frightening power from your womb?" Her husband said.

Jay'Den frightening that he could find out about his power. Then he declined to go sleep.

"System, can you put me into sleep until time to be born?" He asked.

"Yes sir, I can setup until it's time to be born. Accordingly, you will be born in 5 months" System said.

Jay'Den started to feel too tired then went to sleep mode.

5 months later….

"I just broke the water!" His mother said.

Her husband are hurried to set up the bed with new sheets for his wife and went to get the doctor for his wife.

Doctor's house aren't far from his house. Jay'Den's father Intentionally and the doctor was frightened by him being intentionally.

"MY WIFE 'S WATER ARE BROKEN! SHE NEED YOU TO BE THERE TO PROCESS THE BABY BORN!" He yelled and worried about his wife and baby.

The doctor are hurried pack the stuff what he need for delivering the baby born. Then follow him to his house, saw his wife laying down on her bed and sweats.

"Go get warm water, then stand on her side and held her hand." The doctor ordered him.

He went to get the big bowl, fill up with warm water then bring to doctor, went to his wife's side and held her hand.

"Good morning Host, you are on process to be born soon." System said.

Jay'Den woke up and wait for get out of his mother's womb.

"Ma'am, please calm down, steady breath and countdown 3 to 1 then push" The doctor said.

His mother nodded, and followed what doctor said

"3….2...1 PUSH!" The doctor said.

She pushed and again and again.

"I can see the baby's head come out!" The doctor said.

She nodded and hope this is one more time push

"3….2…1 PUSH!" The doctor said.

She pushed all remain of her strengths

"He is out, and It's a boy baby!" the doctor said.

Mother and Father are happy that their baby boy have been deliver safety.

"But I felt something frighten power reside inside of his body." The doctor said.

Then Lightning Bolts strike on the doctor. Both saw the doctor been shocked by lightning bolts and left a big hole in the roof and ceiling. Father went to check his pulse if he is alive or not.

"Lucky, he is alive, but it's strange that lightning bolts came from nowhere?" He said.

He is puzzled about that so his wife too. Then lift the doctor to move him on the couch.

"Man, the doctor is too light for me to carry him. I am wonder did he eat more?" he said.

His wife laughed little at him. She felt exhausted from process deliver born a boy baby. Then went to sleep.

"Take a rest darling" He said.

4 weeks later…..