
The Supreme Commander

In the distant future, humanity has expanded its reach beyond Earth and established a galactic civilization. Interstellar travel and advanced technology have become commonplace, ushering in an era of remarkable progress and discovery. However, with the vastness of space comes the inevitable encounter with other intelligent species, some of whom prove to be hostile. "The Supreme Commander" follows the journey of Lieutenant Ethan Khane, a skilled and ambitious officer in the Earth Federation Forces. Ethan's life takes a dramatic turn when he becomes the sole survivor of a devastating ambush orchestrated by a mysterious alien civilization known as the Vortans. Severely injured, he is left in a coma for two long years. When Ethan finally awakens, he finds himself in a world vastly different from the one he remembers. Earth has become a thriving metropolis, linked seamlessly with other habitable planets through an intricate network of warp gates and space stations.

JadeTalon458 · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs

Chapter 1: Awakening

The hospital ward was a sterile and impersonal place, filled with the hum of medical equipment and the faint scent of antiseptic. The room was dimly lit, with a soft glow emanating from the monitors that surrounded the bed. Tubes and wires snaked their way across the young man's body, connecting him to the machines that kept him alive.

His name was Ethan Kane, a promising lieutenant who had been at the forefront of humanity's fight against an alien civilization known as the Vortans. Two years ago, he had been part of a desperate mission to repel a Vortan ambush. It was a battle that changed the course of the war, but at a great cost.

Ethan's memories of that day were hazy, fragments of images and sounds that played like a broken record in his mind. He remembered the blaring alarms, the chaos of battle, and the explosion that tore through his ship. After that, darkness claimed him, and he slipped into a coma from which he had just awakened.

As his eyes fluttered open, Ethan squinted against the harsh light that filtered through the blinds. He blinked several times, trying to adjust to his surroundings. Slowly, the reality of his situation began to sink in. He was alive, but at what cost? What had become of the war against the Vortans?

A nurse, alerted by the sound of his stirring, hurried over to his bedside. She wore a kind smile, but her eyes betrayed a touch of concern.

"Welcome back, Mr. Kane," she said, her voice gentle yet tinged with relief. "You've been in a coma for two years. We weren't sure if you would ever wake up."

Ethan's throat felt dry and scratchy as he tried to speak. His voice came out as a hoarse whisper. "What happened? How... how long was I out?"

The nurse brought a cup of water to his lips, allowing him to take small sips. "There was an ambush, a Vortan attack on our fleet. Your ship was hit, and you suffered severe injuries. You've been here ever since, in a coma."

As he drank, Ethan's mind raced to catch up with the passage of time. Two years. How much had changed in the span of those long months? The thought of his comrades still fighting the war without him filled him with a sense of guilt and unease.

"Is the war still going on?" he asked, his voice stronger now.

The nurse nodded solemnly. "Yes, it is. The war has continued, and humanity is still fighting against the Vortans. It hasn't been easy, but we've managed to hold our own. You've missed a lot, Mr. Kane."

Ethan's heart sank, but he knew that he couldn't wallow in self-pity. He had a duty to fulfill, a mission to complete. He would fight for his fellow humans, even if he was two years late to the battle.

"Can I see the news, the current state of the war?" he asked, his determination shining through.

The nurse hesitated for a moment before nodding. "I'll bring you a tablet. But please, take it easy. Your body needs time to readjust."

As she left the room, Ethan closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He could feel the weight of those lost years pressing down on him, but he refused to be defeated. He would make a difference, no matter how dire the situation seemed.

When the nurse returned with the tablet, Ethan wasted no time in accessing the news. The headlines revealed a grim reality. Humanity had suffered losses, but they had also achieved small victories. The Vortans has retreated to a semi dead planet at the edge of the milky way waiting for reinforcement.