Diana Duncan belongs to The Keeper of Mortal Plane that kept the boundaries of The Supernatural Side at bay from the mundane world. Unbeknownst to the legacy of her bloodline as The Protector of Balance, she remains oblivious to her duties. Left alone with memories of her mother and an old-fangled box, an instruction to only open the box after her mother is gone, Diana now with no one to turn to, has moved into her mother’s cottage in New Orleans. Here she will learn of her destiny and the many secrets that have been kept from her. Eighteen, just graduated from High School, and mysterious legacy looming on the horizon. What’s a girl trying to find herself, to do?
"Never did I ever thought I'd write a diary or journal but now here I am! As an eighteen-year-old who just graduated with a high GPA, and having received the praise of my mother and teachers, I can only begin this entry with mixed emotions.
Whilst I enjoyed a commemorative celebration with my mom, at our local five-star restaurant, I greet you with a heavy heart. I lost her.
As an only child and a never really present father, I have never felt more alone, than I do at this moment. Along with severe anxiety and trust issues, no siblings and friends to rely on, and my one and only anchor leaving me to live on as a new adult, terror grips my heart.
How am I ever going to survive without my rock, my favourite person in the world?! My mother!
Ah... I miss her, how I miss her...
My mother truly happened to be the kindest, simplest, most beautiful woman I have ever had the fortune of knowing. As she had this gift, an awe-inspiring gift. Teaching Greek mythology, her students revered her. She is and forever will be my rock star!
As I said, she had this gift where she took what I considered the single-most boring subject on Earth and put a spin on it during her lectures, that they became these stories, everyone loved and learnt from her more than they did in any other subjects. Didn't I say she was amazing?!
I miss her very much every day.
Now, all I have left of her is an old box and a letter that instructed me to open it in privacy, for all intents and purposes on the day that she would be gone. Gone from this world was not specified, part of me wants to throw it away, I'd rather have my mother back, not this old crusty looking box, but it's my mother's. It's all I have left of her.
.I did not, for the most part, understand that note until fairly last week when she was not there with me anymore, as she quoted "𝘨𝘰𝘯𝘦".She left the note as if she knew she was going to leave me and would never come back, and she was right.
Hatred can take you by surprise, and with the emotional roller-coaster I have been on this last week, with the loss of my mother, a mysterious box, a letter and my absent father, hatred has greeted me like an old friend.
Why do I sound so petulant? Should I not feel compassion for the man who lost his wife? Well I would if the man gave me a reason to, he seems to be the most relieved person there is, that she's gone
If he would have never left then maybe we would definitely have been living happily as a family but he legit decided to leave us knowing that I was a small kid who subtly needed both of her parents. This made me understand that the word ' Love' is just a cliché for some people, they love other people just for the sake of something selfish and are just so inhuman in a generally big way.
Let's just get to the good part, I am actually moving out tomorrow, to the cottage that my mother owned. We left that house because everyone said that something was wrong with it. My dad often believed in people's speculations over my mother.
A habit he obviously never grew out of, for all intents something was actually wrong with the people, including my dad, obviously turned out to be the things that were wrong with that cottage.
Well, I am genuinely excited to go there and live a fairly normal life for once with no grief and chaotic drama, etc.
Wish Me Luck! ❤<3
Goodnight Diary!!!