

*Diana's POV*

I know they wouldn't understand anything I say to them but the look on Emilia's face scared me to death. 

She came nearer and whispered in my ear "Be prepared for what's coming". She gave me a vicious smile. I had never seen Emilia like that, even though I only knew her for a little time, she looked different.

She twisted my hand and said "You think YOU are more powerful than me huh? In your dreams". She pushed me against a tree and kept twisting my hands. It was unbearable. I tried to let go but couldn't. She finally let me go and was mumbling something. 

I felt my bones cracking, my body, head felt excruciating pain. I held my head in exasperation. "What are you doing… uh...to me?" I mewled.

"You deserve it. You messed with me! What did I ever do to you? NOTHING!?" Emilia fumed.

"AHH!" I sobbed.

*Dylan's POV*

I was enjoying the view. I liked it when these humans are helpless. They are just useless creatures. I didn't like myself when I was a human. 

However, things were getting out of control. Diana looked vulnerable. I wanted to help her or else she would die, but Emilia stopped me from coming near them. 

I ran to others, I was panting and said, "Guys...Emilia...Diana...uhh, Emilia is out of control, she might kill Diana."

Lucas and Sebastian didn't wait a minute and ran out of the tent. "What do you mean by killing Diana? Weren't you with her? You should've stopped her" Jade accused. 

I was wordless. It was me who told Emilia to do those things to Diana. "Diana was…" I was about to say something when Samantha interrupted". 

She stormed and grabbed me by my collar, "What did you guys do to her? I haven't seen her! What the hell did you do!" 

Asher came and pulled me behind "Calm down. It's nothing to worry about, she's just fine!" 

She calmed down a bit and said "Well if she is fine then bring her to me!"  "I will," Asher uttered.

He gave me and Jade a glance and gave me a sign to leave.  

"Diana's POV*

The pain was unbearable. I tried to stand up and walk towards Diana. The pain kept increasing but that didn't stop me. Emilia's face was still evil. She was mocking me when I was trying to walk up to her. I clutched her jacket and said, " Why...just why!?" 

She kept saying the same things and it was agonizing for me now. I was about to slam her onto a tree. So that she could stop but she grabbed me by my collar and kept pushing me till we reached the area where our tents were.

She slammed me against a tree and pulled my hair. "You don't deserve to be here". She threw me to the ground, causing me to fall. The thing I was most afraid of happened. My shirt almost tore from the right side of my shoulder. I saw Lucas and Sebastian from a distance who were running towards Emilia. But wasn't it too late?

Everybody from our campus saw my mark that I had it in my right shoulder. I was insecure about it. I felt helpless. Caleb saw me on the ground and came to pick me up. 

"Where were you? Are you okay!?" He was bombarded with questions. I was still in shock. The thing I wanted to hide the most was seen by everybody now. Caleb took off his jacket and put it on me. He helped me to stand and took me to our tent. I saw Lucas and Sebastian talking to Emilia from the corner of my eyes, but I don't think they'd feel sorry.

When we reached our tent Caleb left me alone because he knew I needed time. He closed the tent when Samantha was about to barge in. 

*Caleb's POV*

"Don't Sam, I know you are angry and I know you want to talk to her but not right now. She needs time. She needs to be alone at least for now. After what all happened. Give her space". I told Samantha. Her eyes softened when she looked at Diana through the small window. But she left in anger. And I knew the thing to come next was not good. Because she went directly to Emilia's tent.

*Samantha's POV*

I was fuming with anger. I straight away went to Emilia's tent and pulled her. "What the hell is your problem? Why do you keep doing things to Diana? Just because she can't fight back doesn't mean you can hurt her mentally and physically every time!" She let go of me and scoffed "I did things to her? Oh please go ask your so-called best friend what she did to me first! Look!" She showed me some nail marks on her neck. As if someone dug her nails on her neck region. "This is what Diana did to me, she did a lot actually but since I'm a good person I won't say a few things. You know what, just go to her. Be with her! She might be crying in the corner somewhere alone".I really wanted to slap her at this point but Asher came in front of me. "You should go to Diana. We will handle her. Don't worry". 

Somehow I always calmed down when Asher told me to. I know that I have a crush on him but the way he handles every problem is just…

I had no time to stay here. I wanted to go talk to Diana anyhow! 

*Lucas's POV*

"No really! Emilia are you insane? She literally could've died today! Would you take the responsibility then? There are already people who have grown to be suspicious about us! And above all why did you even do it? And you Dylan...why would you give such, an idea to Emilia? You already know how much proficient is she to kill someone with her magic!" 

"I know it's my fault! NOW STOP SHOUTING AT US!" Dylan screamed. 

Emilia scoffed "Even after what all she did to me, to us! You are still taking her side? Just because she is your freaking childhood mate doesn't mean you can defend her every time!"

I was about snap but Sebastian told me to stop and came closer to me  "Let me talk to her. You know she won't listen to us if we keep shouting at her." I calmed down and saw Emilia leave the tent. "Go and talk to her

before she creates another problem."


I saw Emilia sitting on a rock and staring at the sky. I sat beside her she flinched thinking it was someone else but calmed down when she saw me. "Are you also going to lecture me? Just like Lucas. If yes then go away or else I'll hokas pokas you." I smiled at her words. "You don't have to because I'm not here to lecture you". she looked at me in disbelief and I just laughed it out. "Look Emilia I know that Diana hurt you".

"Oh no not again, please. I don't want to listen to her name anymore," she whined 

"EMILIA! Look I know she hurt you but that doesn't mean you can hurt her too. Yeah, we all don't like her anymore because of the things she did to you, Lucas, and yeah me as well. But Emilia...things are serious in the mundane world now. People are getting killed and no one knows how? The demons are killing them. And if you do too then...we won't be any different from that demon. And I know even though you are really powerful you care about mundanes! Also for a fact, we all know that you don't want to be like your mother." She listened to me carefully and nodded. 

"Promise me you won't use magic on mundanes, especially if you want to hurt them"

"Fine Sebastian Murray Marshall! I shall now down to you since you won!"

We both laughed at ourselves. I hugged her "You promised okay?"

"Yes Sir, now let me go, or else people will think you are my boyfriend."

"Oh My God, shoo shoo" 

*Diana's POV*

I was fine now after spending some time alone. I went outside for a little walk, I saw two people sitting on a rock. I went nearer. They were Sebastian and Emilia. Even though Emilia hurt me, I wasn't angry at her. Maybe because she might be having illusions like I used to have. I still have them but I have got used to them. Looking at them made me remember the rainy night I spent with Sebastian. Looking back at that now, I thought to myself, Lucas and Sebastian were always there for me but it was always Lucas who used to use his words like a knife on me. They were hugging and laughing at each other. Well, I had to admit, they looked good together. I just passed them by. 

After a little walk, I was back at her camp area. Samantha screamed out my name and signalled me to come there. I went there and everyone was crowding up now. Our professor stood in the small stage that they prepared for some performances. 

"I know there were some misunderstandings among few students, but I hope they are all cleared now. Well since it's our first night here before dinner we will have some performances!"

Everybody cheered with sodas in their hands I laughed at their behaviour because they prohibited us from bringing any drinks and even though they all drank soda they all were acting drunk.

Girls and boys were forced to go on the stage and perform something. They all were whining but had to give up at a point. We all were laughing and having fun. We sent Caleb on the stage and he sang a song, oh my god rip my ears. He was so inharmonious. We all made fun of him and he liked that!

I felt like someone was staring at me for a long time. I was feeling shivers. I looked around and I caught Sebastian staring at me. He stopped looking at me when I caught him. That is when the lights landed on me indicating it's my turn to do perform something on stage. I looked at Samantha and said no but she pulled me and pushed me on the stage I had no choice but to perform something. I'm not good at dancing so I just picked up the mike and everybody cheered. I went to the Dj and whispered in his ears the name of the song I was going to sing. I sang 'Dandelions'. I don't know why'd I sing it. But my eyes kept trailing off to Sebastian. After the song, I felt tired and decided to go back to the tent and sleep. I thought someone was following me, I started walking faster. When I looked behind there was no one. I sighed in relief and went off to the tent. 

*Sebastian's POV*

I saw Diana leave, her voice felt so peaceful the were like honey to my ears. The song was so soothing. Our eyes met once and she kept staring at me without feeling shy for the first time. What were these lingering feelings in my heart? I just couldn't understand.

My eyes went of to Emilia who had a devil smirk on her face. I smelled something was wrong. She started to follow Diana. I and Lucas followed her as well. She was about to do a spell when I pulled her from behind, covered her mouth, and hid behind a tree. Luckily Diana didn't see us. When Diana left, Emilia let go of me "What did you both do to me? Why wasn't I able to do the spell? Huh!" Lucas replied with "Because we know you won't listen to us! Even if we tell you not to still, you will still go after Diana!"


I concluded it "When I hugged you I did a spell on you. The spell won't let you practice magic for a while. I'm sorry Emilia I had to. For us! For our sake".

"Stop using us as an excuse Sebastian! I'm so done with both of you! Don't you even dare to come in front of me now". She left fuming with anger. I stopped Lucas from following her and nodded my head as a no.

*Diana's POV*

The next day I came out of the tent yawning and I saw Max laughing at my morning appearance. I mean yeah I looked like a mess I rubbed my eyes because I couldn't believe he was there. "Are you real Max?"

He smiled "Why do I look fake? Am I that handsome that you are mesmerized by my beauty?"

I scoffed "Haha Joke of the day! In your dreams. By the way, what are you doing here? Wow, your co-workers are here as well, oh my!he is handsome. Whose he?" I attacked him with questions.

"OH MY GOD! Ask one question at a time! I came here last night, My restaurant chefs and I were booked for your trip's food. You missed some good meal last night!"

I whined after hearing that because last night I slept early and missed the dinner.

"And we are preparing the breakfast now. Don't worry D! I will make you some mouthwatering and appetizing breakfast."

I smiled at his words. He patted my head as he used to when I was a kid. We were having a normal conversation until someone came in and shouted from afar to Max "MAX, LIAM IS...LIAM IS DEAD!" 

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