
The Supernatural High

Alex's life changed the night his mom died. Mind blowing secrets we're revealed and Alex had to let go of everything he had to attend The school for supernatural creatures.

AlexisKing · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Is It Possible......?

A man came from behind a tree smiling, he was the same man dressed in cloak, somehow he managed to sense a supernatural creature and tried to kill it.

"Well I wasn't aiming for him but....he was in my way... don't worry, you'll join him sooner" He said as he prepared to launch another arrow.

Meanwhile Andrea was on the floor trying to wake Alex.

"Alex can you hear me? Alex wake up.....Alex" She was shaking him but he wasn't waking up.

The man launched another arrow but it came in front of her and stopped in mid air.

"You should probably fire all of them, cuz they're gonna be your last" She said as she stood up and the arrow fell on the floor. The man fired three arrows at once but they stopped and fell down in front of her. Before he could disappear, Andrea lifted him up telekinetically.

"I have good news for you, your death will be painless and swift as I'll use your life as loophole to bring Alex back" She said with an evil smirk.

"You... you're not strong enough....you'll die" He knew she was serious, when witches are provoked, they don't mind the risk they'll be taking to have their revenge.

"Vinisus saitima" she kept chanting in an unknown language. The man felt the life slipping away from him as he started breathing faintly, the wind started blowing from all direction. After some time the man died and Alex breathed heavily. Andrea stopped, she went to Alex who just came back to life but didn't wake up, it was like he was sleeping or in a coma.

She tried many spells to wake him up but he wouldn't wake. She took him back to the school.


Andy was given a room, he didn't care about anything, all he was thinking of was his friend, was he in danger? He cursed Alex inwardly for accepting to leave him. All of the sudden he picked up Alex's scent but this time it was mixed with blood. He immediately left the room and followed the scent which led him to the school clinic, there he saw Andrea and some other girls chanting in an unknown language while Alex lied lifelessly on a sick bed.

His fears was justified, he shouldn't have let Alex go, He got so Angry and wanted to kill everyone there but controlled himself.

"What happened?" He said as he approached them angrily.

"The man in cloak shot him an arrow, he died but I brought him back to life, now he won't wake up" Andrea explained.

"I'll find that man and kill him myself after that, I'll leave this godforsaken place"

"Don't worry, I traded his life to bring Alex back" She stopped him.

"Is it possible.....?" He asked surprisingly

"We can't bring dead back to life but we can trade souls for other souls" She replied.

"Then why isn't he waking up?"

"My guess, he doesn't want to wake up, it's like he's accepted where he is and doesn't wanna come back" She replied.


Alex woke up in his room, confused, he got up and went downstairs, there he saw his mom dishing out food.

"Well you're just in time for dinner sleepyhead" She said as Alex climbed down the stairs slowly.

When he reached the dining, he hugged his mom tightly. He convinced himself that everything he had lived for the past few days was a dream and was happy to wake up in reality.

"Why the sudden hug son....is everything alright?" She asked.

"Everything is fine now" He pulled away, she could see the tears in his eyes.

She motioned for him to sit. He sat down and started eating. He felt very happy thinking that he had been dreaming all this while.

"You shouldn't be here Alex" She said as she watched him eat.

What does she mean, Alex was confused.

"If you're here.....it means something happened to you" Alex reminded himself that he was shot by an arrow.

"But....it was all just a dream" He replied as he tried harder to convince himself. He was starting to believe that he died.

"It's not Alex. I died and so did you, You're lucky enough that witch brought your spirit back"

Tears fell from Alex's face without him realizing. Seeing his mom again brought back all the pains he felt in an amplified way.

"Mom.....?"He hugged her tightly.

"Listen my son, you clearly haven't read the letter I gave to you, that's good news cuz I get to tell you everything in person..... your friend Andy... he's....." She got cut off by Alex.

"A werewolf.....I know"

"so are you Alex, you're also a werewolf" Alex was shocked, he felt like his head hit a wall or something.

"That's not possible, the night Andy transformed....why didn't I?" Alex asked as he went back a bit.

"This is gonna be hard" His mother explained how she fell in love her his father while they were in school, they got married and after some months she confessed to him that she was pregnant, but it's impossible for vampires to procreate. He believed that his wife cheated on him so he left her.

"This doesn't make sense" He replied as he had the urge to laugh at his mom's insane story. She fell in love with a vampire and got pregnant for him, that's beyond​

impossible, she also told him that he's just like Andy so how come his father is a vampire?

"You must probably be wondering why i said you were a werewolf....that's because I am one" Alex mouth opened in suprise unknowingly. He didn't believe what his mom just said, He had been with her during full moons and she didn't transform once.

"This is crazy, I'm probably in hell" He started looking around. His mom held his face on her hands.

"Son, you're something the world hasn't seen before, you're the descendent of a werewolf and a vampire, this got me scared, so I had a witch bind your powers after you were born" As she said this, Alex pulled away.

"You lied too, just like Andy's parents, and worse you had witches suppress what makes me.....me, if you weren't happy about the monster you gave birth to then you should have killed me...." He said angrily.

She burst into tears.

"I did it to protect you, being a werewolf, you have to kill someone to trigger your curse and being a vampire, you need to die......do you want that for yourself?" She asked as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"It still didn't change the fact that you lied" Suddenly everywhere started shaking and Alex could hear his name from above.

Alex's mom sniffed.

"Time to go Alex" although Alex was extremely angry he still didn't want to leave her.

"I don't wanna leave mom" He said as tears rolled down his cheek. The both of them were crying in each other's arms.

"This is not goodbyes....it..... until we meet again" She said as she let go of Alex. A bright light appeared and sucked him in. Alex shot his eyes open in the real world.