
Chapter 18: Flipped

Eliza's POV:

I walked into Ollie's bedroom to see how him and Harper were doing. However, when I got in there they were both sound asleep... cuddling. I smiled knowing the two of them would work it out. I slowly closed the door and when I did I returned to the living room where I was then greeted by Elliot. "Where is everyone?" He asked. I replied, "Well, Oliver, Michael, and I were worried about Harper. She took off earlier and never returned. She was at a bar where she met Henry Bates, a very bad person. He tried drugging her and raping her, we got there just in time though, I think. We'll ask Harper about the whole story when she's better in the morning. Until then we'll leave her to get some rest..." Elliot gave me a glare and asked, "Why did Harper leave?" I gulped and hesitated as I replied, "Not that it's either of our business, Harper told Ollie that she loved him. But he didn't say it back, and before Ollie could explain for himself she bolted!" Elliot seemed puzzled as he said, "Isn't it like way to soon for her to be saying that? She's only been here for about a month!" I took a breath and replied, "You're young Elliot. But one day when you love someone the way Oliver and Harper love each other then there's no such thing as too soon!" Elliot was confused once more as he asked, "But I thought you said Oliver didn't love Harper back. Why did you just say that he does?" I quickly answered, "No! I said that Oliver didn't say it back. He does love Harper, he just doesn't believe he's good enough for her so he refuses to tell her how he feels!"

The Next Morning-

Harper's POV:

I woke up with what felt like the worst hangover in my life. I looked around and realized I was in Oliver's room at the Compound. How did I get back here? I must've been to drunk to remember. I tried standing up but nearly fell until Oliver came out of nowhere and caught me. He whispered, "You should lie down, you had a...rough night." I gave him a confused look and asked, "Rough night? What happened?" I stood up, this time I was fine, and I walked downstairs into the living room where everyone was sitting at. They all stared at me like I had spinach in my teeth. I asked them, "Okay, everyone's looking at me like I did something wrong. What happened last night?" Oliver layed a hand upon my should and said, "What do you remember?" I thought for awhile and finally answered, "I remember our argument, Oliver. Then I left to go to a bar I heard of recently. It's strictly for vamps, they bring humans there and they feed on every one of them when the clock hits midnight. Then a handsome guy came up to me and offered a ride to his place, he said we could talk. I really needed to talk to someone, anyone, so I went with him, after about an hour I remember feeling really dizzy. I thought I passed out or something and someone brought me back here. That's all I remember!" Everyone looked at Oliver, waiting for him to tell me. He grabbed my hands and said, "That man you left with, his name is Henry Bates, he's a vampire and the owner of the hotel you two went to. He's a horrible person Harper, he drugged you and either did or was about to have sex with you. Michael's witch did a locator spell on you and we got to the hotel and heard you screaming. When we got in there you two were in his bed, I ripped him off of you and Michael and I were about to tear his head from his shoulders but you interrupted us. You walked over to him and promised the rest of his life would be a constant Hell, then you bit him and we all left!" My memories started shaking up in my mind. I was remembering. I quickly said, "Where's Henry now?" Eliza cut in and said, "Hopefully that werewolf bite killed him by now!" I shook my head and replied, "No! I want to see him, NOW!" Everyone was confused as to why I wanted to see him. I have my reasons though. Eliza said, "I might know where he went. He's probably still at his hotel, or his bar. Those are the two buildings in town that he owns!" I nodded my head and before warning anyone I darted out the door. I first checked the hotel, nobody. Then I checked the bar. When I got in there I saw Henry sitting on the second floor. I jumped up there and shoved my wrist into his mouth, allowing him to drink my blood. He looked up and saw me and asked, "Why'd you do that?" I smiled sarcastically and said, "I wanna talk!" We walked down the first floor and I quickly staked him down to the chair. I sat in front of him and said, "Alright, my first question. Why did you try and drug me just to have sex?" He shrugged his shoulders and answered, "I just didn't think you'd want to after what you told me so I slipped something into your drink. It was already to late to get another girl up here before the night was over so I ignored everything you said and put my own needs before others!" I raised my eyebrows and said, "How many women have you done this to?" He gulped before answering, "More than I can count. In my existence, probably over a hundred!" I turned my head away and thought about the many ways I could torture and kill him. I smiled and said, "That's all I needed to hear!" I pulled the stake from his stomach and right before he ran out of the building I reached my hand into his chest and said, "I'm not even going to waste my time on killing you! I hope you rot in Hell!" I yanked my hand out of his chest with his heart. I heard someone approaching behind me. It was Oliver, he looked at me and said, "Are you okay?" I stared at him with a cold look in my eye as I took a bite into Henry's heart. Oliver looked frightened by me. I threw the rest of the heart on the ground and whispered in Oliver's ear, "Would you look at that...Flipped!"