
The Super Speed System in The Flash

Jack Mayhem gets reincarnated into the flash tv series with a cheat system. Watch Jack as he lives an exciting and fun life in this dangerous world while also getting stronger. P.s: English is my second language so bear with me please, I'm doing this just for fun, i don't own anything except my OC.

Greed091 · TV
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3 Chs

Meeting Team Flash

Jack's home, nighttime.

After getting home, Jack trained for a few hours, then he started having pizza for dinner while watching the news, then the screen switched to showing Lucy's face.

Lucy: "Sir, I've been monitoring the Stagg industry's building like you asked, and now there is a situation."

"Oh? show me." Jack instantly became interested, then he saw on the screen showing the Flash facing an already healed Multiplex and his clones scattered around, Jack chuckled seeing this: "I never thought he would still go with his plans after getting his a*s kicked like that, he does heal fast huh? umm, I need some popcorn to watch the show." he activated his speed and instantly cleaned the table and brought some ready-made popcorn from outside just before the fight began.

Jack watched with relish as the Flash started looking for the original while being pursued and attacked by the clones, and they were having a conversation the whole time, but he couldn't hear them, after some time Multiplex became angry and began splitting his clones more and more, Flash wavered after seeing that, but after talking to someone with his earphones for a while he became determined, and ran through the crowd with his super speed, before catching the original and knocking him down.

The Flash took a sigh of relief thinking he won, but then Multiplex suddenly stood up and attacked him, Flash hurriedly dodged, then he saw Multiplex breaking through the window and falling, he instantly reached the window and took his hand trying to save him, but Multiplex didn't want to be saved and broke free falling to his death, Flash stood there stunned before running away after hearing police sirens.

"Oh, it's over." getting up and going to the balcony, Jack put on his armor and smiled looking at the yellow streak of lightning running through the city, after a few minutes he activated his speed and headed in the direction of S.T.A.R labs: "now, let's go and say hi, to our future friends hehe."

Meanwhile, inside S.T.A.R labs.

The Flash, or now that he took off his suit, Barry Allen, was watching the news of the incident that happened today, and beside him is his partners, the mechanical engineering genius Cisco Ramon, and the beautiful bioengineer Caitlin Snow, lastly sitting on a wheelchair, doctor Harrison Wells the brilliant scientist and founder of S.T.A.R labs also serving as a mentor to Barry.

"Tried to save him," said Barry looking at the photo of Multiplex on the screen.

"Doesn't sound like he wanted to be saved" Looking intently at the news, Wells said with a deep magnetic voice: "Some people, when they break..., they can't be put together again."

Barry looked at him with meaning: "Some people heal even stronger."

Wells was silent for a moment: "I hope so."

"Well, at least Multiplex won't be able to hurt anyone else." said Cisco while holding a tablet, before he put a lollipop in his mouth, and with pride he looked at everyone and said: "told you I'd come up with a cool name."

Everyone smiled, then Barry said: "Yeah, I Maybe the one in the suit doing all the running..., but when I'm out there helping people, making a difference, you're all out there with me. Finally realized something, we were all struck by that lightning."

After that suddenly, before Barry could leave, they heard a clapping sound from behind, they all turned around vigilantly and saw Jack in black armor sitting on a chair watching them.

Jack: "Wow, what a fantastic speech, I almost teared up, hehe."

Barry looked at him a little surprised: "You are that speedster from earlier today."

"Oh? So he's the guy you said saved you, umm nice suit," Cisco said, looking at Jack's suit with interest.

As for Caitlin, she still looked at him with vigilance: "Who are you? and what are you doing here?"

And Wells only looked at him with a frown and didn't say anything.

Jack looked at everyone's different reaction with a smile before he said to Barry: "Hi Barry, the lightning lag, are you still glitching hehe." Barry was a little ashamed by the nickname, then Jack turned to Cisco: "And you are Cisco right, nice to meet you, and nice hair by the way."

Cisco smiled and flicked his hair pretentiously: "You have good eyes."

After that, Jack turned his eyes to Caitlin: "You must be Caitlin, I have to say you look more cute in person." Caitlin blushed a little even though she still looked vigilante, finally, Jack turned to Wells before getting up and bending down a little respectfully: "Doctor Harrison Wells, great fan, I admire your work, you have done amazing things." he said before smiling in his head: 'after all, without your recent explosive work, the system wouldn't start.'

Wells looked at him thoughtfully before he smiled: "Okay, you seem to know us a lot, but we still don't know you, and what are you here for."

Jack sitting down again: "Oh, you can call me Velocis, and I'm here just to get to know each other."

Barry instantly became happy: "Ah, so you are here to join us to protect the city and its people and become a hero, great, with your strength, the city will be a lot safer."

Jack was a little dazed by Barry's enthusiasm before he hurriedly denied: "What? no! nononono, god no! Maybe I will help as a pass time and a hobby if I feel like it, but I'll definitely not become a hero."

Barry was confused: "Uh? why?"

Jack: "Why? well, first of all, I'm not fit to be a hero, you see I'm a selfish person, I will never sacrifice my life for someone I don't know. second, being a hero is super boring because I'm too strong, maybe it'll be interesting at the beginning but after that, it will be super boring, and I hate boring. And finally, if I become a hero, and it became my job, believe me, you don't want that, because I will start a carnage by killing every villain I meet, so that I can install fear in the others, therefore reducing my job. so..., how is my reason?"

The room instantly became scary silent, everyone was stunned by what they heard, especially the last reason, it sent shivers down their spine.

"O-okay, I have to ask." coming back to his senses, Cisco said: "if you are not going to be a hero and help us keep the city safe, then why should we get to know each other?"

"Well, of course, because I'll be spending a lot of time in here with you, watching how you deal and fight with the villains, it's more fun that way hehe." said Jack as a matter of course, while thinking in his head: 'it will be fun watching them fight crime with their ridiculous ways, I mean just look at the flash, he always gets beaten up even though he has super speed, the most broken superpower, it's like he forgets it on purpose just to add drama.'

Caitlin seriously said: "and why would we let you do that?"

"Because you can't stop me!" answered Jack in the same serious tone, which made the faces of everyone become increasingly ugly, after seeing this Jack face burst out laughing: "Pfft...Hahaha, relax, I'm just joking with you, man you should have seen your faces." everyone looked at him with a poker face, seeing this Jack said: "okay seriously, I'll be helping you logistically, and as an added bonus, I will provide you protection in here in case it gets attacked, of course, if I'm available, after all, I'm not going to stay here all the time, so what do you think?"

Caitlin was just about to say something, but Walls cut her off and held his hand to Jack: "Okay, deal. but you have to promise that you will not mess with our operations." Caitlin looked at Wells with surprise.

Holding Wells's hand and shaking it, Jack smiled: "I promise." everyone looked at this with different thoughts but they all accepted it in their hearts.

"Okay, now that you joined us, can you show us who you are under that mask, after all, you already know my identity," Barry said with a look of curiosity.

"Oh, alright." Jack was just about to take off his mask, but then he thought of an interesting idea and kept his mask on and took a cup of coffee from the table and took a sip: "No, how about we make it more interesting by having a bet, I'm gonna give you from now to Christmas, and if you figure out my identity in this time, I'll teach you a skill that will make you a lot stronger, but if you lose, you will agree to a request of mine, and don't worry I'll not make you do something illegal."

"Oh? What kind of skill?" Doctor Wells became a little curious.

"This one." Jack activated his "Moonwalk" and started jumping in the air around the room. Everyone looked at him with astonishment, after Jack stopped he smiled and said: "I call it "Moonwalk", how is it."

"Cool, I agree with your bet." Barry came back to his senses and agreed happily while imagining himself speeding through the sky with his super speed.

"Great, now if you will excuse me, I'm going home, I still have some things to deal with," said Jack before activating his speed and disappearing from the room.

seeing him go, Barry hurriedly said: "Cisco, see if you can locate him with the satellite, and Caitlin, see if you can discover his DNA from that cup, he was just drinking from it."

"Okay," said Caitlin before she put on gloves and took the cup to the lab.

"On it. you can escape but you can't hide hehe." said Cisco before he started working on something on his computer, after a while he looked at the screen with amazement: "No, I can't find any trace of him on the map, umm I bet his suit has some cloaking function." then suddenly Jack's voice came from the screen: "haha, you think you can find me with these tricks, dream on. oh, and by the way tell Caitlin she won't find anything from the cup so don't waste your time." Cisco almost fell from his chair by the scare.

After that, they heard Caitlin's voice: "Guys, come here, you won't believe this." then after they came, she said: "Doctor Wells you have to see this, it's incredible, even though there are still traces of his saliva, his DNA is completely gone, it's like it was erased."

Barry and Cisco were shocked, and Wells took a look before his eyes became serious for a moment, then rubbing his eyebrows he sighed and said: "it seems our new friend is more mysterious than we thought. Okay, everyone, go back to your work, I will go rest for a while." then he left the room leaving them thinking different things.

After Wells came to the corner of a wall, then touching it with his palm the wall opened a door, and making his way in, the door behind him closed, and inside was a bright futuristic-looking room, then Wells stood up from his wheelchair and came to a small raised platform and touched it, after that a hologram of a newspaper appeared in front of him, the title said "FLASH MISSING. VANISHES IN CRISIS." but the strange thing is the date which is "April 25, 2024", Wells looked at the newspaper and smiled: "it seems this new variable won't affect the future, good."