
The Super Lazy System

Effort brings great results. A man and an ambition. Mateus strives for a bright future, and amidst it, he still dreams of a fantastical life. One day, he is rewarded by a system that doesn't quite match his personality. Will he find new ambitions after gaining the Super Lazy System? Follow Mateus on his journey through a world forged by laziness. ----------------------- My first time writing, so don't expect too much, be kind. English is not my primary language, so please understand that I'm making an effort. Wish fulfillment. Writing to try to improve my English and my writing. Update schedule: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

Rafa_s · Anime e quadrinhos
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38 Chs

New world, new beginning.

"After hearing your story and seeing your desire, the system couldn't help but reward you. Your rewards are: Harem Protagonist, Lazy Protagonist, and Interdimensional Travel."

"System, give me the description of all abilities."

"Here it is:

Harem Protagonist: This skill makes the user irresistibly charming, charismatic, and beautiful. It also ensures the user has useful abilities with their women (if you catch my drift). Charisma and beauty stats are maximized (nothing that will make a woman orgasm just by looking at him).

Lazy Protagonist: A lazy system needs a lazy protagonist. But being lazy doesn't mean the user is weak. This skill guarantees the user an increase in strength every day, and depending on the situation, the strength increase can escalate.

Interdimensional Travel: This ability grants the user the unique capability to travel to any world they can imagine. By mentally visualizing a desired world, the ability operates in the multiverse, locating a corresponding reality. This dimensional dexterity offers the user the freedom to explore and choose from an infinity of distinct worlds."

"Now it's too easy with these abilities; maybe I'll just become the protagonist of an akikan40 fanfic." Jokingly, Mateus entertains this possibility.

'Maybe it's not so bad, right?'

— — —

After gaining new skills and training a bit, Mateus starts pondering what kind of world he can go to.

"It has to be a world where I can have fun while simply relaxing." Having fun is excellent, but relaxing while he can just be lazy is a great option for Mateus.

"It also needs beautiful girls. Can't forget about that." Priorities. There's nothing more that needs to be added; every man has his priorities, right?

"I need to remember that there must be a balance between peace and the 'fun' part. Also, it has to have some fantasy element."

'DxD is an option, but it could be a stumbling block, as problems don't stop coming in that story.'

While considering this, Mateus comes to a conclusion.

"The best thing to do is to go to a world mixed with various different stories. Rom-coms are also great world options. The heroines are always beautiful, hehehe." Putting aside what he should really be thinking, Mateus can't help but think about the beauties he'll see in his new world.

After much consideration, Mateus decides what kind of world he will visit.

"System, I want to go to the world of DxD mixed with..."

"Ok. Searching for a world that matches the host's descriptions..."

"World found. Creating background story for the protagonist in this new world."

"Teleportation successful. Welcome to your new host world."

— — —

In an apartment in Minato - Tokyo, a tall young man with his 1.87 meters (6'1") with messy black hair, sharp purple eyes, and well-defined features that make him extremely captivating, wakes up from a deep sleep and quickly becomes alert.

"So it worked just as I imagined. System, can you tell me about my background story in this world?" Getting excited, young Mateus then remembers that he doesn't know what his situation is in this world.

"In this world, you still go by the name Mateus Santos. Your story here is: your parents were famous entrepreneurs who died early due to a car accident. With the money from your inheritance, you decide to change things up and move from Brazil to Japan. In pursuit of completing your studies and a prosperous future, you enroll in the prestigious Shuchi'in Academy."

'The system really works conveniently.' Mateus thinks. He only asked to stay in this school when he chose his world, but the system came up with a good background story, ensuring that his existence wouldn't be strange in this world.

"Well, it's time to start the adventure."

Mateus can't help but get excited about the direction his life is taking.


Sorry for the chapter being so short, I've been busy with school these days. If I can, I'll send another chapter later.

The worlds that will be included are still open, I also consider later having him travel to other fantasy worlds, like Mushoku Tensei and others. Your ideas are welcome.

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