
See You in Hell

It was a few hours before the rescue operation. All the pieces have been put in place, awaiting my command. I look down at my hand. I was still contemplating the voice I heard earlier. Remember who I am? What could that mean? Was it even real?

"Captain. This is Angel. We have successfully infiltrated their naval lines. Standing by," Angel's voice was heard through the communicator on my desk. I broke out of my daze and walked toward it. I pushed the button on the disc to relay my message.

"Well done. Hold positions and stand by."

"Yes, Captain." Without a moment to waste, I walked toward the cupboard in my room. The dark brown door of the wooden cupboard was smooth, with a few scratches. I held on to the handle and pressed my thumb on it. After a momentary beep, I pulled the doors as the interior lit up in a bright blue and red colour. A holographic interface popped out before me. It was a selection screen for my equipment. I swiped several times, choosing my standard jacket and protective gear. The equipment materialised in the empty wardrobe and I grabbed it swiftly. Satisfied, I closed the cupboard and left for the underground garage.

Walking down few flights of stairs, I roamed my eyes around the empty garage. There was only one vehicle left inside. It was a sleek blue motorbike with accents of grey. Those were lights that would light up and deactivate upon command. I hastily walked towards the bike and straddled it. Once I was comfortably on the bike, I reached for my elbow pad as my mask formed in my hand, donning it once more. I put my hands on the handles of the bike as my jacket and the bike shone a brilliant neon blue.

My mission was set in stone in front of me, I will cut down all in my way without mercy. That is a promise. My resolve was strengthened, the hidden trapdoor opened. I rushed down to the pier at blazing speed. In my wake, a streak of blue and the silent thrumming of my bike.


One minute before our designated meeting time. The pier had an ominous and strict atmosphere. The marching of boots and metal armour clanking rang through the night. I have faith in my team. In anyone else's hands, it would have been suicide. I got off my bike, hands in my pockets. The metal gate of the pier was wide open, they were expecting me, far be it from me to disappoint them.

Walking through the metal chain-link fence and gate, I felt a wave of militaristic power. They run a pretty tough show. The moment I stepped a few steps into the pier, I already had marines tailing me. I could feel more eyes peering at me from all directions. Ahead of me, Ballasteer. His half cape behind him, giving him an aura of authority. Just as I predicted, a small squad was following him from behind.

" Welcome to our humble abode, Captain." He said calmly, his voice had an air of coldness. " To be honest, I thought you wouldn't have come. I rarely see any of you thugs be willing to stand up for their comrades." I did not entertain his underhanded remarks. I stared at him, frowning behind my mask.

"Not one to talk eh? Doesn't matter. Drop your weapons, all of them. No more tricks," Ballasteer ordered. His troops robotically took aim at me, threatening me. I did as I was told, or risk being gunned down. I dropped my revolver from the right side of my hip. I reached inside my jacket, pulling out 2 knives and 4 pistols. I kicked each one in front of him until they collided with his feet.

" I know you got some grenades in there too. I don't wanna get blinded again." Ballasteer said. I could detect a slight bitterness in his tone. I smirked internally at his cluelessness and paranoia. I complied. I reached two cylindrical canisters behind my back, inside of my jacket, sneakily pressing the buttons on top of them. I then bent down and gently placed them in front of him.

Ballasteer was simply watching me like hawk. After seeing that I no longer look as bulky as before, he signalled the squad behind him. They parted down the centre and I saw all of my men. they were looking down, they looked battered and beaten. Rage swelled within me for seeing them in this condition.

"One more thing before we turn them to you." I was shocked, he still had more demands? "Take off your mask and any cybernetic implants that you may have. Now! If you do not, we will do it for you." I scoffed internally, but I did not comply. Ballasteer knew I wouldn't. He cocked his head as his men closed in on me.


*Angel's POV*

We successfully infiltrated the naval lines of the royal marines a few hours ago. Everything seemed to be smooth sailing. However, I still had a nagging feeling at the back of my mind. What if something went wrong? This was my first time leading such an important operation. I looked at my comrades. We all had faith in our captain. Though we were referred to as a gang, we did not feel like one. We felt more like a militia. We were loyal to our leader, as he was to us. We had faith in him

Suddenly, a beeping sound incessantly played from the monitor on my bike. It flashed red in accordance with each beep. We all received the signal. The heads of all of my comrades turned to me, reminding me that I was in charge. I was momentarily shocked but forced myself back to my senses. I nodded, activating my comlink. "Go!"

With my orders, all 5 of us accelerated our bikes from our stationary position. The thrumming of the ion engine and its force caused waves and ripples in the water, leaving a divot in our path. We rushed towards the back of the base. The targets were now in sight after a few seconds. " Fire torpedos!" We simultaneously pushed the buttons on the handles. The headlights opened up as bright blue balls of explosive energy homed in on the barracks and vehicle bays.

Within mere seconds, an intense explosion erupted from the barracks as it was set ablaze. The pier shook violently as soldiers stumbled and fell. Many were blown away and some lay motionless. Flames rose into the air and illuminated the area around it.

Bodies were scattered everywhere and many were scrambling in a panic to find the source. My comrades and I quickly dismounted the bike once we reached the nearest dock and took cover just as swiftly. It appears no one noticed us due to the havoc. I was beaming with joy. We did it! Now it is up to the captain.


Just when Ballasteer's men were about to reach for my mask, an earthquake-like explosion occurred. The ground shook and some of the soldiers fell to the ground. A fire started next to the command centre, I knew Angel had executed her part of the plan. I was beaming with pride.

" What the hell was that ?!" Ballasteer fumed. To his surprise, another beep went off as the timer on the smoke grenades I laid down finally went off. I also used that timer to signal Angel's ambush. The canister burst open as two thick clouds of smoke engulfed his surrounding. Behind his helmet, I could sense his panic. I smirked and retreated into the smoke as I disabled the lights in my jacket. He and his men were frantic. Their eyes were darting around as they all drew their weapons.

I was watching from afar, in my eyes, they were clear as day. I activated the implants in my legs, enhancing my speed. I started to quickly dismiss his men. I delivered swift punches and kicks, sending them flying and knocking them out. Streaks of blue light followed in my wake. They attempted to trace my position, shooting where I was a few moments ago. One by one, Ballasteer was losing his defensive ring. I could sense panic and fear from him.

"Find him, you imbeciles!" He was starting to get frantic. It seems that had forgotten about the squadron of my captured men that were just behind him. They picked the weapons I had laid on the ground and loosed blaster bolts into them, quickly dismissing Ballasteer's men. " The prisoners! Fools! Secure them!" I took a step back to admire the fear in their voices. Right on cue as well, the rest of my men who positioned themselves on the containers to get the high ground starting taking their shots. Even Angel's squad at the docks took aim. I could not have asked for more.

Ballasteer was still looking around in fear in the smoke cloud. He fired bullets without direction. His fear coupled with anger starts to manifest in the form of dark energy and orbs in his hands and around his body. He thrusted his palm to his sides as a wave of dark energy pulsed from him. He was using his powers now. Good.

" SHOW YOURSELVES!" Ballasteer exclaimed. I smirked, he was truly broken now. His reinforcements cannot reach him as Draco has already secured our perimeter, his men were being shot and burnt alive. He is alone, and he is all mine. I pulled the trigger on my revolver as two high powered bolts exited the barrel, meeting their mark on his chest.


Ballasteer flew backwards several feet and landed on his back, outside the smoke cloud. I heard a very loud thud followed by a prolonged groan of pain. He pushed the button on the side of his helmet as it retracted and cupped around his ears. He grunted and coughed up blood. It was gruesome, but I was loving it.

Swiftly, my men and I emerged from the smoke cloud and surrounded him. Seeing me, his scarred face frowned and tightened, holding his gun and taking aim at me. However, Meg quickly kicked it away and did the same to him. I stared at him, expressionless. I saw his face morph into one of sorrow and regret. He realised he has lost.

" See you in hell," I said to him sinisterly. I lifted my gun and pulled the trigger, his limp body and hands hit the concrete under him, unmoving, motionless. The rest of the men rallied towards my position. I instructed them to round up survivors and any gear that they could find, dismissing them. I was now left alone, staring at the body of the over-confident commander.

Before I could fully revel in my victory, the air around me grew cold. I felt a dark presence behind me. I turned and was met by a torrent of black lightning, as dark as the void. The force of the magical attack was immense and it forced me back and onto the ground. The pain was unbearable. It felt like molten lava crawling up my skin. The torrent was relentless as I squirmed and writhed on the ground. My lungs and throat grew dry from my screaming. " AHHHH!"

When the torrent finally ended, I looked up as a chill went down my spine. I saw a tall figure in gold and black with a helmet covering his face. It was spiked and looked like the mane of a lion. It was intimidating and chilling. I was scared. This is the only person who could make me feel scared. Who is he...