
Dragon Skyscraper

Morning quickly arose. On Nox, the planet of Night, it is said that morning is but a time frame. It is said that Erebus, the God of Darkness, created this planet. This planet was his safe haven, away from the eyes of others. Shrouded in eternal impenetrable darkness. Morning was only slightly brighter than the night time. Just bright enough that neon street signs become less eye catching. Nox's red sun was the only thing visible through the shroud of darkness, like an eye in the abyss. It illuminated the sky in a dim yellow colour, and gave us sufficient sunlight for about 4 to 5 hours.

For the past few days, my 3 trusted lieutenants, 12 members of the Ion Skull,and myself have sought refuge in an old hotel, using it as our base of operations until he can head back to out old headquarters in the underground centre. I only hope that it hasn't been ransacked yet.

I looked in the mirror of my room. In the reflection, I saw myself for what I truly was. A flash of blonde stained my red hair and my right pupil was split in colour. I closed my eyes in horror, attempting not to evoke memories of the past. I placed my half mask on the left side of my face, covering up a scar that slashed across my left eye. The mask fixated itself upon my skin and in an instant my hair turned a vibrant red and my eyes shone with a piercing blue colour. I slowly opened my eyes, as if scared of what I would see. To my relief... I saw... Me.

"Captain, it's 8am, shall we commence?" Meg's voice snapped me out of my trance. Regaining my composure, I walked over to the counter top where my communication device was placed.

"Affirmative. Tell your squads that they may move out. Mine will catch up with you." I spoke into the disc like device. In around 3 minutes, I observed from my room as 3 black cars departed from the garage in the hotel. I gazed into the distance, spotting a large skyscraper withe glass panels covering almost every side. The skyscraper was tall enough to almost touch the sky. A bright red Chinese Dragon emblem is clearly engraved onto the side of the building. I cast my gaze further, looking at the different levels of Nox City.

The city is split into different levels, each representing the respective social classes. The rich, the elite and the royals reside on the top level, closest to the core of the planet, where it is said the Goddess Elune blesses her people. The middle class in the middle section. Last but not least, the neglected part of Nox City, the underground. Visually, the class divide is quite evident, the rich have large lavish houses, advanced architecture and lights constantly on even in the dead of night. The middle have apartments that are decently maintained and painted. At least, it looks comfortable. The underground sticks out like a sore thumb. It is built in a remote part of the planet, near the forest and seas. It's buildings are run-down and pathetic.

With the cars departing, I left as well. I grabbed my jacket from the standing rack next to the door and donned it in a swift motion. The garment made a thrumming noise and where is was once pitch black, not lit up with bright blue along the seams and a symbol of a bright blue skull appeared on the back. The jacket enveloped my body and grew slightly longer. Several extensions of leather with a metal point grew from the edge of my jacket, making it look more a coat now. The sleeves slotted themselves around my arm.

When I reached the lobby, the 3 remaining members who were assigned to me promptly straightened themselves upon seeing me. They were polishing their blasters and readying their gear. "Good morning soldiers." I always preferred to call my gang members soldiers, it always gave them more honour then simply being called a gangster.

"Mornin' Cap!" they replied in unison. I nodded and signaled them to get in the car as we are leaving. The 3 soldiers were wearing similar outfits. All members of my gang had similar outfits. A silver mask with accents of neon blue lighting to signify their affiliation, and a black and silver jacket with a blue skull on the back. My gang is the most feared out almost any in the underground. They knew not to mess with us. The only 1 of the 3 who was slightly different was the one who would be driving, he ranked slightly higher above the other two. His right shoulder wore a white shoulder pad the looked like it was made out of another human's bones. We swiftly got in the car after I gave the order.

At 11 am, my squad and I were in position, at the back door of the dragon skyscraper. It was a bustling street with cars zooming to and fro with many also parked along the sides of the road. We were doing the same. All we had to do was wait for confirmation from my lieutenants. Right on time, I heard their signals through my comm-link.

"Squad 1 in position..." I heard Cross first.

"Squad 2 at the ready..." Deadeye rang in second.

"Squad 3 good to go..." Meg was last.

"you know the plan y'all... Let's not mess this up" I reminded them in a cold tone. I exited the vehicle, hands in my pockets, walking towards the back door.