

"Pfffffffttttt.... HAHAHAHAHA... HOO HOO. Wow! That's a good joke... My goodness..." Draco burst into laughter, barely able to contain himself upon hearing my words. I could hear his red bodyguards laughing behind their helmets. " Oh, God! Just for shits and giggles, can you tell me you? Want to do what again? "

I felt anger stir within me. But I contained it. I did not reply to his question, simply staring at him with resolve and determination.

"uh oh... You... You are serious? Surely you aren't!" Draco questioned, shock and bewilderment were written all over his face. " Pal... Hunter.. Surely you know what Project: Unity is right? It's the project and initiative set out by the old leader of the Ion Skulls. That old man had the sickening ideal that all the gangs could be unified under him. With their combined might, they could crush the Empire. The only difference between him and you is that in the past, the gang leaders were all his friends. They only separated into different gangs to divide and conquer the underground. Project: Unity was a calling card, to unit the gangs into a force that could rival the Noxian military. You are absolutely delusional if you think that you can replicate that. The old man died from an unfortunate accident... He might have been actually successful if it weren't for that. You are ambitious Hunter... I will admit. But I ain't gonna give you anything. " Draco meticulously explained.

I knew what Project: Unity was. Better than anyone on this planet." The old man " former captain Necros explained it to me, with the vision that I would inherit the gang and bring his dream to fruition.

Soon, I heard the sound of the elevator doors open and at least 6 other people running into the room. My men behind me moved into defensive positions. They looked frantic, I knew we were surrounded. I did not react, arms still on the table. I looked down, anger starting to boil over thinking of how to get out of here.

Draco stood up, drawing his gun and aiming it at my head. " It was a nice talk... But surely you knew that I didn't invite you in here to meet your terms right? Don't worry Hunter, your gang will join you soon..." Draco smugly said as he pointed the gun at my head. His sinister smile could split his face in two. I did not react, still looking down with my hands on the table.

*Beep beep* A neural link was established.

"You're late..." I complained.

"Sorry Cap... better late than ever right? " Deadeye replied apologetically. His silky voice calmed me in an instant.

Finally, I stepped back from the table, lifting my arms off the table and raising my head. Without saying a word, I smiled at Draco. His eyebrows raised in confusion. " Bein' smug you are about to die huh? I'll show y-"

*KACHING* *KACHING* Before Draco could complete his sentence, two sniper bolts rang throughout the room. The bullets instantly broke the glass panels behind Draco. One went left, the other went right. The bullets ricocheted off the first guard, to the second, beside them, hitting the ceiling, deflecting towards two more guards, and bounced off the floor to kill the last two. Finally, the bullets landed at the feet of Draco who was now on the floor in complete shock and terror. He fell to the floor upon hearing the deafening blast from the sniper as well as the glass shattering. The sight of his men laying dead around the room and two heavy-duty sniper bullets missing him barely surely gave him the fright of his life.

I could hear Draco panting heavily, his heart was surely racing. His face was pale as a ghost. Shortly after the quick dismissal of his guards, 3 grappling hooks attached themselves to the office floor. Meg, Deadeye, and Cross all came zooming in. The 4 of us loomed over the quivering figure of Draco. "Now... let's talk...shall we ?" I asked Draco condescendingly. However, anyone with a shred of common sense knew that this wasn't really a question, but a threat.

Draco blankly nodded. He shivered as he stood up, his legs were weak from fear. He landed in his chair with a thud, his hand cupping his forehead with his right hand. He looked exhausted. He was speechless. He could not even look up to meet our gaze.

" Draco..." I said with a caring and gentle tone. Absolute shock filled his eyes, then followed by horror.

" Please! I'll do what you want just please, don't do...whatever that was again..." Draco, the once pompous, cocky, and arrogant gang leader looked like a beggar. His hands were pressed together as if he was praying. His head bowed down, almost touching the table. However, something I did not catch, was the flash of realisation in his eyes. Then his smug grin returned.

" Draco... I never wanted to kill you. You simply forced my hand. I don't wanna do it again. Come, my friend, we have work to do." I said warmly, stretching out my hand as a sign of friendship and willingness to forge an alliance. What I said was genuine, I never wanted to kill Draco, he is important, to me and to his gang. Killing him would be a waste. However, sometimes, I truly am too forgiving.

Draco looked up. However, I sense something was off, the fear that once was written all over his face no longer existed. His regular look returned to him. My right hand was still extended, but now, my eyes were squinted, my body in a readied position. Draco, extended his hand to shake mine. However, at the last second, he lifted his palm and a gust of wind pushed all of us back. My men and lieutenants were all knocked to the floor. I barely gripped the ground, digging in with my right arm. My anger returned to me as I see Draco with his palm still extended. I looked behind me and saw that everyone was out cold.

"You must have forgotten, Hunter..." Draco started, he was now levitating in the air with a fiery aura around him. Soon, his clothes were set ablaze. His body was engulfed by flames. The heat in the room was scorching, the light as bright as the sun. Draco's clothes were replaced by armor. Red, scaly, draconic, armor. I gazed on; however, I was not surprised.

" I am not from these parts... " Draco continued, unsheathing and brandishing the sword on his back. The sword also blazed to life, the black dragon on the hilt lit up a fiery red, and the blade ignited with red plasma. " I am a Highborn..."

Hey guys, so this might be the last chapter i make before i move to Ringdom. I hope you have enjoyed the book so far as i enjoyed putting my ideas down on paper. If you are wondering what a Highborn is, you have to find out in the next chapter. Just know that they are special and important.

xan5104creators' thoughts