
The Summoner Of Middle-Earth

### Introduction: Daniel, an ordinary young man with an extraordinary love for J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings," awakens in the heart of Middle-earth, surrounded by the enchanting beauty of its ancient forests. Armed with a mysterious game-like system known only to him, Daniel discovers he has been granted the rare and powerful class of Summoner. In a world brimming with legendary heroes, formidable foes, and untold wonders, Daniel must navigate his new reality, balancing the secrets of his origin with the immense responsibility of his newfound powers. As he explores the humble outskirts of Bree-land, he begins to unravel the intricacies of his Summoner abilities, forming bonds with magical creatures and seeking allies in a land both familiar and alien. Driven by a thirst for adventure and the desire to make a mark on the world he has always admired from afar, Daniel embarks on an epic journey. With each step, he delves deeper into the lore and magic of Middle-earth, uncovering hidden truths and facing perilous challenges. Join Daniel as he ventures into the rich world of Middle-earth, where every choice echoes through the ages, and the line between myth and reality blurs. Will he rise to become a hero in this storied land, or will the weight of his secret and the trials ahead prove too great? The journey begins now, in a tale where fantasy and reality converge, and a new legend is born.

Police96 · Fantasia
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23 Chs

The First Steps of a Summoner

Chapter 2: The First Steps of a Summoner

The dawn broke gently over Bree-land, casting a warm golden light through the trees and onto the quaint village. Daniel woke up feeling rested and invigorated. The excitement of his new life in Middle-earth coursed through his veins. With the System as his guide, he felt ready to tackle whatever lay ahead.

The soft chime of the System greeted him as he opened his eyes, bringing up the interface automatically.

**Good Morning, Summoner.**

**Daily Quest:**

- **Greet the Locals:** Introduce yourself to at least three villagers.

- **Gather Resources:** Collect five different herbs from the surrounding area.

- **Practice Summoning:** Successfully summon and maintain three different creatures.

**Side Quest:**

- **Help the Village:** Assist the villagers with any tasks they might have.

Daniel reviewed the quests, feeling a mix of anticipation and determination. These tasks seemed straightforward enough and would help him get more familiar with the village and its people. He stretched, feeling the morning chill on his skin, and then summoned his ethereal fox companion for the day ahead.

"Let's start with greeting the locals," Daniel said to the fox, which tilted its head in understanding. They made their way back into the heart of the village, where the day was just beginning.

As he walked through the streets, Daniel spotted a woman drawing water from a well. She had a kind face and seemed approachable, so he decided to start there.

"Good morning," Daniel greeted with a friendly wave. "I'm new to Bree-land and wanted to introduce myself. My name's Daniel."

The woman looked up from her task, a smile spreading across her face. "Well, hello there, Daniel. I'm Lily. Welcome to our village. It's always nice to see a new face around here."

**Name:** Lily

**Class:** Villager

**Level:** 1

**Experience:** 10/50


- **Strength:** 3

- **Agility:** 5

- **Intelligence:** 6

- **Endurance:** 4

- **Charisma:** 7

They chatted for a few minutes, and Daniel learned a bit about Lily's daily life and the struggles the villagers faced. He felt a sense of accomplishment as the System pinged with a notification.

**Daily Quest Progress: Greet the Locals (1/3)**

Moving on, Daniel saw a group of children playing near a small farm. Among them was a boy of about ten years old who looked curious about the fox at Daniel's side.

"Hi there," Daniel called out, approaching the children. "I'm Daniel. Just moved here and thought I'd say hello."

The boy stepped forward, his eyes wide with curiosity. "I'm Tom. Is that your pet?"

Daniel smiled and nodded. "Sort of. He's a magical fox I summoned. His name is still undecided, but he's friendly."

**Name:** Tom

**Class:** Child

**Level:** 1

**Experience:** 5/25


- **Strength:** 2

- **Agility:** 4

- **Intelligence:** 5

- **Endurance:** 3

- **Charisma:** 6

Tom and the other children were fascinated by the fox, and Daniel spent some time answering their questions and letting them pet the creature. Their laughter and excitement were infectious, and Daniel felt more connected to the village with every passing moment.

**Daily Quest Progress: Greet the Locals (2/3)**

Finally, Daniel approached a man chopping wood near a small cottage. The man was muscular and focused on his task, but he looked up as Daniel approached.

"Good morning," Daniel said. "I'm Daniel, new to Bree-land. Just wanted to introduce myself."

The man wiped his brow and gave a curt nod. "Name's Brant. Welcome to the village. If you're looking for work, there's always plenty to do around here."

**Name:** Brant

**Class:** Lumberjack

**Level:** 2

**Experience:** 30/200


- **Strength:** 9

- **Agility:** 6

- **Intelligence:** 4

- **Endurance:** 8

- **Charisma:** 5

Daniel made small talk with Brant, learning about the man's work and the importance of firewood for the village. As he listened, the System chimed again.

**Daily Quest Progress: Greet the Locals (3/3) - Complete**

**Experience Gained: 10**

With the first quest of the day completed, Daniel decided to venture into the forest to gather herbs. The System's map guided him to areas where various herbs could be found, and he used his Analyze skill to identify and collect them.

**Analyze Activated:**

- **Herb:** Kingsfoil

- **Properties:** Healing, common

- **Usage:** Used in poultices and basic healing remedies

- **Herb:** Elanor

- **Properties:** Energizing, uncommon

- **Usage:** Used in teas and stamina potions

- **Herb:** Athelas

- **Properties:** Antiseptic, rare

- **Usage:** Used in treating wounds and infections

- **Herb:** Simbelmynë

- **Properties:** Calming, very rare

- **Usage:** Used in relaxation and sleep aids

- **Herb:** Niphredil

- **Properties:** Enchantment, rare

- **Usage:** Used in magical rituals and potions

Daniel carefully collected each herb, noting their uses and potential in his mind. The System chimed again as he picked the final herb.

**Daily Quest Progress: Gather Resources (5/5) - Complete**

**Experience Gained: 10**

Returning to the village, Daniel found a quiet spot near the edge of the forest to practice his summoning skills. He focused his mana and summoned three different creatures in succession: the fox, a small bird with iridescent feathers, and a tiny deer-like creature with delicate antlers. Maintaining each summon required concentration and a steady flow of mana, but Daniel managed to keep all three creatures active for several minutes.

**Daily Quest Progress: Practice Summoning (3/3) - Complete**

**Experience Gained: 10**

Feeling satisfied with his progress, Daniel decided to tackle the side quest of helping the villagers. He wandered through the village, looking for anyone who might need assistance. It wasn't long before he found Lily struggling with a broken fence near her garden.

"Need a hand?" Daniel offered.

Lily smiled gratefully. "That would be wonderful, thank you. This old fence has seen better days."

Using some basic tools and a bit of ingenuity, Daniel helped Lily repair the fence. It took some time, but together they managed to make it sturdy again. As they worked, Lily shared stories about the village and its history, giving Daniel a deeper understanding of his new home.

**Side Quest Progress: Help the Village (1/1) - Complete**

**Experience Gained: 15**

As the sun began to set, Daniel felt a sense of accomplishment. He had completed his daily and side quests, gaining valuable experience and building connections with the villagers. The System chimed one last time for the day, summarizing his progress.

**Daily Summary:**

- **Experience Gained:** 45/100

- **New Skills Acquired:** None

- **Quests Completed:** 4

- **Items Found:** 5 Herbs

**Tips for Tomorrow:**

- Continue exploring Bree-land for more opportunities.

- Seek out more side quests to help the villagers.

- Practice summoning to unlock higher-level creatures.

Daniel settled down for the night, feeling more confident and integrated into his new life in Middle-earth. As he drifted off to sleep, he looked forward to the adventures that awaited him, knowing that with each day, he was becoming a stronger and more capable Summoner.

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