

My name is Tyler Ramon and I am 19 years old. This is my story of how I was summoned to another world called Arcadia one day out of the blue to become a hero. The world I'm in right now is different from Earth and their ideals and culture are also different from the one I know. How will my journey progress? What kind of enemies will I face? Join my journey to find out more.

Impulsive_Dreamer · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs


"Thank you, for your hospitality Pope Clement"

" Hero Tyler, you don't seem to be in much shock considering that you are summoned from a different world just yesterday."

" Pope Clement, It's just the effect of my two skills [Mind Stability (G)] and [Emotion Suppression (G)] that I purchased using plausibility."

"Hmm, so you used the plausibilities for the first class to purchase skills"

"Exactly, because I thought that these skills are far more important to me than unlocking the first class. I hail from a peaceful era on a planet called Earth. Even though my world is now peaceful, my world has already experienced two world wars even though there is only one race that is humans. The last world war ended more than 50 years ago and I wasn't even born at that time. So that is the basic gist of the things."

" Hmm, so that's the case you are from a peaceful era. I assume you received no training in battles"

Why am I even engaging in a Q&A with this old man, doesn't he have anything better to do like praying or something?

Maybe I can use this situation to my advantage, and make a huge harvest from using him, like asking for a lot of resources to speed up my growth or ask a position with authority to make my life easier. There are so many options and I can make it all happen If I play my cards right.

[ Hey Tyler, you are secretly not a Demon King, right?

The way you think is a bit evil.]

' Sophie, On Earth, most people are like me, they try to get the most out of any given situation and don't like to be on the losing end of things '

[ So it's a place I don't ever want to visit then, for me one Tyler is enough]

' Aren't you a little talkative today?'

[ I have been always talkative ]

The Saintess Ravia was just standing there and listening to the Q&A session between me and the Pope and only 3 of us were in the chapel. I guess everyone else was given notice that the Pope want to talk to the Santess and the Hero alone.

"Oh, I forgot to mention my world doesn't have any magic or skills. My world has become developed due to the progress of science. Science is the improvement of technology by theories and innovation by brilliant minds"

" Hero, do you have any demands as you are going to stay in this world until the Demon King is defeated?"

" Pope Clement, you are very straightforward yes I have many demands that I will list one by one"

" Okay, please do tell your demands, Hero"

" First, I will stay here for one month, I will not go outside as I will be training here to improve my stats and unlock new skills to prepare for the things to come as I have no prior knowledge of fighting and I can't use magic power as my magic circuits are not formed.

Second, I need access to all the books in the library of the Church of Goddess Luminous. As I have no idea about your world- its customs, culture, history, currency, and many other things including this world's common sense.

Third, I need access to the training area of the church and permit me to have sparing matches with the paladins.

Fourth, I need someone to teach me about magic and potions, weapons, and artifacts.

Fifth, I need the help of Saintess Ravia for the month to improve the efficiency of my growth.

and finally, Sixth, provide me with resources I ask that can help me grow"

"As you are the only one who can defeat the Demon lord, Hero Tyler, I accept your demands. "

" Thank you Pope Clement for approving my demands."

The Pope looked at Ravia and said

" For 1 month provide help to Hero Tyler so he can improve and finally be ready to face the demons."

" Yes, your Holiness, I will do as you wish"

After the meeting with the Pope, I returned back to my room and Ravia went to arrange the things needed as per my demands.

" This is what I call a successful negotiation "

[ Yes, the negotiation was a success]

[skill [Negotiation(G)] >>> [Negotiation(E)] ]

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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