

Unbeknownst to Seraphina that she was bestowed a gift and also had a past life, she lived her nineteen years in bliss until the day her parents announced a nerve-breaking news to her. She was offered as a peace bride to the son of their family business partner who they were greatly indebted to. Tried and tired of going against the marriage, Seraphina finally succumbed and accepted the proposal to marry the Lord's son under a secret agreement which was between them, the future couple. This agreement unknown to her was a trap from her famous future husband to lure her into his cage and web where together, they revisited everything about their past life. There, she found out that she was not only the town's Belle but also a powerful woman who was bestowed with an incredible gift many fought and wished to acquire which unfortunately, she had misused for the wrong people then. Discovering the hidden dark secrets that were the cause of her death and downfall in her past life, and also about the very one person whom she trusted that was the cause of her death, she vowed to avenge everyone who had used her. But her biggest setback in accomplishing her goal was, she couldn't remember who and what her future husband was in her past life no matter how hard she tried. Without remembering him, she had no power to start her revenge. The only way and breakthrough at which she can remember him was to consummate their marriage which, sadly, was not an easy feat to fulfill. Left with the last option on her list, she chose to kill everyone from her past life including her husband-to-be. But how far could she go to attain her goal with her not-so-easy vampire husband so that fate won't be repeated? She was a determined lioness trapped in the web of a cunning vampire.

Amzy_Bella · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Incoming Trouble

"Being so hotheaded and easily angered like this, I'm starting to think and believe I'm speaking with my equal." The man taunted and saw Seraphina flare up in more rage directed towards him as if she would burn him with just a command from her lips.

"Are you insulting me?!" Seraphina glared furiously at the man. This time she was sure if the man spouted more nonsense from his mouth, she will surely smack his mouth together with his stupid mask.

"I wouldn't dare, Ms. Castiel." The silver-haired man said raising his hand in the air as if in surrender. Meanwhile, behind his mask, the man had a wide smile adorning his face which he tried to tone down by biting his lower lips lest he ended up laughing at the furious lady who wanted to kill him with her eyes.

If Seraphina looked closely at him, she would notice his eyes had turned small because of the smile on his face.

The man further spoke when Seraphina still stared at him with a hardened gaze. He said in a matter-of-fact tone, "I was only stating the facts, Ms. Castiel. Don't kill me with those brown eyes of yours."

The daggers and the raging fire spilling out from Seraphina's eyes flew at a fast and steady speed that pierced into the body of the silver-haired man without leaving any space for him to breathe. This was, of course, the imagination and thoughts Seraphina had towards the silver-haired man.

How she wished she had the magic and ability to set this man on fire and let him scream for help while she stood there laughing at his face. Seraphina thought to herself. She stared long and hard at the silver-haired before averting her gaze before she said an insulting word she might regret.

To Seraphina's relief, her house finally came into view. Immediately, she turned to the silver-haired man and said to him, "Stop me here,"

She wanted to get down and quickly go inside her house without the notice of anyone. Entering with a carriage will raise the alarm that she had gone out, and it would surely cause problems.

"No," Came the quick and short reply from the man.

"I can go home from here. Besides, my house is over there. There's no need for you to drop me there. It will save both our time. And I believe you also have something to do, hmm?" Seraphina tried reasoning with the silver-haired man but the man was not buying her excuse.

He curtly replied, "I was asked by my father to safely drop you home. So you will only get down once we have arrived at your doorstep and I watch you enter your house." He paused and stared at Seraphina who looked as if she wanted to burst through the door of the carriage.

The man went on, "You do not want my father to hold me responsible if anything should happen to his future daughter-in-law, do you? Or do you want me to go against the wishes of my father?"

The man knowingly mentioned the daughter-in-law to annoy Seraphina, and just like he wanted, Seraphina flared up, her brown eyes burning into his soul.

"You! You're such a..." Seraphina made to curse the man but held herself back. She could only squirm in her seat as she watched the carriage drive through the gate of her house while ignoring the man.

Seraphina anxiously looked out of the small window of the carriage and to her horror, she sighted the carriage parked along the driveway of her house just before the entrance, which was none other than her parent's carriage.

Her parents were home!

Seraphina stared at the carriage as if she was seeing a horrific statue placed there. Her hands clutched tightly onto her dress as the anxiousness in her body hit its highest peak which made her body more tensed than before.

The silver-haired man noticed the way Seraphina was moving uncomfortably in her seat to know what was up with her, but he kept quiet as he regarded her and wondered what she was going to do.

Earlier today, he had noticed that Seraphina and her friend were behaving as if someone was after them, and he suspected they came for job hunting which might also be against the wishes of her parents.

Who would have thought that the commanding snow-white skin lady was still being held back at the house by her parents? It made him wonder what she needed the job for, unless…

The silver-haired man narrowed his eyes on Seraphina. He saw she was still fidgeting with her dress as the carriage slowly continued to move along the driveway.

Soon the carriage finally stopped moving as it parked a little behind the carriage of Seraphina's parents.

"We are here, Ms. Castiel." The silver-haired man informed but Seraphina made no effort to move or go down from the carriage she had been eager to fly away from since she entered it.

Patrick jumped down from his driver's seat and opened the carriage door and at the same time, Seraphina's parents came out of the house.

Their eyebrows were quick to furrow in surprise when they spotted the shining carriage that looked like it was carved out of gold, and it looked nothing less than a King's carriage.

The couple who had just arrived and was about to go out again walked towards the beautiful carriage, wondering who it belonged to.

They passed by their carriage and the coachman who stood beside their carriage with the door open and waiting for them to enter.

Mr. Castiel stopped and questioned the coachman, "Whose carriage is that, Noah?"

Noah turned to look at the carriage Mr. Castiel was speaking of, and then back at the couple who was expecting an answer from him. He answered, "I don't know who it belongs to, Sir."

Mr. Castiel's eyebrows furrowed deeper into a frown. He was not expecting any visitors, so who could that be? He wondered.

"You don't know who the carriage belongs to? And you are still standing here?" Lady Lydia questioned in a hard voice.

Noah bowed his head apologetically and said, "Forgive me, My Lady. I'll go see who it is right away."

"Never mind," Mr. Castiel dismissed Noah. "I'll go see who it is."

Lady Lydia stared at her husband with pursed lips before she followed him to the eye-catching carriage.

Seraphina's heart thumped loudly in her chest as she watched in dread as her parents approached the carriage with their steps firm and hard on the concrete driveway.

The silver-haired man sat with a smile that was now on his face as he continued to watch Seraphina's every expression she displayed.

After a while, he said to her, "Let's go down," He stretched out his hand for Seraphina to take.

Seraphina peeked at the silver-haired man's face and then at his outstretched hand. She shook her head in denial and muttered in a small voice, "No. My pare..."

"It's not like you won't meet them anyway. Come on, let's go meet the future in-laws, shall we?" The man cut her off and reached for her hand resting on her lap.

He stood up and tugged on Seraphina's hand before she followed him and came down from the carriage in dread of what her parents would say and do to her.

Mr. Castiel and Lady Lydia immediately halted in their tracks when they saw the two who just came down from the carriage.

Their eyes widened in disbelief when they saw it was their daughter, and she was with a man?!

Lady Lydia was the most shocked. She had locked Seraphina in her room before she left with her husband earlier today. So how come Seraphina was here, and what was she doing with a man? She questioned herself as she marched forward and demanded from her daughter,

"What is going on here? And what are you doing outside the comfort of your room and house, Seraphina?!"

Thank you for adding and reading this book. You can support me with your power stones, Golden Tickets and your gifts too. Thank you and Happy Reading!

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