
The Substitute Lover Of CEO

For three long years, Evangeline Wanhart loved her husband desperately only to get betrayed. For Eve, Cedric Weildmer was the sun of her life. But for him, she was just a substitute for his first love. A replacement to fill the emptiness of his body. The face that he had desired all his life. But when then-dead twin Elene Wanhart returned after an accident, the copy was not needed. The news of her twin sister brought divorce papers for Evangeline and heartbreak. But she still had her hopes, she held her belly tightly and went to inform her husband that she was pregnant with their child. Only to know that death was waiting for her in that ominous room. A life returned, a life gone. But after seeing the corpse of Evangeline, Cedric realized it was not the face he loved anymore. But the person beneath. He cried hard as he begged for his wife to return, but alas! Desires did not work against the will of god.

troublesome_writer · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Broken Souls

Eve arranged everything perfectly. She did not let the thoughts of maids affect her. Cedric must have worked with her father. He had gone to meet them on several occasions. Her father had started a small business with his help. They must be thinking about extending it or there might be a new project.

Eve arranged the flowers personally. Her love for flowers had always been so strong. 

"Madam, I heard that Master is on the news. Shall I open it for you?" The question felt too considerate coming from her staff but Eve was excited. Cedric had often been on the news and he had always been so charismatic when she watched him on the big screen.

But that was not the only thing that excited her. Cedric was often asked about his personal life and recently he had promised a journalist that he would share it in his next interview. Perhaps… just perhaps, he would tell the world about her. 

It was not that it would change anything about their relationship but no one would be able to insult her then.

"Yes, please." her heart reached for her throat as she wiped her hands with her dress, a habit to show her nervousness. 

The large screen that had covered half of the wall came to life when the button was pressed. Eve took the recliner in front of her. The maid immediately brought a glass of juice for her, startling her again. She still picked it up and took a sip as she noticed Cedric' handsome face on the tv. He still had that indifferent look on his face.

"So, we have heard that you have given another big project to E&E Limited. Though the company is new to the field of entertainment, you have always shown them support. Is there any special reason for that?" Eve held her breath as she waited for his answer. So, it was a project. 

"I have heard that their lost daughter had just returned. Is it a gift for her welcome?" the journalist teased but when she waited for him to refuse, he stayed silent. Too silent for her heart to stir uncontrollably. 

"The project would benefit a lot of fresh talent and we expect to see a lot of new faces in our market. I hope both companies will earn a lot from it." He stood up announcing the end of the interview. She waited… stared blankly at the journalist who had a mischievous look on her face.

"This was the first time when Cedric Hunter had attended a meeting with an amateur woman who had only returned to the world after a gap of two years. They were seen smiling at each other in the famous Glareto restaurant. Could it be the lover he had waited for so long?

She closed the screen at once. Her chest burned as she saw their smiling pictures on the screen. It was Elene. Her parents were not there. They were alone. 

When she stood up, she noticed all the staff staring at her with a smile on their faces. She felt her chest bursting.

"All of you… your three days' salary will be deducted from your account," she announced gritting her teeth. 

They all looked at her with widened eyes.

"But what if our mistake? Was the juice not to your liking?" asked the eldest maid with a look of disbelief making Eve grit her teeth. Her hands clenched into a tight fist.

She could not accept that she was jealous of her husband flirting with her sister. And she could not accept that there was truth in it.

"For tardiness. What else? Have you ever seen staff standing foolishly when a party was due in the mansion." she asked back. The staff opened their mouths but they could not find a valid retort. 

They could only grit their teeth and accept the punishment for now. It was only a matter of time before their mistress would be kicked out of the house.

"Now go, why are you still standing here? Are we going to have dinner or not?" The maids left hurriedly and Eve stared at the closed screen again. Her heart felt heavier as if someone had put a rock on her heart and cruised it with force. She felt like a knife pierced her soul. 

She sat there absentmindedly. Even when she checked all the arrangements for the party like the guest list and decoration, her mind was stirring about the meeting. No, she should give him time. Two days, two days will clear everything.

So, when the door opened and Cedric returned, she went to welcome him like always. She smiled and hugged him. But just as he wrapped his arms around her, she could smell another woman's fragrance on his clothes.

Cedric had always been particular and never let a woman come closer to him. Even if those actresses wanted a picture, they did not dare to ask him because of his indifferent and cold look. And she distinctly remembers that her sister used the same perfume years ago.

"Cedric!" she looked at him as she held his coat tightly.

"I am tired, Eve. Shall we have dinner first?" she nodded as she bit her lips. He went to their room first and she went to the kitchen and asked the maid to warm the food.

She had already prepared a file of all the arrangements and placed it on the table. Since he often works after having dinner until his coffee is ready.

When the meal was served, he joined the table with an exhausted look.

"The chairman of Clestermier Gems had called. He wanted you to be the brand ambassador of their brand." her eyes stirred. It had been three years since she had departed from the industry. She would not lie and say she did not miss it. But he did not want his wife to work as one.

"I have already refused them on your behalf. Do not attend their calls if they contact you."

"Yes, noted."