
The strongest young man ever

wanneng · Urbano
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43 Chs

Chapter 33: Conflict at the Site

And Lin Qingxue is still a small white suit, looks very cool and capable.

"Damn Chen Yang, you're late again." Tang Qingqing pinched his small fist and said, "I will deduct your wages."

Chen Yang saw Tang Qingqing look good, the mood will also be very good. He smiled and said, "Buckle it, buckle it, anyway, I have no money to marry a wife.


Tang Qingqing cut a voice, said: "Bah, this girl is born beautiful, how can you let a flower in your cow dung."

Chen Yang smiled and said: "Flowers inserted in cow dung, nutrition is good."

Tang Qingqing pffffered and said, "You think beautiful, tell you, even if women are like clothes." I'm a brand you can't afford to wear." Chen Yanghe

"I don't wear women's clothes, but I like women without clothes."

Tang Qingqing immediately blushed and spat: "Smelly Chen Yang, you are a rogue."

Lin Qingxue saw these two people on the side, the more they said the more indecent, not by a dry cough, said: "OK, OK." You two can't stop seeing each other for a day

Suffocating, aren't you?"

Chen Yang grinned and came to sit down beside Tang Qingqing. Tang Qingqing did not go away, her heart naturally is not really hate Chen Yang.

Lin Qingxue paused for a moment and said, "Chen Yang, I have good news for you today."

Chen Yang slightly startled, subconsciously asked: "What good news?"

Lin Qingxue smiled and said, "We all have to thank Qingqing for this."

Chen Yang immediately looked at Tang Qingqing, he was puzzled.

Tang Qingqing at this time is a little pinch, she said: "I also just know that my grandfather is a master, and in Foshan has a very high.

Fame. I told grandpa what's going on here. Grandpa said this matter involved the Shaolin laity disciple this collective, things are very complex thorns

Hands. However, he is willing to join several old timers and personally go to Jiangnan City to find the Yang family little master of the Yang Group. When that happens, everybody sit down

Come to talk it over and settle this score."

Chen Yang can not help but feel great joy, this is really sleepy, someone sent pillows. But immediately, Chen Yang also some worry about whether Tang Qingqing's grandfather is real

Can fix this thing.

"What's your grandfather's name?" Chen Yang asked.

"Huo Tianzong!" Tang Qingqing said.

"Ok, I see." Chen Yang took a deep breath and said: "You guys stay here, I have to deal with it beforehand." He said that and left

The president's office.

Chen Yang naturally did not know Huo Tianzong, he came back from abroad. For the situation of the domestic martial arts circle is two eyes and a black eye.

After leaving the office, Chen Yang came to the security lounge. He first made a phone call to Mujing asked the Huo Tianlongitudinal situation. Mujing heard about it

Tang Qingqing and Huo Tianzong relationship, and then hear Huo Tianzong joint seniors to Jiangnan city to resolve animosity, she immediately rejoicated.

Mu Jing laughed and said, "Chen Yang, you are really a piece of shit." Foshan is a martial arts mecca, this Huo Tianzong veteran in Foshan title

For Foshan Wu King, prestige is very high. This time he has come forward for you, I think Yang Ling how to give face."

Chen Yang touched his nose, he did not like this feeling of relying on others. But it would be nice to solve such a big problem. His length

Long sigh of relief, secret way: "It is good to solve."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Yang lay down on a bamboo chair to rest. The electric fan was blowing, which made him feel very comfortable.

The day was peaceful, very peaceful.

Chen Yang relaxed mood, wander around, occasionally to molest under Zhao Xiaolei, and harassment under Tang Qingqing. The small life is called a comfortable.

In the afternoon, it was close to work. Chen Yang was lying on a bamboo chair, and several small security guards were fanning him and listening to his bragging.

At this time, Zhao Xiaolei came.

The coquettish woman wore a short black skirt and her white thighs were plump and rounded.

The upper body is even more full. This woman has a body that is absolutely mesmerizing. When she came, the little guards got nervous. because

Although Zhao Xiaolei is coquettish, she is also a woman with quite an aura. Ordinary little slings see her, all have to feel ashamed.

Only Chen Yang, since he was a small security guard, has no such self-consciousness. This is also why Zhao Xiaolei began to be particularly unhappy with Chen Yang.

After Zhao Xiaolei came in, she said to several small security guards: "You go out for a moment, I have some work to talk to Chen Yang."

A few small security guards immediately scattered. Zhao Xiaolei will also shut the door.

There was no light on in the lounge, which soon looked a little dim.

In the dark, there is no reason to gush out a lustful breath.

Chen Yang immediately some nervous, some not calm and some excited. Oh, my God, is Zhao Xiaolei going to die for me?

Damn it, I don't care! The main thing is the venue is so exciting, right?

Zhao Xiaolei a close, Chen Yang smelled her body appealing fragrance.

Chen Yang sat up immediately, feeling that he was really out of control. Because the body is already reacting, and you have to sit up to hide it

Awkward. "Sister Xiaolei, what do you want to see me for? Is there anything I can do to help, just let me know and I'll do it right away."

This guy, at this time Zhao Xiaolei such action, he dare not mouth flower.

Zhao Xiaolei laughed. She came to Chen Yang and suddenly sat down on Chen Yang's lap.


Chen Yang is more not calm, he can feel the softness and elasticity from Zhao Xiaolei's butt. "Sister Xiaolei..." Chen Yang's throat was dry

Come here.

Zhao Xiaolei smiled, she suddenly hooked Chen Yang's neck, said: "Smelly boy, you are not very bold?" How dare you now?

Too small?"

Chen Yang ha giggle, he did not understand Zhao Xiaolei in the end what it means.

Zhao Xiaolei said, "Are you free tonight? Come to my house for dinner?"


That's a pretty obvious booty call!

Chen Yang heart that excited ah! But he immediately said, "Uh, no time."

Are you kidding? I have to pick up Su Qing from work. Su Qing also can not live here for a few days, he can not miss. And then, I promised Sue

Fine. Said it would take some time to get used to. You can't start making mistakes at night before you start changing.

A gentleman lustful, that must also take the right way ah!

Zhao Xiaolei suddenly froze, she never expected Chen Yang will refuse. His eyes darkened and he said, "Why?"

Chen Yang there is willing to offend beauty, so immediately bitter face said: "My heart is also ten thousand want to go to Xiaolei sister home for dinner ah!" A surname

Minister Tang always asked me to stay with them at night."

Zhao Xiaolei's face suddenly softened, she said: "Then you go to my house to have a midnight snack."

Chen Yang stay, this woman is really thirsty!

And he said, "Well, okay."

He's not going. He knows how he is. I'm sure I'll lose my body if I do, but for now, I'll make an excuse tonight

Just say no.

Zhao Xiaolei see Chen Yang promised. He immediately smiled and said, "It's settled then." Then he kissed Chen Yang on the cheek

Mouth. Then he walked away gracefully. This, of course, is to bring up a fragrant wind.

Chen Yang's first reaction was to wipe the lipstick on his cheek. He's a lover. He'll leave any trace there for anyone to see.

After Zhao Xiaolei left, several gossip small security guards immediately came in around Chen Yang to ask questions.

Chen Yang there will give them gossip to talk about, very serious said: "Director Zhao said recently our building may not be calm, and our team

Someone in there could have been paid off by an outsider. She told me to be careful."

Several security guards heard the face immediately green, immediately have to show loyalty.

Chen Yang solemnly said: "Of course I believe you, but this matter, you must not spread."

Of course, the guys immediately said, "Yes.

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Chen Yang saw this not in the heart secretly laugh.

Zhao Xiaolei looking for Chen Yang, not to say Chen Yang, want to marry Chen Yang and so on. However, Zhao Xiaolei is also a wind. The flow of women. Ordinary days

I also rely on beauty to please some customers. She saw Chen Yang manly atmosphere is full, then also intends to make a dew lover with Chen Yang, to a night of pleasure


If in the past, Chen Yang to Zhao Xiaolei especially. That's what I want! Unfortunately, now Chen Yang knows Su Qing, that is equal to from

Ah, good!

At five o 'clock in the afternoon, Chen Yang drove his Xiali car on time to pick up Su Qing from work. This guy, as Lin Qingxue and Tang Qingqing bodyguard and driver, but

More often than not, the two employers are thrown aside.

Lin Qingxue and Tang Qingqing also know Chen Yang's virtue, but also tolerant of him.

Now Foshan Wu King Huo Tianzong will come forward, whether it is Chen Yang or Mujing, or Lin Qingxue and Tang Qingqing, they are a big loose one


After coming to the tea house, Su Qing has also planned to get off work. When Chen Yang came, she got on the car naturally.

Mujing was not there, so Chen Yang did not stay in the tea house much.

When we got back, the sun was setting like fire.

The avenue of the road, once the sun shines, glittering gold. It was a beautiful day, and the road ahead seemed blissful

Tao. Chen Yang said to Su Qing while driving: "Sister Qing, what do you want to eat in the evening, I treat."

Su Qing slightly startled, then said: "or go to buy food, and then go home to cook."

Chen Yang feel some trouble, Su Qing see in the eyes, not asked: "You don't like to eat my food?"

"Of course not." Chen Yang said love words but easily, immediately said: "I am afraid you are too hard."

Su Qing smell a sweet heart, she smiled faintly, said: "There is nothing hard."

At the moment, Chen Yang also according to Su Qing, together first went to the supermarket to buy food. Go back to the rental house after shopping.

When cooking, Chen Yang is very honest in the side to help wash dishes.

The lights are bright and the scene is warm and sweet.