

The second prince of Saltine, dies at birth and is revived after a cultivator's soul transmigrated to the supernatural world of vampires, is deemed weak by all and shunned by his father when he could not wield his bloodline abilities and his compassion for other lifeforms accidentally stumbles upon a treasure during one of his adventures after leaving his family behind. The treasure is not a thing but a person, a human. A man who greatly helps him throughout his life adventures. He slowly rises from the weak prince to the strongest in the supernatural world. However, in order to break through his mortal shackles, he needs to overcome one thing, his compassion for humans. He gains a slave, a female slave who turns out to be someone very dear to him. Would he be willing to sacrifice her for power?

Adelaide_Mante · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs


Actually, it was a secret only between the king and his offspring that even after the king has gone through hibernation, his offspring could speak to him so long as he entered the still state.

He wanted to speak to his father concerning the issue about his son,

"It is only a hundred years and you are already bothering me. Speak", an old but clear cold voice reverberated within his entire body.

'Your second grandson has been born. His soul is weak', he said in his mind.

"You are willing to trust a hybrid witch with your son's condition? Since, when did you need advice from someone before taking action. Do not let your love for that vampire become your weakness."

With these last words, he was suddenly brought back to reality.

These three simple sentences weighed down on his heart greatly. His father had clearly pointed out the things that he knew deep down but was not willing to address it.

A knock was heard at the door and after a slight "Enter" from the King, the door opened to reveal an extremely beautiful woman in exquisite garments. She was none other than the queen of Saltine as well as the King's first wife, the most trusted General of the Blood Army's eldest daughter, Sarvia, the woman who had stayed with him right from his coronation till now. She had been with him throughout his vulnerable moments and had shown him what care truly felt like. Although he could not love her as much as she loved him, he had vowed to definitely reciprocate the love and care.

She set the tray of fresh blood down and right on cue, Mira stirred from her sleep. She woke up with bright and alert red eyes, but she relaxed after seeing the reassuring back of the man she loved. She tried speaking but an intense pang of thirst hit her and she bared her fangs dangerously.

Sarvia calmly stared at the awoken woman through the curtains.

She pushed the tray consisting of six full jars of fresh blood through the space between the curtains.

Mira stared vigilantly at this 'stranger' before gulping down three jars straight.

She then got off the bed and stood right in front of Sarvia

Her blood red eyes slowly returned to their usual red color. She cast a glance at Sarvia and bowed slightly, a sign of appreciation.

Mira's first action was to go and check on her baby.

"Willson? Why is he still not awake? His eyes are still closed", Mira's soft voice pierced through his thoughts.

Throughout the entire kingdom, only Mira could call him by his name.

Hearing his name roll out of her mouth, Sarvia winced slightly at the pain in her heart.

In their royal culture, allowing someone to call you by your first name meant acceptance of a close bond.

He walked towards her and calmly revealed to her everything that the healer had told her.

Surprisingly, she didn't break down in tears as he had expected. She asked him, "So how can his soul be strengthened?"

The Vampire King said with a deep profound gaze, "There is a way. However, it'll involve the use of dark magic"

"Alright. So when can we do the ritual?", Mira asked, resolute in her tone of speech and posture.

She tenderly took the still 'asleep' baby and nestled him in his arms. The motherly aura around her was so heartwarming and it made her appear attractive in her own way.

The husband of the new mother could only stare in a daze as his carnal desires grew rapidly, his eyes flickering slightly, a sign of his lack of control. His fangs tingled, waiting to taste the sweet blood of his love, which he tried hard to control.

The carnal and sexual desires of a vampire were the hardest to control and the King was no different. There were some who gave in to their desires and devoured whom they desired for, but the King could not bear to hurt Mira and that was what gave him his rationality back. He gently patted her hair and placed a kiss on her forehead, oblivious to the painful pair of red eyes.