
The Strongest Vampire - Trying to start new life after being betrayed.

[I write it just for hobbies, so... maybe I'll update the new chap so late, okay?] "Hoahh~..." Hey, I am [Rey Carvine]! Right now, I'm relaxing on a beach chair while enjoying the beautiful blue ocean view on this deserted uninhabited island. What am I doing here? Just taking a vacation, 'I guess. There have been some very troublesome problems with me in the past. However, let's just forget about that for now. After all, all those problems are still trailing me, even today. It all started with my meeting with a beautiful Goddess who offered me a second life... But well, it doesn't matter to me anymore. By the way, I'm not alone here. Besides me, there was a girl with short black hair bob who was serving me, wearing a maid outfit that looks very hot in the heat of the sun. "Master, can I change clothes first? It's so hot. Really." Look, she even started complaining about it to me. But of course, I won't let myself lose the charm of this favorite maid of mine. "No, you have to stay there and just serve me." "Yes, master." And the most amazing thing is, she will never refuse my orders no matter what! After all, she was a Homunculus I created by myself, anyway. Although she was sweating from the heat of how heat weather today, this Homunculus girl, [Mel], still stood beside me quietly. -Now I'm starting to feel like teasing her a little bit. "... Does that feel hot and sultry?" Hearing my question, Mel also looked right into my eyes. "Of course, I said it earlier, right? Master." "Is that so?" "Yes." "Really?" "... Yes." "A-" *Bam!* Before I could finish my sentence, a punch suddenly landed on my back, making me lose consciousness. "Phew~... What a troublesome master." *** This is a story about a young man who was killed at the age of 15 for some reason. After his death, he also met a Goddess and finally got a second chance to live again as a little nobleman in another world. However, there, the young man experienced so many troubles and bad luck, that will it all led him to an encounter with a vampire girl who would turn him into a Vampire. However, in the end, she also betrayed him too, and even tried to kill him. Because of that, he then decided to disappear somewhere, and start his own new life. His life is full of turmoil and conflict, will he be okay...? ========== Some important things about me and this novel: -I am just a Mid-level Newbie author, maybe? -English is not my native language.

Leids7 · Fantasia
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1 Chs

Let's sign up as an adventurer(1).

"... Ter."


I feel as if someone is disturbing my sleep...


"5 minutes, please~..."



Hearing the voice of someone calling and shaking my body, I woke up from my dream.

Opening my eyes, I can finally see the identity of the person who has awakened me.

"... Mel?"

Yes, that was Mel.

My cute Homunculus Maid.

Realizing that I had woken up, Mel lifted the hem of her skirt and bent over.

"Good morning, Master."

Because I was still a little sleepy, I could only give a weak reply.

"Uh, morning..."

After that, Mel immediately reassured her body.

"Master, I think you'd better get ready quickly. Didn't you say before that you would sign up as an adventurer?"

"Ah?..Ad... Vent... Ure... r... Ah!"


A very popular job in this world.

This is a job that covers many fields and always puts the freedom of its members first.

From work such as killing certain monsters, to just doing trivial tasks such as helping the old grandma on the edge of the town to do daily work or gardening.

I am interested in this job because as long as you are strong, you will definitely be able to succeed easily as an adventurer. Although there will be other aspects that will have an effect later... Strength and dexterity are the main ones in this regard.

And because I'm so strong... Isn't this easy?

Jumping out of my bed, I started ordering Mel to help me get ready.

"Mel, hurry up and get me some clothes!"

"As you wish."

Bending down to me slightly, Mel started to get me some clothes.

From ordinary casual clothes, to formal clothes such as fancy suits and so on.

"Hm... I think it's pretty good."

Looking through the different types of clothes that were there, I also picked up a pair of black trousers and a gray T-shirt.

That way, I also changed my clothes.

Of course, I did it all in front of Mel.

Because this was indeed a common occurrence, Mel didn't even blink at the sight of my naked body.

"Okay, how do I look now?"

After a while, I finished dressing.

Looking at myself from head to toe, Mel also said.

"That's good. But isn't this too simple and innocent, Master?"

"Huh? Are you going to say that I have to wear formal clothes to kill a few goblins?"

"No, Master. I mean, you just look like an ordinary person now. For someone as great as you... Isn't this less feasible?"

In response to Mel's words, I shook my head.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you don't understand huh, Mel. It's a matter of sensation you know, Sensation!"

Mel made a puzzled facial expression.



Mel lowered her shoulders, "I'm sorry. But it seems that my knowledge is still too limited to understand the true meaning of your words, Master."

"Ugh... Well, just forget it."

After saying that, I also turned my gaze towards Mel.

"Then, I'm leaving first, okay."

Saying that, I started walking out of the room.

"Good luck with your first debut as an adventurer, Master."


Leaving Mel who started tidying up my room, I went out of the room.

I built this house on a desert island where none of the humans lived.

Why? Well... Some problems occur.

Such as; wars between races, attacks from foreign entities coming from outside this world, attacks from the gods, to even the betrayal of my former master who tried to kill me.

Therefore, I exiled myself to this island.

Because I have installed a barrier that will always make this island unable to be detected and accessed by anyone other than the people I have given permission to, I can rest assured in this place.

I don't know for sure, but maybe 1000 years have passed since I isolated myself here? Or maybe even longer.

Well, it doesn't really matter either anyway.

The important thing is, how the world is doing now. Is the war over and peace has been achieved? Because that woman took the lead... I'm not too sure anyway.

But for sure, I'll check it out for the first time after over 1000 years now.


Ah, I'm starting to feel nervous now.

But even if I'm nervous or scared, I still have to do this! Because to be honest I've grown tired and bored of living in this island right on! Every once in a while I need something new! Yeah!

Deciding on that, I got out of the barrier and started activating my flying magic.

As usual, the blue and vast sea always welcomes me.

"Wow~ fresh air~"

What a favor! Flying freely while feeling the fresh breeze with a view of the clear blue sea and clear sky is something that... Ah, I'm starting to feel like I'm going to cry now.

Like that, I spent a while enjoying the cool breeze of the sea there for a while, until I finally managed to see a land on the horizon.

After being close enough to the mainland, I lowered my height and finally descended on a beach.

I didn't tell Mel before her, but I intend to hide my strength a little bit this time. So I think I should limit the use of high-level magic such as flying magic, especially when in public.

"After all, I don't want my fun time to be interrupted just because my identity is known by that woman, anyway."

The woman I was referring to was [Venattuela Fountamagreanant], a Vampire woman who had turned me into her Vampire subordinates.

I was very respectful and grateful about it back then, after all, she had already saved me from the miserable life of a tenth child of a poor human noble family.

However, when the war with the gods was over, Venattuela suddenly pierced my heart from behind using the Necro sword, the sword we used to kill many gods in the past.

Before my consciousness dissipated at that moment, Venattuela left words with a wicked smile full of cunning that I had never seen on her face, "You've done a great job, Rey. But after this I will take over. I will be the leader of this world. While you... You will only be remembered as a hero who was killed by some evil god who appeared unexpectedly."

After that, my body also fell helplessly.

However, I have a Skill that can make me come back to life no matter how much I die. So, after she had thrown away and burned my body, I was able to change to my soul form and create a new body before long.

I got all these extraordinary powers as an effect of Vampirivication which will make anyone who is transformed into a Vampire will get a very powerful Skill.

Yes, only one Skill.

I also just got a Skill.

However, my Skill is very special. A Skill with the ability to be able to create any Skill I want, [Skill Creator].

Since I hadn't fully trusted Venattuela at the time, I just said that I gained a powerful Skill such as a growth speed enhancer and an amazing defensive power as she questioned me what Skill I got after Vampirivication.

I'm so grateful I never told Venattuela the truth back then. Because all of that ultimately saved me from that scheming woman.

Well, leave that aside, I have now entered the forest.

The forest is just an ordinary forest, with its big trees, and some monsters and animals wandering around here and there.

"A~Ah... I want to quickly find a human settlement or something~"

Tired of the monotonous forest scenery, I started muttering lazily there.

And just then, a goblin suddenly came out of the bushes, and turned its head towards me while holding an obsolete wooden bat.

"Goblin? You'd better just go man, you won't get anything even if you're against me, anyway-"

However, that stupid Goblin instead ignored my warning and started crashing towards me.

"Sigh~ You fool."

Raising my right hand, I snapped my fingers.

As a result of that, the Goblin's body also stopped in the air.

The goblin even began to make a puzzled face.

"Gya?... Gyaayhgsjvshs!"

Soon, the goblin's body also began to twist and distort, before it finally exploded.

Of course, the Goblin's blood will not hit my clothes. After all, I always keep a thin transparent barrier to avoid insects and other small things.

"Well, continue the road, go~" Humming cheerfully, I also stepped over the corpse of the miserable Goblin and started walking back.

After that, I encountered various other types of monsters. However, well, I just need to flick my hands again, and they will "BOOM!!" explode and die.

After a while later, I was finally able to break through the forest and found a fairly large path.

Turning my gaze to my right, I could see a town's wall that looked quite large in the distance.

"Settlement, found!"

Laughing excitedly, I quickened my pace towards the town's gate.


When I was about 50 meters away from the town's gate, a bob-haired blonde woman wearing beautiful expensive armor suddenly flashed in front of me, before stopping after spinning in the air for some reason.

Her face looked very panicked and distressed as if she was frightened by something.

"Tch, you stubborn creature - eh? You, what are you doing here?! It's dangerous here!!"

She just suddenly started grumbling and yelling at me.

When I just thought about how weird the girl was, my entire field of vision was suddenly enveloped by fierce flames.


"Ah... He's finished."

The girl's face looked a little sad seeing a man with black hair and blue eyes that she had just met was swallowed by fire breath emitted by a Ground Blaze Dragon that she was fighting.

(That guy looks like a novice adventurer, so... He must be dead.)

It also flashed inside the girl's head as she saw how intense the dragon's breathing was.

This girl is actually not a weird girl or something. She is a high-level adventurer who was tasked with restraining a Ground Blaze Dragon that appeared near this town some time ago, [Nilfamael Yaeonshi].

Fighting this dragon alone is indeed a very ridiculous thing. But, that was the only thing Nilfamael could do to protect this town, while waiting for help to arrive.

Fortunately, the entire townspeople have been successfully displaced. So even if there is some damage to the town, it will not be a big problem.

Raising her sword, Nilfamael began to strengthen herself.

Sweat dripped down her forehead because of how nervous she was.

"Now, I became obliged to avenge that guy too!"

Recalling the image of a man who gave her a strange look even though she had warned him with difficulty before his death, Nilfamael also strengthened her determination to defeat the dragon.

However, when the fire breath of the Ground Blaze Dragon subsided, Nilfamael also saw a scene that was very unbelievable for her.

"Phew, it felt like a hot spring just now~"

Standing casually in the middle of the cratered ground and full of melted rocks and so on, the man began to say strange things with a relaxed smile on his face.

However, the phenomenon that challenges common sense that Nilfamael will witness today is not finished just there.


At that time, the Ground Blaze Dragon also walked towards the crater to check the results of its previous breath.

Perhaps aware of the presence of the Ground Blaze Dragon, the man turned his attention towards the dragon.

"Ah, that's your doing? That was awesome, thank you. But..."

Cutting off his sentence in the middle, the man's figure also suddenly disappeared.

"Right now I want to sign up as an adventurer, so - you have to die."

"... Eh?"

Nilfamael couldn't understand what was just happen before her. The man disappeared, the ground Blaze Dragon's body torn to pieces, before the man reappeared just behind where the dragon was standing with his blood-stained right hand.

"... What... Is actually happened?"

The creature she thought would fight with her life as her bet was suddenly killed with something she could not even understand, Nilfamael also fell into the abyss of confusion and could only stare blankly at the body - no, the pile of meat that was originally the Ground Blaze Dragon.

Just then, the man - Rey suddenly started walking up to Nilfamael and touching her shoulders with a cheerful face.

"Although you are quite weird, can you at least drive me to the Adventurer association so that I can sign up as an adventurer?"

Hearing what Rey said, Nilfamael began to feel like she wanted to shout there.

(Weird? WEIRD?! Aren't you the most weird one here?! And also, what do you mean by 'At least'? Don't treat me like a fool!!)