
Too good to be true

AN: sorry for the shorter than usual chapters it's all I could type right now, not doing real good, more damage to Shiro's body then he origonally thought.

Lets begin.

Before team 11 started to head back to the rest, Anko took the scrolls that were on the ground and threw them at us we each caught one. " You dropped something," she smirked.

Thank you." I replied with Haku nodded gratefully as well.

"Anko I and Naruko are prodigies in seals, I could get the curse mark to disappear in time, Sasuke's too if he is willing."

She glared at him, " Don't make promises you can't keep brat, not even Orochimaru himself could fix it, what makes you think you can"

Apparently this Orochimaru had a run in with

That guard that she has, and the way that she has refuses to get hope, that was exactly what Naruko did as Naruto when talking to people who despised her.

Right now, she doesn't care, as she not only became very strong, thanks to Kurama and the aid of her parents memories and expierience, but also because she had shiro, although she still. has scars, she turned out better than she would have been without her.

Shiro glanced at Naruko who looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

Shiro mouthed 'in time.' Naruko nodded in understanding and turn back to Anko who still had this glare on her face, but it seems like she was having a mental battle, as her face was twitching trying to keep on the glare.

She eventually settle into a scowl turned and departed through the branches into the distance.