

The first to wake was Shiro...who looked down at the sleeping form of his mates, and smiled, he decided to stay and snuggle, rubbing his hands softly across their backs..."

The first person to wake up, was Gine...she Yawned and stretched showing off her beautiful body, before turning to me, her gaze was half-lidded, and she smiled.

"Morning dear~"

Shiro smiled, "Morning...How do you feel?"

"Fine~" Gine's expression changed to a smirk, "You know~ it wasn't for that regenerative ability you gave me...I would've struggle just to walk~"

Shiro chuckled, as he kissed her gently on the lips.

"Sorry, about that Gine..."

"Don't be." She smiled. "I actually loved it, and I would ask you to do it again~"

Shiro chuckled.

"Maybe later, we don't want Gohan to hear us now huh?"

"With how loud you made me scream your name last night, I wouldn't be surprised if he woke up." Gine giggled again.

Shiro blushed but grinned at her.

"Come on, I will help Gohan with breakfast..."

He smiled down at Naruko's and Hinata's sleeping forms,

"It should be ready, by the time they wake up...."

Gine nodded, Shiro walked over and gave them both soft kisses to the lips, before he and Gine got themselves together to walk out...


"So, it seems you had a... loud...night..." Gohan said, as Gine and Shiro walked next to him, Gine smirked at Shiro who blushed once again in embarrassment. "Yeah, sorry about that Gohan, I will help you make the food..."

Gohan raised an eyebrow..."Well now that you are here, can't you just bring the food out of that refrigerator of yours, like you did with us before?"

Shiro blinked, "You want me too?"

Gohan nodded, "Yes, I would appreciate it, I can only cook for so much, Gine isn't really a good help..."

Shiro turned to Gine with a raised eyebrow, this time, it was her turn to blush in embarrassment, "It's not my fault, I haven't cooked 2 years ever since I was sent off on that mission, there was food already there, and ever since I met Shiro-kun, I didn't need to cook, he did the cooking for me, so my skills in cooking got bad, and I slowly began to forget!"

"You know...you could have just cooked with me." Shiro deadpanned. "That way your skills wouldn't have gotten bad."

"I...." Gine then paused for a moment, before she grumbled to herself, "I'm an idiot,."

Shiro chuckled, "I didn't mind cooking for you at all anyway."

Gine smiled at him and gave him a gentle kiss...


Shiro managed to get the ingrediance to start cooking, Gohan helped, while Gine sat on the table waiting....

Hinata was the next one to come down the stairs. She was wearing the clothes she had on before, which was what she wore in the Cannon Naruto universe.

"Morning Hina-chan," Shiro smiled at her, "How are you feeling?"

She yawned before she smiled at him, "I'm fine Shiro-kun, last night was amazing..."

Shiro's smile grew, "I'm happy that it was Hina..chan, though next time, I am not going to be so gentle to you Alright?"

Hinata blushed an adorable shade of red and sat down in a chair at the table, she didn't say anything....

Goku was next... he was walking like a Zombie....

"Morning Dad...." he said as he sat down next to Hinata. "Morning Mom, Hinata-san."

Hinata smiled at him, as Gine hugged him.....

"Morning Son..." Shiro smiled, "Hope we didn't wake you..."

"You didn't wake me...." Goku looked confused, "What were you guys doing..."

"Never mind then..." Shiro chuckled.

....The next person to come down was Naruko, who was rubbing the sleep from her eyes,

"Hey Naru-chan, how're you feeling?"

"I wouldn't even be walking right now if you didn't give me that regenerative ability...." Naruko deadpanned as she sat down her lips quirked upwards though after a few moments, "But it was the best night I ever had, I thought Kurama mode was a bit much, but you still dominated me easily.."

Grandpa Gohan coughed, his cheeks turned pink.

Goku, Poor Goku looked at her and Shiro with pure confusion written on his face..."What do you mean, did dad beat you in a fight?"

Shiro chuckled nervously, "It's something you'd know when your older Goku..."

So how was it? If you like it, comment, let me know your thoughts, and vote powerstones, have a good day.

Ken_Uzumakicreators' thoughts