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Shiro panted heavily, his face was red, as what she did earlier played in his mind over, and over again,q

Shiro sttared at the door she left in for a long moment, still panting.

Suddenly, a small devilish smirk started to form on his face.

"So, she want's...to...play like...that...huh..."

Shiro leaped to his feat, before he got in his stance, and powered up, the whole earth shook, as another bright flash appeared blinded everything in his path...

"Hmm?" Naruko glanced to where the chamber was located, "First you and now Shiro-kun? What did you do?"

Gine giggled nervously as she too glanced at that location with a nervous expression, and...much to her dread, and slight excitement, Shiro stood in the way, in his mystic form, gazing intently at her with the same smirk she had on before, his eyes barely restrained with lust.

Shiro took off his shirt and threw it to the side, he gave off a flex, making his muscles twitch. He licked his lips

Gine Gulped.

"Um...Is it me, or is it getting hot in here..." Naruko swallowed as she stared at him form with a huge blush on her cheeks.

Hinata could only nod, she was completely red in the face as well as she gazed at Shiro's massive body.

Gine knows what he's after, "You wouldn't dare...."

Shw gave off a loud eep as Shiro knocked her off her chair and onto the ground, He didn't give anytime for gine to do anything, He thrusted his dick, which tore through her clothes and went inside her vagina...

She screamed, as Shiro started to pound her relentlessly with everything he had, He gave off rapid slaps to her ass, making her scream more, her tongue was dangling in her mouth.

"OH FUCK YEAH!!!!!" Gine Screamed! Shiro's waist became a blur, Gine's eye's were rolling back and returning to her sockets, repeatedly. In mere seconds after she screamed, her entire body had become jelly, she was unresponsive.

Shiro slammed into her with one....final push. Gine screamed in pleasure, as her entire form shook, before she fell to the floor unconscious....

Naruko and Hinata both looked on with jaws dropped to the ground, Each of them had huge blushes on there faces.

Shiro slowly got up from her back, and was panting heavily.

A devilish smirk appeared on his face as he looked at the result, before he glanced at Naruko and Hinata, who shivered... both in a mixture of nervousness, and...excitement..."

"Just so you know....if anybody tries what Gine tried, expect to get the same."

Shiro's smirk grew as their blushes got a shade deeper

"All love but...This is just...


So, How was it, if you like it, comment, let me know of your thoughts, and vote powerstones, I.LOVE.POWERSTONES.HAVE A GOOD DAY!

Ken_Uzumakicreators' thoughts