
Approved and Instructor

It has been 3 day's sind Ryu has finished the test so all he was waiting for was the confirmation of his early graduation from the Hokage.

There was a graduation application on the Hokage's desk. Minato was deep in thought staring at the application then he asked Iruka:

"Do you think that I should approve this.''

Minato did not want Ryu to graduate early.

The problem layed in the fact that they would have no where to place him. As for his only use of Taijutsu that would not be a problem sinds he has showed his prowes in combat during the test.

''Lord Hokage he has already done the graduation exam so we technically have to approve his early graduation.''

''You're right I cannot go back on my word. The next problem is where we should place him. I thought of placing him in a tree man sell that was missing one person, but so far I have not found a suitable team

''Lord fourth why don't we have him do easy solo missions until we can find somewhere to place him.''

''All right we will do that for now. Send Ryu to my office tomorrow I will personally give him his


[The third training ground]

Ryu and Lee were lightly sparring. After a while Lee saw an opportunity and took it,he punched Ryu with a fist to distract him then he followed up with a combo of kicks. Because of this Ryu was sent flying and hit the ground face-first.

''Ryu why are you so absent-minded today normally that attack wouldn't have gotten to you.''

Ryu > ''Sorry Lee I'm just worried if my graduation application will be approved or not.''

''Why are you still worrying about that, you completed the exam didn't you.''

Ryu > ''Yeah but I'm afraid that they won't approve it because of fact I can only use taijutsu. It's not a problem if I try to Graduate normally but this is early graduation we're talking about.

''Don't worry I heard that Lord fourth is fair so I think that you will be able to graduate no problem.''

Ryu > ''Oh speaking about lord fourth have a question about him for you. I know that we all learned this in class but I want to ask you about the fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze. Can you tell me more about him, in history class they did not go into much details about him.

''Oh okay, lets see. Lord fourth is the disciple of one of the legendary sannin and he is also the teacher of the two calamities, not only that Lord for 4th is extremely powerful himself and in the third ninja war he was giving the nickname the Yellow Flash by his enemies, I heard that he was realy.''

''What else, what else, all right sometimes i overhear the adults in my neighborhood talk about 9 years ago the village faced an disaster, one of the tailed Beast attacked the village none of the adults wants to tell us anything, but i think that Lord Hokage defeated it.

Mmmh yeah that is all I know.

'' Oh right I also heard he's married and has a son.''

Ryu nodded like he was listening but deep inside he could not hide his shock.

Like I guessed this world history is a little different than a series, there are lots of changes. For example that I found it suspicious of how strong Lee and Neji are becoming.

I'm pretty sure they were not this strong when they started out in the series and the teaching materiel in class was also no this advanced in the series. Also because of me Lee might surpass Neji

Not to mention I keep hearing about two other legends beside the sannin the two calamities. Listening to Lee one of them might be Kakashi.

But what about the other?

Ryu > ''Well it doesn't matter so long the core is still the same even if there is a difference I will still see some problems coming.''

Thev next Day Ryu was going to his classroom, when his Iruka told him to come with him to the hokage's office

Ryu was cleary shocked he was going to meet the Hokage the father of the main character Naruto and the genius that would have become one of the biggest legend if he did not die an early death.

[The Hokage's office]

''You must be Ryu Yagi glad to meet you I am Minato Namikaze the fourth Hokage.

When Ryu saw Minato his mind went blank before before it was filled went nothing but excitemeant.

He tried his best not to go all fanboy, to be meeting one characters who everyone wished was still alive in the Naruto Canon.

When Minato saw Ryu his excitement he could not help but chuckle little

What followed next was Minato asking Ryu a couple of questions, like what is aspirations are and why he wanted to become a ninja.

Ryu told him that he wanted to protect the village and just want to become the strongest in this world. Well secretly thinking: of course I want to become a ninja what kind of Naruto fan would I be if I did not become one since I was sent to on Naruto world.

Minato smiled at his response.

"Now Ryu, I would put you in a tream but I can't because there are no openings there is also a teacher that I think would be perfect for you since you are inspired to become the strongest with taijutsu but he has sign up to become a instructor of a team this year. So I will be only giving you small solo missions that all that a beginner getting could handle alone."

Ryu was first excited when you heard that but then he secretly thought wait could it be.

Ryu > "Um lord fouth by small missions do you mean the ones like finding lost animals and delivering mail.

"So you know already. Well usually it would be given to a team but since you're all on your own and it's they're easy I decided to give them to you.

Ryu could not help but sigh outloud.

"All right I just need you to fill in this application and bring a photo then it will be approved and you will become an official Konoha gennin.

Over the next 2 months, Ryu didn't get an instructer teacher, and he wasn't given any normal missions. He spent all his time between the training grounds and doing small easy missions.

Lee > So you're not doing anything major right now then

Ryu > If I knew it would be like this I wouldn't have signed up for early graduation yet.

"Well it doesn't matter so let's keep training."

Ryu > "Well training doesn't do much for me anymore since I don't think I will be able to break my body limit for a while and my Thaijutsu hows no further signs of improvement. And the most most troublesome thing is that i have no idea about how to go releasing the eight inner gates.

I really hope they find me an instructor fast, it is kinda dull just doing nothing but small missions and training

This kept going on for an entire week more.

Ryu decided to go home after the sky started getting darker, when he was the only person in the street an shadow came from behind him. Ryu already sensing this before hand kicked the shadow behind him. The shadow abruptly dogged his kick. The shadow was a man wearing fox mask.

"The Hokage has asked for your presence tomorrow morning you will be given instructions after saying that the man vanish."

Ryu was startled at first but thought could he not have sent a normal person to ask me to come to his office and not someone from the ambu.

Sighing Ryu went into his apartment.

The next day in the hokages office

"Hello Ryu, don't look at me with such a gloomy face. I know you are upset with only getting nothing but small missions for 3 months. "I called you here to tell you I found you an instructor

you will be part of his team. This team was set up to do investigations, so you will be going outside of the village."

Knock Knock

"Sorry to intrude Sensei. No i mean Lord Fourth"

An black haired man walked. Ryu was shocked he knows this person and he was going to be his instructer.

"Ryu let me introduce you, he will be your instructer from now on and your captain.You mind introducing you're self."

"Hello, i will be teaching you from now on."

"I am Obito Uchiha

Sorry for the wait guy's my country has had a lot of internet problems sinds yesterday. To make up for missing yesterday t i will be giving you a double dose of Samurai Naruto for the next release

Zavercreators' thoughts