
Chapter 7 - Old master & the shock of a lifetime

An old man known throughout the whole realm walked out of a large bed room with smile on his face. The man was feared but mostly evil cultivators and respected by most righteous cultivators. He was one of the strongest master in the continent. His name was Lin Jiangsu.

"It's finally time again for the tournament to begin."

"Maybe this time I can find a disciples to inherit my legacy"

The said master had lived for over 75.000 years and had a cultivation of low heavenly emperor. Because of this many clans, kings and even great sect had to be respectful of the said master. Most would have let pride destroy the good heart because of this, but somehow Lin didn't. He was even referred to another name benevolent master.

Many had gone to him throughout his resent 500 years in hope to become a disciple but he had turned down all of them, why you might ask well they were either too greedy or didn't live up to his high standard. He had high hope that this time the tournament might surprise him.

He finally arrived at his V.I.P booth located at stage two and sat down. Many might wonder what happened to stage one, but it was only a small test too check people age using a special tool. He gazed over the massive flood of people and found non that stood at so far. He wasn't bothered by this yet. Even if none stood out during this second stage, there was always hope for the third stage.

This second stage was called the floors of hell.

The reason for this spot on name was that with each floor the heavenly aura would increase, this in turn would put the cultivator body and soul under a lot of pressure. The world recorded record was 100 floors, this was 3500 years ago and the identity who did this was sadly lost from record but they knew someone managed it.

Many cultivators had study this heavenly aura and came up with a simple system to rank every 10 level to determine their potential, people also knew certain treasures could change people fates making it invalid later on in life but it allowed a base of reference for the young people. This was also main reasons for the age limit in stage one for be able to progress to stage two.

As far as the world knew there was 14 cultivation tiers each with 10 sub levels referred to initial, low, mid, high and upper. The known ranks was called

Body tempering

Energy refining


Grand Master


Profound life

Profound death



Heavenly emperor


False god

True god

World Sovereign

A famous book recovered from Ancient times told of a higher cultivation tier/rank but none had been able to prove of its existence, so many just believed it a myth in the end.

He still wonder how many had failed the first test...


1 hours before ... In stage one

A massive crowd of people had gather in a room that glittering with numerous colors.

If you didn't know better than you would think a moving rainbow was living inside this areas walls and floors.

A large sound of a door being open could be heard then a medium size woman walked out from it.

She had a face mask that resembled a certain Yokai from Japanese folk tale. Alex though back to a video game he played many years ago called Nioh.This game had a horrific looking female boss, if he didn't remember wrong it was called ogress. A Yokai was (Demon) born from a female with only grudge and hate left. Whilst her face wore an expression of madness and grief.

Many took notice of this and got frightened and started to go quiet from the fear.

Our protagonist on the other hand only let out a smile underneath his white doll mask, for this happy memory this brought.

Letting out a silent sigh then said. Man I miss earth, games where awesome.

His thoughts was disturbed when he heard.

Welcome young masters, young missis and rouge cultivators, I'm called Suga Oni

"Wtf, Asura isn't the name Oni the name for an ogre like Yokai "

"I believe so Alex "

"Hmm wonder of this is a deliberate"

After a brief pause to let the last remaining people chatting to stop she started to talk again.

"Many of you might know this already but this stage is for determining your age"

"Anyone below 16 and above 20 will be eliminated"

"Anyone found trying to deliberately hide their age and caught will be punished"

"Fret not we will not kill or destroy your cultivation too those who tried to cheat"

"But they will suffer a humiliation worthy too stick with them for a life time and be announced to the people of the continent later "

"Anyone that doesn't want this shame step back from this line.

Qi gathered around the Oni and she made a slicing movement with her hand causing a deep mark on the ground to appear.

After this about 75 % of the masses stepped forth including our Mc.

"Asura, this test will check my age and I might appear to be a young boy with the, but we both know the truth."

"Don't worry Alex your body is still truly between these ages and even if it wasn't so I would make it look so with their low level tool"

"This tool we will use will check the life essence concentration. As many may know the younger you are the higher the life essence concentration will be"

A large ball rotation fast over the masses came forth then a blinding light came, When their vision returned, they could see there Tokens had either white, orange or red color to them.

"Alright people with their correspond color gather up please"

A few moments later all of the people had gather at their rightful place.

"Good, people with white color you have passed people with orange color you have failed from either being too young or to old"

Oni face mask suddenly switch its face expression to that of an evil grin.

"Hehe people with red color you tried to cheat and will now be punished"

Hearing this many of the people in the red color crowd ran for the door, but was quickly crushed down with down by the aura of Oni.

"I have to say to you people, you have a lot of nerve coming here trying to cheat us"

"Your punishment will be too covered from head to toe by a human and beast waste."

All the people crushed to the ground suddenly started to float toward a ball of water that had a mixture of manure in it then the ball suddenly cover all of them. After a while the people inside couldn't hold their breath and stated to swallow the liquid.

Good now get the hell out Oni yelled whilst using a strong wind created from her hand to send them out.

Many became frightful for the sight and many from the orange crowd became happy they didn't cheat at least they had their pride left.

After Alex had consulted the system he felt no fear but was still disgusted by this.


Present time minus 2 min

Walking in to the new room Alex felt pretty impressed by whoever managed to create this area. What He saw was 140 floor with an elevator at the end of each floor.

Each floor was transparent and he believed it wasn't made from a crystal or any known material in this plane.

Having extreme keen sense for flow of Qi he noted that something in this area was hidden.

"Asura scan the every floor in this area for hidden doors or hidden compartments"

Now Alex had the ability to do this himself but he had to check every nook and cranny with his senses which would require more time then the system

< Scanning >

< Scan complete >

"Alex as far I can detect there is a hidden locked space at the top of the

Last floor"

"Interesting do you know how to unlock it?"

"Looks like all you need to do is get there and nothing more"

"Did your scan reveal what is in the locked space?"

"I could but if I do there is a slight chance that the space will get destroyed as a safety precaution made from who ever created this "

Suddenly a voice of a man could be heard

Hear me people!

"The second stage test will now begin!"

"The rules are simple"

"Anyone that doesn't reach floor 60 will be eliminated "

"Time limit 2 hours"

"The floor your on when the time is up is where you final score will be"

"No fighting "

"You are allowed to use any techniques to increase your success rate, but be warned many have died from the strain when trying to improve their chances"

"We do not allow artifacts, talisman's or treasures, failure to follow this rule will result in death from the heavenly aura or at best cripple your cultivation "

"And last if you die from stupidity as we have warned you by now, we take no responsibility for your deaths."

"You may begin the climb good luck and may the gods be with you!"

Thankfully the area in the stage was very large and due to this all remaining 20,000 people fit and started to walk forth.

Alex waited about an hour after walking to floor one, now doing this made many people look at him with ridicule and many with pitiful look. Most people in the V.I.P rooms couldn't help laughing.

This fool just broke a new record not being able to move forth from the first floor. If I was him I wouldn't be able to live anymore with this shame this stuck to me, said a man in a one of the V.I.P room.

Alex did this in order to shock the masses more easily, he also liked to see how people handle this Heavenly aura and how good there potential was.

Alright enough time wasted, he said to himself and started to walk forward.

Walking forward he saw many people lost in despair and many who had died from trying to push their limit to far, the further he progressed the more people with acceptance on their faces or hateful looks he encountered.

A normal cultivator needed a bit of time to handle the heavenly aura on each floor in order to know if it was safe to stay there or to move to next floor.

Seeing this laughingstock finally starting to move up again even at an alarming rate, Many who had shamed and mocked him from before felt a sudden warm current reach their face from the embarrassment of being wrong, but they also felt glad so many had agreed with them making there embarrassment lessen.

Alex simply walked forward like he had no fear of the increase of heavenly aura this made people think that he possessed a godly techniques that might needed him to start at the lowest point in order to activate .As time progressed many started to become shocked how easy he made everything out to look like but in truth they knew that even with a technique there is a limit of how far it would work. The heavenly aura didn't just work on people it also worked on all other things living or dead.so the pressure would mostly break either the cultivator or technique point, unless of course you had the strength enough. This was one of the hidden reason the person responsible for the area to warn stupid people. If what hold your life safe gets removed or destroyed, what awaits is death.

As he neared the acceptable threshold for at least completing the stage two many started to forget what had happened and starts focus again on either there disciples or who was at the top floor.

The one in the lead was called Takahara Chie. She was from the snowy azure heaven, one of the biggest sects that held great power and Respect.

She was also in line to become the head of the sect. Many knew her only from the tragedy that had happened a few month before the tournament. Her family had been ambushed by assassins and in there last effort to save there only daughter

They sacrifice their life for her to survive. Many had also heard before the said tragedy she was a warm gentle girl but after the event she had turned it to an ice queen.

The person one floor underneath her was a young master from a well know clan Shen. They held great power to the east and was famous for having many talents both in martial art and pill mastery. Although respect and honor was followed by this clan they were also infamous for their young master Tai. He was rumored to be a silky pants with a massive ego. Many also knew he fancy being praised and if you crossed him he would never let you off. Having air of pride of a lion he had secretly threatened many during his stay in stage two even had bribed a few off to warn other people as well to not go ahead of him. This warning was only for males though.

He notice another shadow in the room and saw a boy with a hooded black cloak with a Chinese white doll face mask walking towards him.

"Friend I'm from the Great Shen clan please give me some face and do not go ahead"

"I'm willing to make it worth your time what do you say friend"

The mysterious boy stopped his progression when he was shoulder to shoulder with Tai.

He bowed and said

"I'm sorry but I can't honor your request I'm on a great mission for my sect"

Anger took hold of Tai.

How dare this little fucker not showing me respect he thought.

"Who do you think you are and what is the name of this so called sect?"

"Never mind let me tell you, do as I say or I will make sure either you or your whole clan will get annihilated"

Shocked from seeing events just unfolding like those from novels Alex couldn't help starting to laugh. This made Tai misunderstand and took it as a mocking gesture.

Tai snorted at the foolishness of the mysterious boy and he looked at the token number of this person and memorized it for later.

Alex again and gave a bow saying I'm heading out now young master of the great Shen clan.

Leaving only Tai left with a face of anger and color of pig's liver.

Many in the V.I.P area now remember this boy from before again and started to get shocked he had reached floor 79 now after going ahead of the silky pants master.

What is going on right now! Who is he! Is he from great clan or sect! Was a few thought in many people had.

Stepping on to floor 80 he saw a very beautiful girl sitting in a calm pose. He truly felt she was a perfect woman, but gazing more deeply towards her he felt pain in his heart and a strong sense that although she looked alive a big part of her had died.

"I'm sure this may not have a big meaning to you when I'm not your friend"

"Whatever you have lost I'm sure you will find a way to fill the hole it has left"

"It might not be something you want right now or something you believe will happen but trust this stranger words I'm sure the loneliness felt from the hole will be replaced with happiness in time "

She open her eyes slowly, gave a small smile and looked for who ever said it but found he had already disappeared.

After 30 minutes Alex had come close to the floor 100th where the current record was held. For him nothing had really changed it still felt like he as he was outside and just walk around normally but for the people under him and mostly the important figures in the V.I.P rooms they felt a heavy pressure. Lin Jiangsu was shocked that a kid had such a high potential at this age and he had only one thought on recruiting him and allow him to call him master, still he knew someone with this type of talent was going to attract a lot of envy and hate. He became nervous that if he didn't talk to him quickly people or a Demonic cultivators might kill him unless they got him on their side.

Although he believed this he also felt somewhat revealed he was a young kid which should make him an easy to fool in to go under his wing and mostly he felt calm because as long he didn't manage to break too far off the record this news wouldn't spread to fast around the continent. Allowing him to protect him easily.

Reaching finally floor 100 Alex sat down and started using one of his martial art technique called True sight of the dragon of illusions. This allowed him to see the hidden space more clearly. When he got up there he wouldn't have much time and most eye would be on him, so what he had to do he wanted to do quickly and silently, like a thief making a robbery he wanted not to be notice by this "crime ".

Many started clapping and applauding when he reach said floor.

Some held the hands in front there face in order to cover their shock. Whilst many powerful powers hiding in the V.I.P room had an ominous look in their eyes.

Many was impressed he gotten so far and happy for him but also sad that even him could not break the record by moving forward, at least this is what they believed when he sat down.

The speaker spoke loudly again.

"Hear me people we have the honor to see a cultivator finally reaching the same floor as our recorded record, because of this we will hid him away from priding eye and offer him a gift for doing so well."

"We would also like to remind all of you 20 min is remaining"

Hearing this many started push forward again to gain a better spots but they knew the black cloak cultivator had already stolen all most of the glory.

Tai right now was feeling an even greater anger, but he believed that when it was time for the fighting arena tomorrow he would kill this bastard himself or let someone in the shadow do it for him. His pride could not let this young man to live anymore.

Suddenly the now famous boy stood up and started to run forward, shocking many people

Is he insane! Stop or you will die, nooo I can't watch...many started to scream and cry out this words but to their shock he broke the record quickly and had even went 5 floor above it, going faster and faster.

Lin Jiangsu was no longer calm he felt he might die from the stress and anger at any moment. Large beads of sweet was trickling down his forehead.

He stood up and screamed

"You fool your future master me will punish you for this!"

He might have said this in anger but what he didn't want was for this talented boy to die from being reckless.

Tiny explosions started to happen in the floors our mc was in. If this was from the kinetic force from having a heavenly aura trying to push down Alex or his speed many did not know. The only thing they knew was they got very nervous as the explosions became larger and larger

As time got closer to the end more people couldn't help to hold their breath watching this scene unfold, Many V.I.P had even rushed forth imploring the said speaker to stop him using force or use other means to save the boy but he had refused. Of course even Lin Jiangsu had tried this as well.

Alex was now only 5 floor from the final floor level and decided to again speed up.

Many could now be seen with their mouths open with. Many looking around couldn't help thinking that even a large bird egg would fit in there. The shock from all of this also allowed only heavy breathing be heard.

Lin Jiangsu at this point looked terrible, this shock to his system had led him to puke blood and fallen backwards over his chair from fatigue. Only after reaching in to his space bag which took all his effort and swallow a pill, could he again regain some resemblance of a living human. Seeing that the boy still hadn't stopped he couldn't help again throwing up another round of blood.

After 15 min Alex had finally only one floor left and he sat down.

Still nobody said anything, for fear it might cause the wrath of heaven to kill them or the boy.

After a few minutes of silence they looked at the speaker with pleading eyes and saw him reach for the talisman that would allow him to broadcast his voice.

But to their horror he did not say what they wanted to hear instead he said.

"One minute left, if you feel like making a last push this is your time now"

Although this was directed at every one in the floor of hell they felt that this retarded speaker was saying this only toward the boy.

Many eyes turned blood shot and a few wanted the speaker now dead because of his foolishness and just as they feared the boy stood up and ran toward the last elevator that would take him up to the last floor.

Lin Jiangsu couldn't take it anymore and used his strength to break open his V.I.P room and rushed towards the speaker in a fit of anger, but sadly for him even though he was fast he still wouldn't be able to kill the fool in time and use his talisman to stop the boy.

Suddenly a massive explosion happened shaking the entire area. Noticing this Lin Jiangsu stopped and looked with horror toward the floor. But all he saw was smoke

First off sorry for the delay..Secound due to the crazy lenght of this ch ( like 4 times the normal lenght JESUS) i hope you will dump a ton of power stones..

This arc/volum is almost done and when it is i will take a small break.I do this to write ahead of the releases so i dont need to stress release ch and can have a steady flow of ch in the future.. this will help you get atleast 3-4 ch every week ( as a promise) and allow me to have better planning ....

Freakgoodcreators' thoughts