
The Strongest Naruto

A rerun of Naruto. the only difference is Naruto's personality and some slight difference in plot...

JustaLazyGuy · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
100 Chs

Chapter 22 - Land of Waves(11)

Chapter 22 - Land of Waves(11)




Naruto who saw Haku blush as she said her words was caught off guard and blushed as well.

Haku after saying that turned around and continued to leave

Naruto who was in a trance chuckled, getting a hold of himself saying "How much more are you planning on making my heart race?"

"Who are you talking about?" Sakura appeared from the side suddenly

Naruto was a bit surprised but replied with a smile "I met this really beautiful girl, I almost fell in love at first sight hahahhaha!"

Sakura asked in surprise "You almost fell in love? Just how beautiful is this girl?."

"Believe it or not, she's incredibly beautiful!"

"I see… I hope it goes well for you."

"I hope it does" Naruto replied before laughing lightly

"Anyway, I went to find you because I have a question about [Explosive tags] . I can't try making it now since if I make the slightest mistake it'll explode according to the scroll."

"That's easy you just don't apply chakra first and try applying the seal and chakra separately in different tags for practice. Without them being connected it wouldn't explode."

Sakura enlightened thanked "So I can do it that way… thank you. Naruto."

"No problem," Naruto replied with a smile.

"Well, I'll see you later." Sakura waved her hand in goodbye , heading to Tazuna's house again to study Fuinjutsu.

Naruto waved his hand in reply in goodbye as well before laying on the ground again to sleep.

3 hours later…

"Haaa!" Naruto sat up and stretched his body "It's so hot!" The sun was heating up all of the surroundings "Figures… It's noon."

Naruto stood up and went back to Tazuna's house.

Tsunami saw Naruto and asked "Hi, Naruto? Back so early?"

Naruto replied with a smile "I was sleeping outside in the grass, it was so hot so I couldn't continue sleeping any longer."

Tsunami nodded with a knowing look "It is indeed hot in the afternoon, Are you hungry? Do you want some food?"

Naruto sat down and replied respectfully "Yes, please."

Tsunami began to cook food for Naruto meanwhile Sakura sat down on the side of the table and asked "How's it? I made one explosive tag."

"Let me see." Naruto received the explosive tag and examined the seals "It looks fine. Although it only activates if ignited?"

Sakura scratched her head and replied "Well that's how the scroll described how to make an explosive tag."

Naruto gave back Sakura's explosive tag and brought out his own in the pocket and gave it to Sakura "This explosive tag can activate with chakra. It's set to 5 seconds after chakra injection, you can adjust it in this seal on the side."

Sakura received the tag and examined it "I see… you could do it that way?"

"Yup!" Naruto replied with a smile

"Wait a sec, I'll adjust it and make it activatable with chakra. I'll show it to you when it's done." Sakura said standing up and going on the side again to create an explosive tag

"No problem." Naruto replied

"Here's your food. You eat Katsudon right?"

(A/N: Katsudon is a popular Japanese food, a bowl of rice topped with a deep-fried breaded pork cutlet, egg, vegetables, and condiments. The dish takes its name from the Japanese words tonkatsu and donburi.)

"Yup! Thanks, Tsunami-san!" Naruto said thankfully as he ate the food

Tsunami smiled and replied "You're welcome."

After a few more hours of lazing around in the house, Naruto was sleeping on the side of the house with a view of the ocean…

"Naruto." Sasuke whispered

Naruto almost lost balance and dropped into the sea and sat up complaining "You bastard, Sasuke! Don't do that! That gave me goosebumps!"

Sasuke with a smirk replied "Alright."

Naruto looked at the sky to find out it was already night. "I slept a lot today. And I'm gonna sleep again."

Sasuke insulted "Lazy ass."

Naruto simply yawned and replied "I can afford to, I'm stronger than you."

Sasuke's mood instantly turned bad as it was the truth and clicked his tongue "Tsk!"

Kakashi then proceeded to approach the two of them and said "It looks like you're awake now, Naruto. You're on duty tomorrow. Make sure to have a good sleep tonight despite sleeping the whole day."

Naruto yawned again "Of course, I'm gonna sleep. One of the most important reasons I wanna be the strongest is to be able to laze around whenever I feel like it. But can I pass tomorrow's duty?"

Kakashi's face contorted a bit at one of the reasons but asked anyway "Why do you want to pass tomorrow's duty?"

"Well… Haku said that her, and Zabuza will be attacking tomorrow. That girl is not a match for me, so it's better for Sasuke to go instead. He needs to fight stronger enemies, so he can get stronger. Better yet, he can awaken his sharingan."

Sasuke's eyes lit up as he heard the awakening of the sharingan, he turned his eyes to Kakashi with the eagerness to go.

"Well if… Wait? You met the masked man? Is it really a girl? And you even had a conversation? With an enemy?" Kakashi asked in confusion how Naruto could do that with an enemy

"I met her. She's really beautiful! More than anyone I've ever met before!" Naruto's eyes shone and smiled happily at her

Sasuke looked at Naruto with a complicated gaze about how Naruto could be like that just because of a girl. How beautiful was she? His thoughts.

Naruto saw Sasuke's gaze and said with a bit of intimidation "What? Don't think about it! Sasuke! That girl is mine!"

Sakura who was on the side who finished adjusting the explosive tag just about to ask Naruto to check it sweated thinking 'It looks like Naruto has fallen hard, I wonder what Ino would think about this.'

Sasuke snorted "Like I'd fight for a girl with you!"

Naruto chuckled, "Keep it that way."

Kakashi sighed and asked "Then? How'd you know they are attacking tomorrow?"

"She told me herself." Naruto nonchalantly replied

"She told you herself? The enemy did?" Kakashi was dumbfounded at this situation but Naruto simply replied "Yeah."

Kakashi simply decided to forget the reason and replied "Forget it. I'll take Sasuke, and Sakura tomorrow."

Sasuke's eyes lit up thinking 'Alright! I'll awaken the sharingan and finally beat Naruto!'

Kakashi continued, "What will you do in that time?"

Naruto chuckled "Well… I have some plans, I'll explain tomorrow after the fight."

Kakashi nodded fully in trust with Naruto, he knows this student of his was exceptional and doesn't really act like a 12 year old but a calculating adult instead.

"Thank you for understanding, Sensei~" Naruto playfully replied chuckling

"Anyway, everyone, sleep well today and we might as well have a brutal fight tomorrow."

The three genins nodded

As the conversation was now done, Sakura proceeded to approach Naruto and ask giving the explosive tag to Naruto "How is this? Naruto?"

"Let's see…" Naruto replied checking the explosive tag "You did it the way I instructed. Well done."

Sakura scratched her head in embarrassment "Hehe~"

Naruto gave back the explosive tag and said "The next is the [Barrier Seal] Scroll, it's considerably more difficult than [Explosive Tag]. I hope you can do it in 1-2 weeks. At the rate Sasuke and I are growing, you won't be able to keep up in a few months."

Sakura clenched the explosive tag and raised her fist to her chest saying "I'll do my best!" Full of fighting spirit.

"That's the spirit! I wish you luck!" Naruto said with a smile

Sakura went back inside and continued to study Fuinjutsu

Meanwhile Naruto on the outside stood up and yawned going back inside. After eating, he went to bed and slept again

The night passed…

"Alright! Today's the day! Keep your guard up!" Kakashi instructed

Sasuke and Sakura nodded solemnly for the upcoming battle

Meanwhile, Naruto yawned and approached them calling out "Sakura."

Sakura looked his way and asked "What is it, Naruto?"

Naruto passed a bunch of scrolls to her and said "Here's the 6 remaining barrier seals I have. You can have it for now, You can repay me when you can make your own."

Sakura received it all and said thankfully "Thanks, Naruto!"

"No problem."

Naruto then touched all of their backs

Kakashi asked "What was that for? Naruto?"

Naruto chuckled "Well… Just in case, I marked you all."

Kakashi nodded, prepared to leave.

The three left to accompany Tazuna to the bridge.

Naruto watched them all go away but had a bad feeling so he created 5 shadow clones.

He instructed "Two of you watch over, Tsunami-san and Inari in the house and the three collect the remaining wealth of Gatou. Here's 5 [Generic Scrolls]. Just in case one or two is not enough."

The clones nodded and disappeared from sight.

Naruto wore his sandals and went to follow them.




(A/N: I'm in a bit of a dilemma… Who do I choose as heroine? Haku? Ino? Karin? Hinata? My #1 choice is Haku, then Ino, then Karin, then Hinata. Maybe I'll just do a harem but I don't wanna do that... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!. Leave a power stone if you like the story! Thanks!)