
The Strongest Multiverse Chat Group

After reincarnating, Jin waited patiently for his cheat. Finally, he managed it arrived. He was given a chat group. But the members of this chat group were... eccentric. [The Strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer has joined the chat] [The King of Heroes has joined the chat] [The King of the Beasts has joined the chat] [The Demon Emperor has joined the chat] [The Black Wizard has joined the chat] [The Father of Humanity has joined the chat]

ImProcrastinating · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Daiki Aomine

A/N: By the way, I don't know if I put this in the synopsis or not, but this story is going to be somewhat slice of life. Of course, there will be action, but it's kind of hard to have action when the characters are y'know... pretty fucking broken. Also, my finals finally ended, so I was able to finish this chapter after like 2 weeks. That doesn't mean that I'll finally have stable updates, just that I might be able to write more now.


Arriving at the inside court in the gym, Jin warmed up for a few minutes, before he finally felt that he was loose.

"Hey, blue-hair! I'm ready," he called out to the man who asked him for a 1v1. Of course, Jin knew who he was, even though this was their first time meeting. That's because this was someone that Jin already knew rather well. Well, not personally. The man with blue hair was none other than Daiki Aomine.

He was a character from a popular basketball anime from his old world, "Kuroko no Basuke". In "Kuroko no Basuke", Daiki Aomine was one of the main rivals of the protagonist and his team. He was an incredibly talented player and was one of the Generation of Miracles, who were five of the best players in high school basketball, each with their own unique talents and coming from the same middle school.

As for Aomine, he was one of the stronger players and was talented enough to be called a 'monster'. He had a variety of abilities, but his major abilities were: extreme basketball talent, streetball, animal instinct, and immense athleticism. To put it simply, he was a cheat code.

For most people, to beat Aomine in basketball would be an impossible task. As for Jin, he would... probably not be able to beat him either. Before the chat group, Jin was basically just a normal human being, meaning that he didn't have any crazy basketball talent or anything else. Even if Jin outclassed Aomine in athleticism, the gap between skill would be the same as the gap in skill between an NBA player and a high schooler.

However, that didn't really matter. After all, Jin didn't accept the game to win. Rather, it's because Aomine was the first anime character that he'd seen in person so far. Sure, he'd known that it was a crossover world, with highly public places like Totsuki Academy proving it. But, it never really fully sunk in for Jin, since he'd never met someone that he'd only ever seen as an animation. Plus, it'd be a good way to see the gap between his abilities and that of a 'normal' human.

As Jin was finishing up his thoughts, Aomine finally replied. "Alright, let's start then! You can get the ball first." Catching the ball, Jin faced up to Aomine.

'Shit... I can't really shoot. I'll just go for the good 'ol drive and dunk then,' he thought. Dribbling the ball, he drove forward with a burst of explosive power, quickly blowing by Aomine. Going up for a dunk, he jumped, preparing to drive the ball ho-.

'Wait a minute... where's the ball?' The adrenaline wearing off, Jin quickly noticed two things out of place. First of all, the ball was nowhere to be found. His hands were completely empty.

And second of all... 'Holy shit! Am I eye-level with the backboard right now? That is definitely not normal,' Jin inwardly screamed. To understand what just happened, let's rewind a few seconds.

The ball was given to Jin, at the top of the key. Jin, entranced with his new power, quickly made the first move, dribbling and blowing past Aomine. Except, there was one big problem. Just as he jumped way higher than he intended, he dribbled way harder than he intended.

As he was going past Aomine, he dribbled with full force, causing the ball to bounce all the way to the roof. Jin, who was immersed in the feeling of power, went on with the play, going on to dunk without a ball. Not yet knowing his own power, he jumped with full strength, jumping so high that he was eye-level with the backboard. To put that into perspective, a basketball hoop is 10 feet or 3 meters.

Finally, at the apex of his jump, Jin managed to cool his head, noticing what he had just done. Landing on the ground, he locked eyes with Aomine, who was dumbfounded at what he just witnessed.

"What the hell?" Upon saying those words, Aomine paused for a moment, before his confusion turned to joy.

"So I was right! You are strong!"

Still a little out of it, Jin replied, "Yeah... I guess. Anyways, it's out of bounds, so it's your ball."

Continuing the game, Aomine took the ball, facing off against Jin at the top of the key. Aomine immediately started with a quick drive to the right. However, due to Jin's athletic abilities, he wasn't able to brush past. Looking for a different path, Aomine performed a behind the back crossover. Jin, noticing this, began to shift his body to the left to account for the shift in position.

Aomine, seeing this, interrupted his own dribble by quickly spinning back to the right and shooting. The ball went in.

Stunned, Jin thought to himself. 'Shit, that was harder than I thought. I can keep up with him easily if we were just talking in terms of athletic ability, but he's way trickier than I expected. There's almost no delay or cues for when he's going to shoot or crossover, making him hard to guard. And to top it off, I'm still not too used to my strength. Everytime I move, I go further than I expect, or put more strength in something than I'm used to.'

The rest of the game followed the same trend mostly. Jin was able to keep up with him, but the skill gap was too far, to the point that he was unable to guard Aomine. However, Aomine noticed that each point was getting harder to score. It was as if Jin was improving as he played.

In fact, he wasn't wrong. Not only was he improving, but he was finally adapting to the feel of his body. He was no longer overstepping or putting too much strength. The few times he was able to get the ball back, he no longer dribbled too hard, and was able to easily dunk the ball. Alas, the initial gap was too big to widen. Eventually, the game ended 17-21 with Aomine winning.

Following the final shot, Aomine went up for a fist bump. "That was pretty fun. You're even stronger than I thought you would be. If you ever feel like playing basketball, call me. I'll give you my phone number."

Exchanging contact numbers, Jin and Aomine exchanged contact numbers, and they finally officially learned each others names. With Aomine finally leaving, Jin was left to his thoughts.

'Thanks to that, I have a much greater understanding of myself. Right now, at full power, I'm already much past the level of a normal human being. After all, nobody is able to casually jump high enough to be eye-level with a 10 foot hoop.

And thanks to the game, I have more control over my own strength. Previously, if I were to get into a fight, I might accidentally kill someone due to having no control over my power. Now, I'm confident in being able to control my power enough to not accidentally put someone in the hospital.' Mentally evaluating himself, Jin was broken out of his thoughts by the sound of someone approaching.

Looking at the source of the sound, it was a tall, handsome man who gave him a sense of familiarity.

'Why does this man look familiar? He looks Korean. I think I'd remember if I met someone that looked like this before, but I don't. And why the hell is he coming this way?' Jin inwardly mused.

The man opened his mouth to speak. "That was incredible. I've never seen someone jump that high and make it look so easy. I would even say it looked... inhuman." The words seemed innocent enough, but the undertones laced within the words felt dangerous.

Jin laughed awkwardly. "Oh, thanks, I guess. Sorry, but I don't recall meeting you before. What's your name?"

The man gave a light smile. "Ah, sorry. Where are my manners? My name is Sung Jin Woo. Nice to meet you."

At this, Jin only had one thought.

'I see. I'm absolutely fucked.'