
Cluttered Thoughts, Hardened Fists, Honest Heart

In a wide open field, Rin was being surrounded by several soldiers, over fifty of them. Each of the soldiers sported agitated looks as they face the young woman in the center. Rin however, maintained a seemingly calm expression while assessing the situation at hand.

"Oh my? Aren't all of you a bit too eager on getting your asses kicked today huh?" She said with an tone of irritation in her voice.

It was only just minutes after she left Karen's room, but she got stuck herself again into another unexpected situation. With some thoughts still muddling in her mind, Rin couldn't help but to feel irritated.

One of the soldiers furiously yelled at her. "Y-You! Just because you're one of the Promised Ones it doesn't mean we'll just allow our honor to be tarnished so easily by a young woman like you!"

Words like 'Yeah, that's right!' and 'This is our revenge!' then came like a huge wave afterwards from the other soldiers, each of them showing their hostility towards the young women who is apparently [defenseless] against that sheer volume of people surrounding her.

According to them, ever since Rin was tasked by the king to train the soldiers to ready themselves for an unexpected demon attack, their lives immediately became hell. Hours of ruthless physical training each day, combined with the terror of being met with a swift and painful punishment for those who Rin deemed are slacking, all of their complaints are swatted down by her, saying that compared to the other mentors, she was still holding back on them.

Weeks passed, and Rin decided to loosen up her training method for the soldiers. However, she forgot to include one thing: her tongue. More than the demonic training imposed by the 'Ponytails Demon' herself, her ruthless banter towards them is the last straw for them to directly declare a rebellion against her.

In the midst of that, Rin laughed as if their resentment towards her are no big deal. "So that's the reason why you planned that fake rumble scene in the hopes of luring and deceiving me into an ambush, am I right?"

'I thought...this could happen only in light novels, but I was wrong', Rin remarked in her mind.

It was a tricky approach: a lookout hiding on the bushes just outside the building where the Promised Ones are staying informed the ringleader of the plan, who then signaled the others to start causing ruckus around the field by the time Rin walk through the place. As soon as each of them are in their respective positions, they then surround the unsuspecting Rin in a tight circle of men wearing light armor.

Rin was supposed to be unaware of that, and yet--

"Though it seems like your plan's already busted that fast, I would say I'm impressed with the effort you guys have shown just to corner me."

"Shut up! Now that there's no way for you to escape, let's see if you could still grin after we beat you up!"

Then at the soldier's words, each one of them brandished their weapons at the same time. Even though the swords they used were the blunt ones used in training, at the hands of a capable soldier it could still cause a broken bone or two to the opponent.

Realizing that the soldiers are serious about wanting to beat her up, Rin's cheeks cramped into a smile.

"Looks like...I have to get out of here real quick."

"As if we'll let you!!!"

While saying that, one soldier swung his weapon downwards aiming at her head. Rin, who expected such attack to happen, effortlessly took a step back and landed a chop on the soldier's nape, causing him to let out a short yelp before fainting on the spot. The soldier's reaction made her let out another remark.

"Ah, I haven't heard a girly yelp like that before...--"

"Tsk!--All of you, get her!!!"

The ringleader, who saw one of his comrades collapse in an instant because of a young woman, commanded others to charge at her at once.

"Ugh--can you guys give me a break?!"

With a vein almost popping out of her head, Rin clenched her fists and prepared herself to battle.


At the same time, the soldiers raised their battle cries as they swung their weapons aiming at her vital spots.

Fifty to one--to some it may look like it's an overkill for that number of people to surround and attack a single person at the same time but for a girl like Rin, that number is still--




Each time a soldier swings his sword towards her, Rin counterattacks by hitting them squarely on the forehead or their solar plexuses with a straight punch.

Using that short duration between each of their attacks to her advantage, she stressed the fact that she doesn't need to use her own weapon to defeat enemies of their level. Indeed, her fists alone can do the job very well.

Moreover, with her mind being able to catch up with her physical speed, she could see and analyze how each of them attack, and think in battle.

'If they could stop trying to hit me with those monotonous attacks they might have a chance to hurt me, but...'

Dealing a roundhouse kick to the last soldier remaining on the field, she let out a sigh full of disappointment.

Hoodlums clad in armor--that was Rin's evaluation of the collapsed soldiers scattered around her. At that state, it would be really impossible to defend a city from demons if they were left by themselves.

"I would've preferred if they directed their complaints against me through legal means but no, they really chose the hard way. Oh well~"

Although she said that, the fact that she rendered several soldiers unconscious in front of her is as plain as the sea.

Trying to leave the place as if nothing happened, she felt a presence on her back. Without looking at the person, she spoke.

"Ah, it's you--Prez."

With hair reaching down to her shoulders and wearing the school uniform they had back in Earth, the person whom she called 'Prez' was the Otherworlders' class president and a Diviner, Mari.

"As I thought, you got yourself in trouble again, Rin." She said in dismay while adjusting her glasses.

"I'm not the one who started this time, you know?!"

Seeing her classmate's gaze looking at her as if she's only nothing but trouble, Rin told to her what happened.

"So they did really planned an ambush, huh." Mari remarked as her eye scanned around the soldiers lying on the ground.

"Eh? You knew it beforehand?"

"Sort of," Mari exhaled a sigh. "I tried to hurry up to this place to settle the issue but it was already too late by the time I came here."

"Then why did I have to tell you the whole story if you already knew about it?!"

Even so, Rin was happy that Mari still tried to fix things for her sake.

Knowing that Mari has already too many duties as their representative in the king's courtroom, Rin immediately had an urge to punch herself in the face for the mess that she made.

"In behalf of the class, I will have a meeting with the captain later to settle whatever conflict you have with the soldiers, and to request that they won't make this any more complicated."

"B-But Prez, you don't need to do that! It was my fault after all, s-so please let me bear responsibility for it!"

Mari, however, shook her head as she showed a faint smile at her. "I say, as the class president it's my duty to shoulder the responsibility for all the actions the whole class has done. With that in mind, I would appreciate it better if you rest easy and let me handle everything, understand?"

Hearing that, Rin couldn't help but to chuckle in self-derision. "S-Sorry for causing trouble...again."


After calling the soldiers to come pick up their unconscious comrades, the two girls then went to a cafe at the heart of the city to have their lunch, and to stay away from the soldiers for a while.

"I shall treat you today Prez, as thanks for helping me settle my beef with those guys."

"Is that so? F-Fine with me." Mari replied, immediately averting her gaze away from Rin, who already expected such response coming out from her.

Although Mari being a person of integrity and responsibility is because of her being a descendant of a Japanese merchant who migrated to Manila and married a well-respected lady during the Colonial Era, it is already a fact among their class that once someone treats her to a meal her dignified personality breaks down and turns into a cute and vulnerable state due to the guilt and embarrassment of having others pay for her meal. Even if she refuse such goodwill, other people will still treat her just to see her cute side show up.

"Order up some more, Prez! If you're going to meet up with that Scarface later, you need to stock more energy in your body!" Rin grinned as she coaxed her to order more food.

Mari frantically shook her head as her cheeks turn red. "T-There's no need for that! C-Compared to you I don't eat that much so...auuuuu..."

Just by looking at the price written on the menu, it was already enough for her to shrink and cower like a tiny animal.

The food came a few minutes later. Composed mostly of various kinds of vegetables and fried meat, Rin's guesses about Mari ordering the most affordable ones on the menu came correct.

"So you found out that Karen is training swordsmanship on her own, is that what you're trying to say?" Mari asked her after she finally returned to her usual self.

"Even though she said that I should keep it a secret from everyone especially from you, I believe that as our president you have all the right to know about it."

Casting her gaze down, Rin kept on apologizing to her classmate for breaking the promise she made with her.

"Personally I have no problem with her practicing how to properly use a sword," Mari replied calmly. "Rather, as her friend I'm happy that she's finally starting to cope up with everything that happened."

Hearing those words from her made Rin feel relieved.

"Knowing her for how many years now, I could say that Karen really is a stubborn girl deep inside. That's why, I could somewhat understand the frustration she feels after seeing that everyone stopped giving a care about that incident."

'But what can we do about it?', some of the class asked her that question days after the attack at Arteim. 'Even with our special abilities we still can't change what is past, so it might be better if we move on and change the future instead.'

Thus the class decided, after burying the remains of the fallen, to live and let go--despite Karen's objections.

"That girl, it seems that she really holds dear of that person's existence, as if more than just a classmate--"

At those words, Rin unconsciously twitched her shoulders.

Without missing any single detail, Mari noticed Rin's slightest change of mood at that moment.

"I see. So that's how it was."

"E-Eh? What do you mean?" Rin asked, startled at her sudden remark.

With a faint smile Mari shrugged her shoulders, not saying a word.

After the meal was finished, Mari stood up abruptly, then thanked her for the treat.

"I will treat you in return some other time, Rin, to a more fabulous place."

"A-Ah, no need to do it, Prez! As I said, consider it as my thanks for being the awesome class president that we have as always."

Being given a flattering compliment by her, Mari's cheeks blushed a little, but hid it away from her as she excused herself to return to the king's castle first.

"By the way...", Mari spoke at her for a moment before leaving the cafe. "To a maiden whose mind are filled with questions and doubts, only an honest heart can have all of the answers you're looking for."

"Hm? Ah, wai--"

Although she said that, Rin decided not to go after her. Judging from her actions, she knew that Mari came with a conclusion the same way as she had with Karen.

"Even if I try to hide it from other people it was still obvious, I think?" Rin thought to herself.

She thought, no matter how unladylike her manners are, as long as her heart's still that of a woman her true feelings would still show up regardless.

The fact that she's becoming too aware of how another girl feels about a certain blockhead is one thing; showing that through her actions is another thing.

"Ugh...my head hurts..." She said exhaustedly as she rested her head on the table.

More than worrying about what would Mari think of her the moment they meet again, Rin's thought instead of her own feelings.

"'An honest heart', huh..."

Her true feelings--she already realized them a long time ago. The fear of destroying the bonds that they had built, however, made her lock away those feelings deep inside her heart.

To protect what she valued the most, she chose to be dishonest with herself and to that person whose presence she only took for granted.

She wants to scream and let it all out! She wants to tell the world how stupid she was for not having the courage to convey to that person her honest self--a maiden in full bloom that is Rin, before he disappeared without leaving a trace.

Compared to Karen who at least had a chance to talk to him before that incident, she regretted not being able to say even a single word.

And because of that regret, she decided, to stop letting the gears of fate tread on its own.

Normally, the chance of reuniting with a person who is presumed to be dead by many people is realistically slim, but for her who believes that real life is as clichéd as in the novels, her intuition is nothing to be sneezed at.

"If I see you again...at that time for sure, I'll have you notice my feelings!"

As long as her feelings were true, there is still hope--that is her answer.

Realizing that the answer she's looking for is just under her doorstep, Rin couldn't help but to smirk at herself.

"Really...half of the day was already wasted on my soul searching? It's as if I have all the time in the world doing that...--"

Feeling a sudden chill on her back, Rin kicked the ground and jumped away from her seat, landing at a vacant table a few meters away.


In an instant, a loud explosion coming from outside was heard, followed by a shockwave that caused the glass windows of the cafe to shatter and the tables and chairs to fly in different directions.

"*cough* Kehhh, is everyone okay?"

Without waiting for the resulting cloud of dust and debris has settle, Rin checked to see if the people inside the cafe are safe.

A waitress replied while coughing. "*cough* *cough* Y-Yes, we're fine."

With the dust obscuring her vision she asked to herself, "What the hell happened all of a sudden?"

When she drew her sword and made a single slash in the air to clear the dust cloud, an unexpected entity was revealed in front of her.

A strangely tall creature--with thin limbs, large hands and feet, and a distended abdomen. Skin as black as soot and eyes the color of ripe lemons, all of which are covered in thick patches of hair. The most surprising feature of all are the jagged five-inch long spikes that run through its body from the back to the head and the longer ones on its arms and feet, that resembled that of a praying mantis. Standing from the crater of the explosion, it stared at Rin while sticking out its long tongue that slithered along its sharp teeth.

"Guuuhhh...why am I so unlucky today?!" Rin complained as she grasped the handle of her sword tightly.

No doubt, the creature in front of her is a demon. Although she never experienced fighting a demon of this type before, she doesn't plan on running away as there are people that she needs to protect...

...to atone for the one she could not protect, she pointed the tip of her sword towards the demon.

'Aside from protecting these people, I won't let you stand in my way towards my goal!"