
The strongest in the Omniverse

Upon death, our mc finds himself chosen to become some powerful being with an important task. There seem to be others like him, and many might even have systems. These powerful beings seemed to have almost been killed by beings, not of this world, their death would mean the end of the world, so they have to pass on their roles. Follow Mc, on a journey to become the strongest there is.

Itachi102 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs


there were many classes a student can take within the academy, but due to the fact they have yet to fully enter the academy, they were given the option to pick any classes they wanted to take. because of this, Sora took the chance to focus on 2 classes

the first classes went over all mind-based magic, this class was called the mental powers class. the teacher there was a powerful mage who was skilled in telepathy and other mind-based magic,

the sound class was all based around the use of magic power to enhance oneself to fight at close range. it was not hard to find mages who ignore their body and trained simply their magic powers, but some classes target the use of enhancing one's body with the use of magic powers.

It was called the martial arts class. each class was split into 3, they would teach a class for an hour 3 times a day. with classes going on for 8 hours, Sora of course picked 8 classes to enter and listen to, but the other 6 were different each day as he wanted to get a wide range of knowledge for all forms of magic and know how to handle them.

of course, people attacked Sora... for the first day that was. but after their legs and arms were broken before a crowd, they realized that Sora wasn't joking and that maybe Ellen wasn't protecting Sora but them. The first day was also the day that all the nobles saw Sora as an enemy, how dare a commoner lay his dirty hands-on nobles like them?

So, Sora got cold glares every time he walked passed a noble, but none of them dared to fight him. The truly strong nobles on the other hand held their time, the best place to show Sora his home was in the arena before everyone.

Of course, nobles were not the only people here. they were a few commoners who tried to gather around Sora seeing how the nobles who bullied them were fearful of him. For them, Sora allowed. if he could have loyal mages following him around, then wouldn't it be for the best? even if they were not loyal, he could still use them,

so the days passed. with each passing day, Sora's capability grew. sure he didn't level up, but his stats still improved as he learned many things. [Master Hand To Hand Combat] reached level 4, with his martial arts now at level 4, Sora was able to do things like read the thoughts of a target by simply looking at their eyes, have a 6th sense for their weak points, and mini the waste of power and movement during a fight.

[Master Of Weapons] also reached level 4, due to it covering all forms of weapons, which meant that Sora's skills with every weapon were at level 4. With the sword, Sora could sense unique vibrations, which he could cut, allowing him to cut things like metal. he could swing a sword and send out a slash that could cut targets within a 50-meter range.

to say the least, all of this was without Magic powers, but once he infuse magic power into his weapon, his sword skills shall increase. the level of things he could cut, and his range shall increase by a great degree.

[Waring Mind] reached level 3, this ability was gaining XP at all times, but placed in moments where Sora's control of himself was high, he gained a lot of XP. XP If someone threw a look towards Sora, yet Sora ignored it and went on with his day, he would gain more XP. Of course, if he also went berserker, he would also gain XP, and the XP would not simply be one huge amount and stop, it would be a huge amount that would keep coming in until he calms down. currently, at level 2, it boosts his stats by 2 or divines them by 2 depending on his mental state

Sora had also gained a new ability [Master Of Magic Power] this ability was gained once Sora's control of magic power reached a good enough level. currently, at level 3, this ability allowed Sora to effectively use his magic powers by 98%, meaning he wastes only 2% of his magic power every time.

to say the least, that was huge, allowing Sora to do things like forming a contract with his magic power, transforming his magical power into other elements like fire, water, and earth, and so on. Sora could even enhance his other stats using Magic power by up to 5 times for short bursts, which was something shocking. but that short burst was only half of a second, any longer and Sora would be damaging himself.

[Telekinesis] was an ability Sora gained, it was currently at level 4. Sora tried to use this as much as possible to increase his mastery of this magic. he currently had a range of 100 meters with his telekinesis. the power of his telekinesis reflected his intelligence, of course, the further away a target was, the weaker his telekinesis shall be. but while around him, Sora pretty much had invisible arms, up to 4 arms, each holding his full intelligence stat.

[telepathy] was at level 2, it was much harder to improve as Sora didn't have many people to truly be training on. but Yoshi was around him, so he used her train. at level 2, [Telepathy] didn't do much, but he could speak with others and even high-jack others who are speaking through [telepathy]

[Thought Porjections] was at level 2, Sora can form a psychic copy, one with only the strength and capability of what a 5-year-old should have. to form this, Sora's strength dropped by 90%, but he could enter more classes while he spend his time training.

well, that was all the improvement... as for the stuff, Sora found out he could do since he reached level 5, the [Perfect Body] gave him the unique ability of recovery. what did he mean by this? Sora was capable of recovering from things at a higher rate by using his MP, meaning his vitality would recover faster by feeding off his MP.

this sounds simple until you realize that he could regrow lost body parts within a day of closing it. although the heart and brain were damaged or destroyed, although he would be able to live on for some time, he would die sooner or later.

Currently, all of Sora's stats were at 17. and from Sora's guess, this made him D-tier. there were ranks given to humans, animals, and other life forms. F was the lowest, usually, this would be given to those above the normal human level

above that was E, D, C, B, A, and S tier. above the S tier was the Demi-God tier. to place levels of capability in each tier, one would have to split each tier into 3 parts, Low, Mid, and Peak.

F tier had the capability of a peak human. at the peak of this tier. stat strength of 5 to 8

E tier had the capability similar to that snake Sora fought within the forest. this ranged from having the capability to break down walls, to breaking down small buildings. peak E tier would be the leader of those forests Sora killed. stat strength of 9 to 14

D tier could destroy bigger size houses, to destroy a group of large houses, these were considered powerful existences to normal humans... also one should remember that not everyone shows their strength in destructive ways, so just because one can't unleash the power needed to destroy a house, didn't mean they were weak, their power might not be the destructive type. stat strength of 15 to 30

C tier had the power to destroy small towns to small Cities this didn't mean simply destroying the buildings, but the power they could output was enough to lay waste to the whole land, by creating shock waves, or by other means. stat strength of 31 to 74

B-tier had the power to destroy cities, to larger cities, although one could find it hard to find cities nowadays thanks to dragons destroying them. a city now days are simply land masses that are at least a few Km large, surrounded by a huge wall. stat strength of 75 to 199

A tier had the power to destroy mountains to destroying islands. such lifeforms were monsters Sora couldn't even picture fighting for the time being. stat strength of 200 to 499

S tier, Had the power to destroy countries to Continent. what was shocking was that, Sora had reason to believe Merlin was on a tier of his own, the guy created a whole dimension where they went to survive, and it should have at least been the size of an island. stat strength of 500 to 2,499.

Anyways, 2 months passed, and the tournaments began. the tournaments were something that Sora ignored without a care since he only had to make an appearance on the final day, he spent his time training.

but as if trying to send a message, all of the commoners who took place in the tournament were crippled, or left with life-threatening injuries. Sora easily guessed this massage was to him, and Sora took note of who challenged him.

So, most of the commoners stepped out, leaving only the nobles to fight in the tournament, with a few capable commoners. So, on the day of the finals, Sora went to the arena, where he sat in a chair made personally for him. it overlooked the whole arena, and even most of the crowd which had gathered to watch the finals, only those nobles state above Sora, all throwing looks over to look at him. To say the least, most of them knew who Sora was. either he cripe their child, or his actions made it to their ears.

"It's an honor to see so many people coming to very the finals, today we would be having a total of 10 matches, all to see who would be in the top 10. Yes there are only 9 in the arena right now, but the 10th person is sitting up there, he would instead be fighting for the top chances due to being lucky and getting his hands on a letter," Merlin said making everyone's attention move from the 9 kids on the arena to looking at Sora who was sitting there with closed eyes, ignoring everyone,

"... Sora, how about you give a small speech," Merlin said with a smile, making Sora glare at him, it has been more than 2 months since he has seen this old man and the first thing he does was annoy him.

"he scared." a handsome kid 13 years of age, sneered while looking at Sora. Sora with his sharp hearing of course heard this, and the crowd also heard his words thanks to his voice being amplify

yet Sora simply looked at him, and closed his eyes, ignoring the little brat, which caused the kid's face to darken. the crowd look at the two and realized that they were not on good terms, which made them let out cries, trying to push Sora into saying something, but Sora ignored them all

Merlin sighed softly before having the matches between. everyone's match would be chosen randomly, meaning, 1 of the 9 people below would get a free pass to move on to the next round... of course, it was not truly random, Merlin wanted to see a good show, and he would see.

the first match was between a noble vs a commoner. the noble was an earth mage, while the commoner used a unique form of magic called Giant Magic, which allowed him to enlarge himself.

the battle was something interesting to watch, a giant having to fight the earth. in the end, the commoner caught the noble off guard by suddenly turning to noble size and getting near him and hitting him with an enlarged fist. but that was not the noble real body, and the real body had been hiding underground, and took that opening to knock the commoner out of the arena, winning the match

the 2 second match was between the noble who called Sora a coward, and another noble. it was then Sora found out about the noble name, Seth Armstrong. He was a sword man, using sword magic which he combined with another form of magic, giving him all types of stuff he could do.

he easily defeated his target, causing the crowd to cheer, but when he looked towards Sora and saw that Sora was simply closing his eyes, ignoring the whole match, he grew more enraged

the 3rd match was between a female noble and the last commoner. but the match was which, as the female noble used her charm magic, and had the kid give up. Sora took note of her, as her ability might be troublesome, her name was Anna Buraitomun. her magic was not the only thing that caught Sora's attention, it was the fact he was sure she took other classes

the last match was between two nobles which Sora could care little about, Ellen was the lucky person to move on to the next round, leaving her disappointed as she wanted to fight.

everyone lost was placed in order from the order they lost in, meaning that the 10 to 6th place had been picked. the matches went on, before long, Ellen, Anna, Seth, and Sora were the only ones remaining. Sora was forced to go onto the stage, where he was quickly greeted by Ellen

"You can't lose until we have our rematch, I'm not the same as back then," Ellen said with a smile, to which Sora shrugged and ignored her. Ellen pouted slightly, but Merlin suddenly began speaking, causing her to have to stop talking.

"It has come to my attention that everyone wants to see some of you show your skills a bit... so, I have no choice but to make some changes to the rules," Merlin said with a helpless sigh, only for Sora to glare at this man. Sora bet this was his plan all along,

"everyone would have 3 chances to challenge someone once, the person with the most wins would take first place. the person with the most lost would take 4th place, if there is a tie, I will let the people choose." Merlin said, causing the crowd to cheer upon hearing this. Merlin pointed at them, Ellan, Anna, and Seth, and healed them up to 100%

"now then, the first match would be between... well, you should all choice amongst yourself," Merlin said with a smile, causing Seth to instantly glare towards Sora, to which Sora shrugged while stepping out.