
The strongest in the Omniverse

Upon death, our mc finds himself chosen to become some powerful being with an important task. There seem to be others like him, and many might even have systems. These powerful beings seemed to have almost been killed by beings, not of this world, their death would mean the end of the world, so they have to pass on their roles. Follow Mc, on a journey to become the strongest there is.

Itachi102 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

The Grand War

"damn it." Ellen gritted her teeth as she clashed with the demon army, just one of them had strength which should be around 500 million or so. 250 demons with this level of strength, how did she not sense them entering that space Sora was sealed away in?

for each demon, she would need around 10 attacks to defeat, but these were soldiers who had perfect teamwork. She felt like she was fighting one person, yet she was only fighting a small handful of them while Merlin was forced to deal with another handful of them, as for the army she enchanted, they were being destroyed even if they outnumber the army 1 to 100.

The Demon army was equipped with a shield and spear. she had never seen gear like this, the shield had the power to block and nullify magic, and only those powerful magic had hope of ignoring or resisting this nullification of magic. but the blocking and damage resistance capability of these shields were high.

then there was the extremely sharp spear, using magical power, the sharpening of those spears led to the death of many dragons and humans.

"Full back, we can't win this," Merlin said with a bitter smile, in all honesty, she was not shocked by this. a part of her knew that Sora was steps ahead of all of them, sure he might be caught off guard, but in the end, everything would still fall into hand.

"Sora, you dare have my grandson injured." Merlin was enraged seeing Elfman was injured, he got injured shielding his little sister and was now bleeding out.

"You choose your side, if you thought I would be holding back any punches, you were greatly mistaken," Sora said calmly, to which Merlin glared at Sora before snorting. with a wave, she retreated with everyone teleporting far away along with the dead bodies.

"Damn it, why did we escape, I could have defeated him." Natsu was enraged seeing the injuries Elfman had suffered, and to think they simply ran away. he was unwilling to accept this,

"your emotions fuel your flames... reminds me of me Sora," Merlin said calmly while looking at Natsu, who was instantly pissed hearing he was anything like Sora.

"In the past, Sora could change his emotions into power. in the end, he broke free of all emotions, entering a free state of mind. this came with an unmatched level of strength, and the power to will any form of magic he wishes." Merlin said stunning Natsu who was being held back by Erza, but Natsu was not the only one stunned by this

"I would try and help you gain that level of freedom, at which point you need not get angry to get stronger. you would be at your peak at all times, what do you say my descendant? even you Erza." Ellen said with a smile, while Merlin healed everyone who was injured

"what's all this about descendant? how is Natsu his grandson, and I'm his granddaughter?" Mira asked softly while looking at Natsu with confusion, she looked towards Merlin who simply created a tree.

"Well, our family is complex. but to see why, we would have to go to Sora both. he was my twin, but Sora was abandoned in the slums." Ellen explained calmly, confusing everyone as the concept of the slums didn't exist.

"... oh yeah, Sora cleaned that stuff up. a slum is pretty much a place filled with trash, people there built their housing out of trash, and so on. Sora remembered everything from the moment he was born, so the fact our parents were planning to kill him and ended up leaving him in the slums never sat right with him." Ellen said calmly, making everyone raise on why anyone would want to kill a newborn, and so a history lesson which everyone paid attention to began

so, everyone learns where the concepts of the train came from, and many other things originated from Sora. but this was not important, the fact Sora had 3 wives left them all speechless. but now they understood the reasons for their family, but not why Sora was helping the demon lord.

"Alright, thats enough talk. I had the gods be alerted to this, across the 8 realms, we shall be getting helpers of all kinds gathering to this point. but I need a few sacrifices to summon them here, this is where the demons would come to use. using them, I will be able to form a passageway for them to enter this realm. if we can stop them and ensure they don't get a strong footing... this war would win." Merlin said softly to which Ellen nodded slightly while turning to leave

"where are you going?" Merlin asked with a frown, Ellen's body slowly transforming, taking the form of a demon god, shocking everyone who saw her

"I will get you the body you need. I didn't simply sleep for hundreds of years," Ellen said before disappearing, and a moment later the sounds of a battle spread, and its shock waves lead to the sky being split apart, mountains crumbling, and the world seeming as if it was ending.

everyone was uneasy seeing this, they felt as if the planet would be destroyed if any of these attacks were to be aimed at the planet, and this truly made them realize how outmatched they were.

it took a few minutes, but soon Ellen returned her condition caused everyone to take a deep breath. with 1 bump on her head, one arm missing, along with a leg, she was covered in blood from head to toe, and scars filled her body.

"haha, these things cost an arm and a leg." She laughed as she threw 5 demons to the ground, but Merlin ignored the demons who were half-dead, and looked at Ellen,

"don't worry, these injuries are nothing." She said with a smile as she enchanted time, and like that time began going backward, and she turned back to her peak, stunning everyone for a moment

"I'm unable to do the same to those who are dead, but I will be able to bring them back to life soon," Ellen said to everyone who was looking at their dead friends, they nodded slightly at Ellen's words before they watched Merlin using the 5 demons in a spell.

"Well, you are all weak. and in all honesty, you would all be dead if not for me strengthening all of you, but to give you power while making sure you don't go berserk is super troublesome, so how about I have you all train within another dimension?" She said Calmy stunned everyone, did they have time for such a thing, but after Ellen explained how she could control time, everyone relaxed as they agree.

So, as she sent them off, moments later Merlin finish her spell, allowing many lifeforms from other dimensions to gain a passageway to this realm. all while this happened, Sora looked at the demons

"You let your guard down," Sora said calmly, making the demon lower their heads slightly. Sora shook his head slightly. mistakes happened, and this was their first true battle, if the demon realm was not so peaceful thanks to the demon lord, then he would have been after to make sure they don't make such mistakes. Sora shook his head before looking towards the portal.

"how long till this portal is wide enough for them to pass through, the true battle is about to begin," Sora asked calmly while looking off into the space far away, his senses were sharp. forget this planet, this whole galaxy would be within his sense if he forced hard enough, and if his target aura wasn't so weak.

"in 1 hour, the D-tier demons would be able to pass through. we would need 5 hours for the C tier, about a day for the B tier, about a week for the A tier, and the time would be far greater for each tier." A demon reported, making Sora sigh softly.

these demons all entered his seal thanks to him taking control of the seal, it was easy to enter but hard to leave, so Sora just stayed there and had his demons enter the seal while waiting for him to be unsealed. As for how he was sure he would be unsealed, he could sense the gate Zeref and Shiro had built, his instincts were sharp.

"Then you guys would have a hard time ahead of you. buy time for reinforcement. this would not be like 1,000 years ago, get ready to face the true power of the celestial realm, and so on." Sora said calmly, to which everyone soldier slammed their spear onto the ground, creating a small earthquake.

Sora nodded before having them take potions, a few on the lookout, while others rested, they shall switch every 30 minutes. Sora on the other hand turned his attention to Irene and the others who were horrified at the level of power they just saw, in this fight, they would be the cannonfolder.

they were only demi-gods, with strength strengths not even touching a million, yet those here had the power to crush them with a fart.

"You want power?" Sora asked calmly, Irene being the strongest person among them stepped forward. She hesitated for a moment, not knowing what to say. She just regained her humanity, she had to admit she no longer wanted to be far from her daughter, but Zeref had told them all about the person before them and his reason for what he did what did.

"I'm willing to follow the lord." Larcade Dragneel is A rather tall, young demon with spiky hair, who is dressed in a kasaya. he is characterized by his peaceful and harmonious attitude, always in the mindset to protect his family and comrades. Titled the "White Dragneel" as the strongest failed copy of the attempts to recreate Natsu.

his Magics revolve around the three human desires: sex, hunger, and slumber to incapacitate the ones before him. Larcade ended up seeing Zeref as his father, the fact Zeref already had a son was a huge blow to him, so he sought some form of acceptance through Sora.

"Larcande Dragneel, come forward," Sora said calmly, Larcade stepped forward with some unease. but Sora placed his hand on his head and looked at him as if he was looking at his own son, Larcande couldn't help but start crying,

"Many things chain your mind and your heart, you carry my name, so you can't go around bringing shame to my name," Sora said softly as his magical power exploded, Larcande's eyes widened before his pupils disappeared. before everyone, Larcande floated into the sky, with his legs crossed

"Irene, if you want to go to your daughter go. I will not hold you down to stay on my side or anything like that. I don't want followers who are forced to follow me," Sora said calmly, stunning Irene for some time.

"... I will stay, I owe you my life. you returned me my humanity, something I was willing to pay with my soul." She said softly, Sora said calmly as his magic power rushed out, entering Irene's mind, followed by the others who stepped forward.

Sora using his ability, [True Freedom] allowed them to face their darkness. to be honest, the only reason Sora could gain his level of freedom was because of who he was, he went to war with the chains keeping him from freedom, fought, and won, gaining him the current freedom.

In other words, using his power of war, which he had yet to fully awaken, he went to war. now, he was having them fight for their freedom. this would increase their strength by a huge amount, but since they were not him, they couldn't fight the deepest part of themselves, so they couldn't gain the same degree of freedom as Sora off the bat, but Sora could slowly help them. also, Sora could help them in their battle, he was War after all.

Sora waved his hand, and a bubble surrounded all of them, and within that bubble, time began to speed up. days, weeks, months, and years passed in seconds, all while the army of demons watched on with envy. Since they were not truly under Sora, Sora number bothered to give them such a gift

After this, they would be at least 100 times stronger, but thats not even taking into account the crazy level of magic power control and hidden power they would be able to use. it's safe to say they would be 1,000 times stronger at least. but if one looked closer, one would notice that Sora was transforming their body and blind to better have them suit being his follower.

"they would be launching an attack soon, I will be their main target. so, just keep your full attention on protecting the portal. remain on high alert, and don't force me to be using more power than needed before the real fight begins." Sora said calmly, to which they all noted. Sora raised his palm into the sky, and from his palm, a beam of energy shot into the sky.

the beam spread out, forming a barrier around the city. within the barrier, walls formed, blocking off the outside world, and at the same time many magical weapons formed, aiming towards the outside world.

"This bastard." within the demon realm, the demon lord watched Sora's actions with some annoyance, why didn't Sora put up the barrier sooner? he wanted Ellen to rush forward and take a few demons to use for that spell. Sora was not truly her ally, Sora was using her the same way she was using him. She didn't catch Sora off guard with her favor or whatever, she planned into his trap, making her think she was forcing when in truth it was what he wanted.

Sora set everything up, giving the world hundreds of years to get ready, while also giving himself time to grow even stronger. he was now a power house like none other, and she didn't even know the full limits of Sora's powers.