
The strongest in the Omniverse

Upon death, our mc finds himself chosen to become some powerful being with an important task. There seem to be others like him, and many might even have systems. These powerful beings seemed to have almost been killed by beings, not of this world, their death would mean the end of the world, so they have to pass on their roles. Follow Mc, on a journey to become the strongest there is.

Itachi102 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

The Forest 2

"Ook-ook!" the cries of monkeys sounded through the top of the trees, before a group of monkeys appeared, looking at the dead body of the snake. these were a unique type of monkeys that eat meat and fruits, but they enjoyed meat above all others.

looking at the part of the snake which was already opened up, they looked around to see if the person who killed this snake was around before they moved in to eat. they of course went for the open part within the snake, it would be the easiest place for them to eat from, so they began to start fighting to be the first to take a bite.

but the leader appeared, leading all of them to move to the side. unlike the rest, the leader of the monkeys was large and was gray fur. the monkey leader went in for a bite, but it suddenly froze, something which confused everyone, but they quickly understood what happened

from the cut within the snake, a figure covered in blood shot out, and with a snake fang in its hands, the figure stabbed the chest of the nearest monkey. with his whole body, Sora managed to knock the monkey off the tree branch, but he didn't fall along with the monkey and instead fused the monkey falling back to pull out the fang.

Sora cracked his neck while looking around him, there were about 12 monkeys, and he just took down 2 of them. to be honest, if Sora knew that these monkeys would be coming, he wouldn't have waited to set up an ambush,

if the normal monkey back on earth could rip a person's body with its arms alone, Sora was sure these monkeys could do that with greater ease. luckily, he took out the leader with a stab to the mouth when its mouth was open, sadly he lost one of the snake fangs from taking it out.

the monkey began letting out cries of rage before they shot towards Sora, Sora stepped backward, trying to see which monkey would arrive the quickest. unlike the snake, these monkeys could be taken down. he shall use the monkey's powers against them, but he had to be careful as one attack might leave him out.

a huge palm slammed down upon Sora, but Sora stepped forward, grabbed the arm of the huge monkey, and flipped it towards another monkey which was in mid-air, the two monkeys and Sora went sent falling to the ground, and Sora quickly moved to land on the monkey body while making sure the monkey landed head first.

the monkey nake broke upon all its weight plus Sora slammed upon it, Sora fell heavily on the ground, but he quickly picked himself up, and kicked the arm of the second monkey, leading to the monkey which was about to get up to fall face first. Sora jumped up, and slammed his feet on the monkey's head, before stabbing the snake fang through the monkey's back and into the monkey's heart.

{Congratulations host, you have leveled up to level 3... all your stats have been gained +3. the host is now equal to that of an Athlete} the system said as Sora, flipped backward, dodging a monkey that fell on top of the monkey he was just on.

Sora shot forward, and with the boost to his stats, he found it hard to control his current stats, after all, they were all 8 right now. Of course, Sora tried his best to make sure that his sudden gain of power didn't show, who knows if he was being watched?

the monkey slammed its down fist down at the spot Sora was running towards, but Sora stepped to the side, dodging this attack, before jumping up and slamming his leg to the side of the monkey's head.

the monkey was sent stumbling to the side, and as soon as it caught itself, Sora's leg slammed the side of its head once more, before he flipped backward as more monkeys appeared, rushing towards him.

{Now, focus. listen to every footstep, every breath, the wind} the system said as Sora took a deep breath while looking at the incoming monkeys. and so, a battle of 8 to 1 went on, the monkey had a durability of 12, so Sora had to attack key points on their body if he wanted to do any damage to them.

of course, attacking one point over and over would do damage to the monkey, but that would take up more energy and time. So, Sora attacked the head, ears, and stomach, or flipped the monkeys over each time.

all while doing so, he was using {sharp instincts}, leading his Intelligence to reach 40. being doing so, the XP {Sharp Instincts) gained increased by a great degree, in truth, Sora never used {Sharp Instincts} to such a degree before, he was trying to learn to maximize his ears, which was super complex while in battle.

but when {Sharp Instincts} leveled up to level 10, {Sharp Instincts} no longer boosted his Intelligences stats by 5 times, and instead it boosted it by 10 times. with a stat of 80 in intelligence, to say the least, his senses were far sharper than before, and with his senses sharper and his thinking capability sharpened, he had an easier time jumping around.

{Master hand-to-hand combat} also reached level 3, allowing his martial arts skills to take another step forward. because of this, Sora was better able to fight the monkeys and even read their moves, while at the same time, his movement got harder to read.

{one more and you would level up.} the system said as Sora said on money breathing heavily, he was both physically and mentally tired. he looked around him for some time, before signing.

'At least my guess was right, there is a high likely hood there would not be too many magical beasts coming here. This snake might be an overload here, if my guess is right then the magical animals here are not too powerful. that snake might have been considered the true powerhouse here.' Sora thought before his instincts began ringing the danger bells, his senses were shaped, before he jumped to the side, just in time to dodge a huge jaguar that jumped out of nowhere.

Sora rolled over, and quickly got his feet, where he began walking in circles, seeing as the Jaguar was doing the same.

'it's faster than me, those sharp claws would be troublesome... does it have magical energy?' Sora's eyes narrowed the more he looked at the Jaguar, he was no match for this thing, and that was even more so when he was in this tired state.

'if I can guess how it would attack, I could use it and slam the Jaguar on its neck, but would that blow kill it if it has magical energy? I should retreat, this isn't a human,' Sora thought before shooting toward the Jaguar which did the same

the jaguar jumped at Sora, who instead slide onto the ground, dodging it, before he got up and jumped into the trees and shot to the snake where he grabbed a few snakes, and ran off, the Jaguar was about to run after him, but in the end, it didn't, and went to go enjoy the meal, it managed to scare off Sora, so its job was done

So, went on to find himself clean water which he began to clean himself up, and rest for a moment before he found a cave, but there was a bear within the cave. Sora thought for a moment before he went to go catch a few fishes, which he placed at the entrance of the cave, after which he grabbed a large rock and waited on top of the cave

it didn't take long for the sleeping bear to come out of the cave, and of course, it was on guard, looking around to see where the fish came from, before it went on to take a bit, but Sora took that moment, falling from the sky and slamming the rock hard on the bears head, adding the force from the win, and Sora free falling, the bear died.

{Congratulations, you reached level 4. your stats increased by 2, all are now 10.} The system said

Sora went on to go make a fire. Sora knew how to make a fire, it was one of a skill he learned as a kid back in his past life, and even in this life within the slums. after the fire was made, Sora caught himself from fish which he cocked, before eating.

after he was full, found a rock which he sharpened, and he went on to skin the bear, he went on to turn the bear fur into something he shall use as a blanket for the cold nights. he also would make clothing using other animal clothing, that jaguar was a good option, and Sora believed he should be strong enough to kill it now, but first, he should go to sleep, it was night.

So, Sora went on to pull the bear into the river, before he went on to go to sleep, he was sure he might be wakened by animals which would be attracted by the smell, but hopefully, the bear being washed away by the river might draw them elsewhere...

"..." within a dark basement, with the only hint of light coming from a window, a little light skin body was sitting, his leg tied up to a rope that was connected to the wall. the door to the basement slowly opened, and a light skin body around the same age as the kid who was tied up entered the basement,

"... luck for you, it's required by law you go to school. and since mom doesn't have the energy to home-school you, you are going to school tomorrow." the kid said with a mocking smile while stepping on the kid's face, who didn't even react to all of this, which annoyed the kid

"you killed Dad, yet you sit here as if you're the victim," he said angrily before he kicked the kid in the stomach, causing the kid to fall to the ground, struggling for air.

"you seemed to have forgotten your place." He said while walking upstairs, and came back down with a burning hot rod. the kid's eyes shook slightly seeing the rod, but he said nothing, as he was beaten by the rod...

"..." Sora opened his eyes, before looking in front of him at the cave where a bat had entered. Sora looked at the bt for some time, before he looked at himself,

'is this Déjà vu?' Sora thought with a hint of a smile, but it wasn't a happy smile, more of a mocking smile. he grew up in a basement, around bats. and now he was within a cave, among the bats. shaking his head, he got up and left the cave, instead of sleeping he should be training.

well, it was more like him escaping and reliving his path by having his mind be pointed elsewhere. Sora was a killer, in his past life his first kill was his father. his mother and twin brother hated him for that, and hit the punching bag, their pet which they kept locked away in the basement,

it was because of the way he grew up that lead him to be on the streets so much, it was the only warmth he could find. hanging around scums were the only people who accepted him, so joined the streets. drive-by shootings, robbing gas stations, going to war with other gangs, kidnapping to send messages, and so on. Sora did it all, Sora formed his gang, and Sora put a bullet in between the forehead of innocents and none innocents, all before he was in 11th grade.

but by the 11th grade, a woman pulled him back from the path he was on, she accepted him for all his flaws and mistake, and pushed him to do something better with his life... he fell in love, and he began going to church, he becomes a new person... yet his story ended by her killing him.

that hurt more than anything his twin brother or mother ever did to him, all the bullet wounds he ever got, all of his scars... it's the scar she gave him that hurts the most.

MC lover from the past shall return... but as what should she embody?

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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