
The strongest in the Omniverse

Upon death, our mc finds himself chosen to become some powerful being with an important task. There seem to be others like him, and many might even have systems. These powerful beings seemed to have almost been killed by beings, not of this world, their death would mean the end of the world, so they have to pass on their roles. Follow Mc, on a journey to become the strongest there is.

Itachi102 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

The End Of the Exam

The 10 mages watched as Sora went on to rest for some time before going to hunt down the 4 animals which ruled part of the forest. they were all left quiet, not able to speak for some time as what they saw was too shocking.

Ellen was a talent, she was born with so much magical energy that it was slowly killing kill, they had to ask Merlin to save her, which he did. Ellen was one of the few people Merlin thought could become the hero alongside Sora. Of course, Merlin was not going to pick just one hero, he planned to have a small part join them

Ellen was already considered a monster for her age, and thanks to Merlin's secret teaching, the 5-year-old girl was a super monster. but not even Merlin would have expected her defeat at the hands of another 5 year old who had no magic,

Sora was a bit too ruthless, and his instincts were sharp enough to locate her weakness. in the end, Ellen was simply a 5-year-old, there was a limit to the amount of stuff she could master from such a young age, but this only made Sora stand out even more.

everyone watched as Sora spent the remaining few days playing with his magical energy, trying to form a perfect ball with it. but he failed each time, and in no time the days passed and everyone within the forest was soon teleported out, where the few remaining 493 let out a deep sigh of relief seeing that they passed. all but Sora who looked at Merlin, wishing to find a moment where he could run away and never look back, but Merlin only smiled at him, as if giving him the go-ahead to try

"493 of you managed to pass, for those who died while taking the exam.... they too had passed," Merlin said confusing everyone, but those who should have died suddenly called out to their friends while running over to hug them, leaving everyone confused

"the true part of the exam was to test everyone's courage and to put you all in a sure death potions. you are all children, so of course you couldn't survive in a new and dangerous environment. you all stepped forward knowing that the chances of your deaths were high, you all fought to the best of your capabilities to survive, and some of you put yourselves in harm's way for the sake of others. such bravery, and courage, gave you all the chance to move on to the next part of the exam. but for those who stepped out, they have been returned home." Merlin said calmly, making Sora's eyes twitch, if this wasn't the most fucked up exam he ever heard of. only a sick and twisted person could come up with such a thing, and say it as if he was wise

Merlin's lips twitched slightly at Sora's thoughts, but he ignored Sora. Merlin was trying to temper the heroes, not play school. if they couldn't handle it, then they could go home... all but Sora.

"the next part of the exam is simple, a tournament that would take place for the following 2 months. To motivate you all, you should know your parents and others would be coming to see the final day of the tournament...oh, that reminds me, one of you is given the chance to avoid all of the battles and only have to fight in the finals," Merlin said, making everyone look on with hope, hoping it would be them.

"if everyone looks at the latter given to them by the bird, it would tell you all who this lucky person is. so pull it out." Merlin said, to which Sora pulled out the latter, which suddenly began to glow with a golden light, while everyone else remain normal. everyone's attention was drawn to Sora,

"How lucky, since you skip every match, that means that you shall at least end up in the 3 place, which comes with many good rewards. To think you can even avoid wasting your energy, and avoid getting injured until the final days," Merlin said with a node, making everyone throw looks of envy towards Sora

"Until then, you are all given 2 months to train and learn everything the academy could offer. but there would be a few things locked until the tournament is complete... oh before I forget if anyone manages to take the badge of the person with the skip to the finals, they would replace him. As for the badge, they would show you all the information you need to get around the academy," Merlin said with a hint of a mocking smile, before he disappeared, leaving everyone looking at Sora with a hungry look.

Sora ignored them, and simply looked at the latter which transformed, everyone's attention was drawn to their latter as well which transformed. everyone was swallowed in a light, and the next moment they found themselves cleaned up, and wearing uniforms. everyone's uniform was the same.

it was black robes with a red shirt under. there was also a black tie around them. the robes were flexible, wouldn't get in the way of combat, and seemed to enhance their strength to some degree. there was a badge hung on everyone's chest

but everyone quickly noticed that their uniform was not the same. Sora had on black and gold robes, with a red shirt. it was the same as everyone, instead, his looked a bit... cooler, making him stand out. his badge was also golden, seemly made out of real gold.

"I will break the arms and legs of whoever tries their luck." Sora's chilling voice sounded before he turned and look, leaving those few who knew Sora shaking in fear, while others took this chance to attack Sora. but before they could, a flash appeared, blocking them

"why must you be so harsh," Ellen said with a frown, but Sora ignored her and entered the building, level many to think Ellen was protecting Sora.

Sora touched the badge slightly, and he was caught off guard as an image of his stats in the academy appeared, even showing him what he was to say. Sora thought and information on what to say appeared on the hologram, allowing him to see more formations about his place

'I can have a plus 1 stay with me until the end of the tournament and the number would be increased by 4 if I keep this place? interesting... that reminds me, where is Yoshi?' Sora thought before looking back toward the crowd, with his senses, he quickly located the silver-haired woman, and with a cold glare, she was forced to walk forward and follow behind him.

She wanted to cry, but she did enough crying in the forest where she ended up dying at the hands of a monster. to say the least, she felt every moment of death. she would be traumatized if magic wasn't used to heal the trauma

Sora went to his dorm, which was located at the back of the academy building, where a few houses were built... by a few, Sora meant hundreds. Sora asked Yoshi where his house was, but to his shock, her house was within the academy, it turned out that these houses were for elites, and for now Sora was the only elite. and his house was the only mansion amongst every house here, making his lips twitch slightly,

Sora went to the mansion, and was met by a maid who greeted him, under Sora's orders, she showed him around, which took a few hours. after all was done, Sora had Yoshi pick a room, while he went to the library to read away on anything related to magic

'Magic Power is the energy that allows Mages to employ Magic, and it is composed of Ethernano, the m. Every Mage has a container inside their body that determines the limits of their Magic Power. In the case that it becomes empty, Ethernano comes from the atmosphere and enters the Mage's body.' Sora read through the first book which was the basics of magic, but what was Ethernano?

Ethernano is the term coined to name particles of Magic. Ethernano dwells inside all living organisms, the Earth, and throughout the atmosphere. Nobody knows when Magic began, or how Ethernano originated. To utilize Magic, a Mage must use their power. Ethernano is the source of Magic Power for all Mages.

Sora went on to read through many books, and in the end, he sat down and fell into deep thought about everything he read, and one point stood out to him

"Magic is the physical embodiment of the spirit. When the physical spirit of an organism connects with the spiritual flow of nature, the spirit forms Magic as a product of the connection. Though Magic goes beyond reason, it is still born of reason and it takes an enormous amount of concentration and mental ability to use it... What's my spirit?" Sora asked softly

{you noticed, indeed your magical power will be unique, your spirit is the concept of now. which is of course yet to be tapped into. if you do, who knows whose universes might just disappear?} The system said

Sora thought for some time before he looked at the few magic he was allowed to learn here, he wasn't interested in learning stuff like Fire magic and so on, it would simply slow him down from mastering the control of his power. instead, he picked a few slightly rare magic

Telekinesis, Telepathy, and lastly Thought Projection.

Telekinesis A type of Magic that allows its user to move and take control of objects with their mind and use them for whatever purpose they wish, such as for battle. some of the most powerful mages who use this magic as their main form of magic are almost untouchable. they have the power to bend the light around them to create illusion, take hold of other magic, fly, move mountains around, and so on

Sora being from Earth has seen just what people with this magic were capable of doing, with his, Sora could break apart atoms and put them together to create just about anything he could think of. he could enhance and strengthen himself, and the list goes on.

Telekinesis strength would reflect Sora's Intelligence stats, so the greater his stats are, the greater the power output would be. then you have to pick telekinesis, empowered by magical energy, all working alongside his body. sure controlling all 3 at the same time would be hard, but not impossible.

Next was Telepathy. Telepathy is a Caster Magic that allows the user to communicate through their thoughts. This is a type of Magic that allows the user to be able to talk with other people through their thoughts, converse over long distances, and hear thoughts. The number of people a Mage can connect with at one time depends on the user's magical ability.

But Sora knew how to use this magic for more than speaking. you could trap a person within an illusion within their mind, you can take over others' bodies, you can take control of a person's body, and you can read a person's memory and mind. some of the stuff Sora was thinking of had already been done, but not to the degree Sora was thinking off.

Lastly, Thought Projection. A type of Magic that allows its user to create a psychic copy of his or her body. This Magic can work even over great distances, allowing the user to essentially be in two places at once. While some Thought Projections are intangible like holograms, used merely for communication.

those who master this magic can create a unique Thought Projection that can physically interact with people and objects, despite lacking a physical form. The creation and maintenance of this specific Thought Projection are very taxing, essentially halving the user's overall Magic Power; however, once this particular Thought Projection reunites with the user's body, their Magic Power returns to normal.

among the 10 strongest mages, was one who was known as 1,000 Thoughts. He was able to create 1,000 thought projections, each with 50% of his strength. such a powerful mage although weaker than the others, he was able to outnumber them all, he was a walking one-man army.

since one could create more than one thought projection, and the higher the mastery of this magic was, the more thought projections one could make, and with greater strength, Sora wanted to make them help in his strengthening. Since he and the thought projection would be linked, what they learn he learns,

All Sora learned was mental base magic, this was because he wanted to get in tune with his mind, and have a greater mastery of his mind. he wasn't the type who liked to get mad and lose control, that was a weakness. during his days as a gangster, Sora learned that those who are normally calm are the most dangerous, something he kept to heart and kept with him ever since.

Sora rarely loses control and tried his best to keep his mind open, willing to take in others' points of view. Sora didn't want to be like one of those old people who are so headstrong on one topic that they couldn't even listen to others' options, thinking that their way was a fact.

A calm and empty state of mind, to have the power to go from a calm state of being, to an enraged state of being free was the power Sora wished to have. To Sora, that was a scary power to hold

'system, is there something like calm rage?' Sora asked calmly while making Sora remember the magic,

{oh? Do you want to have the boost in stats from [Waring Mind], of being calm and enraged at the same time? it's not impossible, but that skill would make it harder. luckily for you, you know what it's like to feel true rage, and at the same time inner peace. two use two, is going to be hard. but the best way I can think of is by putting yourself in an illusion using telepathy, and making yourself as enraged as you could be while remaining calm. two contradictions, but thats what war is.} The system said to which Sora agree slightly, but to do such a thing, he needed to master this new magic, so he got to work.

Classes would start tomorrow, Sora plan to of course join and take notes. the more he knew, the better, he was sure this academy would have the best teachers...

Later that night, in Ellen's room. she stood before a magic crystal while talking to a red-haired woman whose face was in the cycle.

"Mom, you would not believe what happened in the forest," Ellen said with a smile, to which the woman on the other end, smiled while asking her to tell her

"I was defeated by someone the same age as me, and he had no magical energy. his combat skills were far better than mine, I will admit I was enraged so I was fighting blindly, but in the end, a lose is a lose." She said with a happy smile, making her mother stunned as she knew her daughter.

"the same age as you? tell me the kid's name, I haven't heard of anyone like that." Her mother said with a deep frown, trying to think of someone

"Well, he is a commoner, his name was Sora. I plan to go train hard and challenge him again, I think he awakened his magical power, so he might be even stronger, I must train hard." Ellen said with a flame burning in her eyes, but her mother was frozen upon hearing Ellan words.

"D-describe him for me." Her mother said while forcefully keeping herself calm, Ellen frown for a moment as she thought of the best way to describe Sora

"Let's see, he has Dad's hair. it's not scarlet like mine, more of a darker red. his eyes are ruby red, but they are as cold as ice. he is strong for his age, stronger than me if I didn't have my enchantment magic," Ellen said while trying her best to think of other stuff, but her mother was frozen on the spot hearing this.

"I-i have to go... I will contact you tomorrow." She said before the crystal ball went blank, leaving Ellen's head tilting to the side in confusion, normally she and her mother would speak for others. this was the first time something like this happened. but she didn't care, she had to get to bed and wake up early to learn everything she could, in two months, she shall defeat Sora. That was her goal...