
Chapter 137 - Shadows

This source of power, this heavenly substance had many labels and names throughout history, like 'Mana' for those having their roots deep in the middle ages, or even straight-up named as the Life Essence or 'Qi' in the ancient eastern civilizations... or just simply 'Energy' by those who have followed along the long and endless path of nature's constant evolution and have turned into something... more, something different.

In the end, they were all referring to the same source, the same type of energy, the one that only Aziel could truly understand how different it was from everything these realm's residents were thinking. Only he understood that this [Aether] as that it truly was and how fundamentally unique everything about it was.

Still, although everyone had it, it was merely a sliver, a minuscule amount. A single drop would be enough to sustain the average human and let him live his feeble, mortal life to the fullest.