
The Strongest Contractor

After the appearance of the all the mythical beings everyone on earth acquired a power equal to the god by making a contract with them.As I made a contract with a Goddess and trained for 2 years everything on earth changed not only the places but also the system.But why did this mythical beings suddenly popped out of nowhere?

Just_a_Normal_Kid · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Year 2022

Felix Efren's POV:

*Angeles City,Pampanga(Philippines)*

I saw the skies turning slowly turning black.

"What is that?",a phrase I heard from every direction

I turned around just to see all the people around me held their phone recording the event.

After the skies turned black,an extreme earthquake has started from the ground.

The seas have all started to make huge waves making all the fishermen rush back to the ground.

People around me has started panicking and shouting.

Some are yelling for help as they run for their lives,while some are just too terrified to move.

I screamed myself inside "MOVE!" as I forcibly trying to make my feet move.

I was too scared and terrified to even make a single movement.

"What the hell is that?",a girl from my left side started to scream as she pointed her ring finger to the direction.

People have started screaming more loudly from what they saw.

I forced myself to turn to the direction immediately to see

But then five mysterious figures have started to appear on our city.They are as big as the building that just been destroyed from the earthquake.

I see a girl with wings with a scarlet glow around her ,a dude with a lightning on his hands and many more.

"Fear not Humans" ,the girl with wings stated as she slowly go down to our level of sight.As she slowly go down she started to shrink to the size of a human.

As the girl started to land on the ground ,everyone around me including myself have started to heal from our injuries.

She started to kneel on the ground slowly ,she touched the ground said "Heal thy wound O beautiful Earth".

The grounds have started to repair.

Every places in any direction I see have all go back to what they look like before.

Trees have grow taller from what they are before.

The seas have started to calm down along with the animals living on it.

Everything has been fixed in just a second.

It is as if nothing happened.

I was speechless from what I saw.

It is beyond human's capability to reach such height.

It was that moment when mythical legends have started to cross my mind.

I have always been interested on those topic before but to my surprise they really are real.

I screamed to myself "that girl with wings with scarlet glow must be Faerie"

"The Goddess of Spirits",as I look into the figure I saw her looking me at my eyes

As she turn her head to the other direction she announced "We deeply apologize for the damage that has been done and the casualties from every side of earth."

"You,Motherfuckers!",a civilian suddenly thrown a rock to the figures shouting from the despair he felt

"My son died because of what you all did!"

But then a lightning came so fast that human eyes can never follow it

It made the civilian blown into pieces in just a second.

"Zeus! Do not kill the humans,it is no their fault!",Faerie shouted to the guys holding a lightning.

Continuing what she is trying to say,"We are what you humans call the Mythical creatures"

"We do not wish to harm you,in fact we want to co exist with all of you",turning her gaze again into me

"What's up with her?",as I ask myself out of confusion but then I realized the fear I felt was suddenly gone.

I feel as if nothing happened.

"We,Mythical creatures will form a contract to a human who will be able to peek our interest"

"A contract?What is that?",a woman suddenly asked out of the blue

"The contract will be the heart that will make us Mythical creatures share our powers with you humans",as she gently explain to reduce the fear humans feel

"But the power we will be able to share will always depends on how strong you are to be able to unleash our strength"

"A strong body will not help you on unleashing our great prowess.But a strong spirit or a strong will,will make you able to unleash our full strength"

"But of course there will always be a consequences,the human who can't bear our strength while making a contract will explode"

That sentenced made the excitement of the civilians turn into fear.

"Now,everything is now ready all you humans have to do now is to find us!"

"Find us and you will be able to make a contract",as she slowly walked through the rift that the guy with a black cape made

It was pure silence when they finally left.

But then a single phrase broke all the silence and made all the civilians filled with——

"That means I can also become a god?",a civilian broke the silence out of nowhere

—-joy,excitement and fear

Faerie's POV:

I placed a link with that human as I am curious that he felt no fear when I got down compared to other ones.

"How can he know my name?"

My name is a mystery,only my elemental higher spirits are the ones that humans know.

Out of curiosity I made a rift through the city where I have been before to try to find the human.

I shrinked myself into my spirit form making me as small as a point finger of an adult.

Many hours have pass when finally i succeeded

"There he is!"